Hi. I'm Hippie Mike!
Hippie Mike is a man of many talents, many skills and many creations. A master of construction, Mike loves to build and create unique and custom projects, but he also takes the same mind frame to everything else he does.
Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Kitsch Demo at Chuck Bailey Video

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Here’s the video from the Kitsch Teams second stop on their Freaks and Geeks Demo, held at Chuck Bailey Skate Park where we showed their video on the Urban Screen afterwards. Hosted by myself, enjoy the skating styles of Geoff Dermer, Stacy Gabriel, Mike Hastie, Will Blakley, Jordan Bacon and more…

Video by Mike Graveline

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Andy Anderson Extreme Sports Glory Daze Hippie Mike Hippie Mike's Messed Up Mind Skateboarding Team Riders

GLORY DAZE – Episode 3 Andy Anderson – “It’s Good to be King”

Welcome to Episode 3 of GLORY DAZE with Hippie Mike. We’re hangin’ out all day today with one of the most consistent skaters in the Fraser Region. He was named “King of the Bowls” and “King of Surrey” last year in 2011 at the raw age of 15. His sponsors include Protest Skateboards, Vans Shoes, Kilian Clothing, Monke Hardware and Pd’s Hot Shop. Give it up for Andy Anderson!! 

Andy Anderson: How you doin’ Mike?

Hippie Mike: Good, Andy, we’re gonna get right into this, your only 16 years old but how long have you been skateboarding?

Andy Anderson: I’ve been skateboarding for 12 years, so since I was 4

HM: Wow. Can you explain how you first met me and what influence I had on you at that time

Andy: Well, I met you at a Cloverdale Hippie Mike’s Competition. I came in 3rd in Beginner or something, back when you didn’t have Mini. And all I remember is this way too big yellow Substance T-Shirt that I won. I wore it around my house for like 2 weeks, man

HM: So we’re here at the White Rock Bowl/South Surrey Skate Park where you have been training at for the majority of your lifetime, do you think this park has made you the skateboarder that you are today?

Andy: Definitely, because of the various obstacles here. Nothing is actually made for skateboarding, at least that’s how it feels, but I don’t know, White Rock teaches you how to be a Well-rounded Skateboarder – tranny; difficult street

HM: What do you think would be different if you had grown up somewhere else?

Andy: I’d be more based upon one style of skateboarding I think. Also, you’re pretty excluded out here, like it’s the other side of the world for North Van, you know, so I don’t really get to watch that many people unless they’re locals

HM: In the past few years you have consistently placed Top 3 in the majority of competitions that you entered. Is there added pressure in your mind to always win because of that?

Andy: Well that has started recently, but not really, I try to keep that all out. I always fall; I always get extremely hurt whenever I feel slight stress and my mind gets all scrambled. But as long as I’m not worried about winning, I always do good

HM: What was the best contest you ever won?

Andy: King of the Bowls (Big Smiles), Whistler… Ah man, that was awesome. That bowl just like, the park makes the competition because the park is so great, and then they host such a great competition at such a classic bowl. I don’t know…

HM: Well Whistler’s a great bowl though, and Whistler has 3 different parks in reality you can skate so there’s all different kinds of styles

Andy: Yeah!

HM: I referred to you as one of the most consistent skaters in the Lower Mainland/Fraser Region, and it’s true, especially in contest runs. How does it make you feel when you know that everyone else at the contest is sitting there hoping you screw up during your runs so they have a chance to win?

Andy: (Laughs) Uhhh, I’ve never thought of it like that. I just always try to block out everything else

HM: Do you think that they have that thought in their brain or are they actually routing for you to win, again?

Andy: That has legitimately never crossed my mind (Laughs)


HM: Okay, tell the world about the support that your parents have given you and are still giving you in your ventures as a skateboarder

Andy: Oh Man my parents are great. They help me out with everything. They bought me stuff when I needed stuff, you know, that was a big thing, and like I don’t know what to say about them…. Dad drives me out to Victoria every year for like a week and we just go skateboarding. He would take time off, like a fuckin’ week, to go skateboarding. And he doesn’t even skateboard. It was awesome

HM: Name your 3 favorite Skate Parks

Andy: White Rock, Leeside… Oh man, this 3rd one’s gonna be hard to hit…. I’m gonna say Hastings

HM: Name your 3 favorite Skate Spots

Andy: Oh man, Cooper’s Park for sure (under the Cambie Street Bridge), uhhhhh, can you count Bear Creek as a Skate Spot?

HM: Sure

Andy: Okay Bear Creek Park! And, ummm, Georgia Banks

HM: Name your 3 favorite Skate Companies

Andy: Oh like legitimately? Vans, Skull Skates, Protest

HM: Name your 3 favorite people to skate with

Andy: (Deep Breath) I do a lot of skating by myself, but….

HM: Are you one of your favorites to skate with?

Andy: (Laughs) Okay yeah, myself. You (Hippie Mike) always push me to do shit, because like nobody pushes me, there all just like kind of sittin’ back yellin’ “Do it! Do it!” getting me really hurt all the time. So you’re definitely not in the Top 3 (laughs), no you’re up there. I don’t know.. Who else do I skate with, Joe Buffalo

 HM: Joe Buffalooooo!! Tell us about your favorite Skateboard Experience ever

Andy: King of Bowls, King of Bowls


HM: Last year in 2011, you won 2 huge titles in this region: “King of Surrey” – for placing in the Top 3 the most times in Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey & “King of the Bowls” – for the same status in the Bowl Series. Right around the same time, you got put on Team Protest, and had a video part in the latest edition of The Protest Profile on the Ear Goggles DVD. What was it like to be 15 years old and have all of this happening at that time?

Andy: Phew, dude. Skateboarding is like my complete life right? So when skateboarding works out it’s just my whole life is working out. It was great. It was the peak so far


HM: In May of this year, 2012, you showed up to the World Round-Up Freestyle Skateboarding Contest hosted by Kevin Harris and asked if you could enter. How come?

Andy: Well, my girlfriend wanted me to go to the Rodeo, and I wasn’t super stoked on it, but I heard there was this skateboarding thing going on so I thought I’d show up and I thought it would be a bunch of guys doing Tre Flips on flat or something, but it ended up being a full-fledged Freestyle Competition

HM: During the Finals, legendary photographer Jim Goodrich came over to where we were sitting and complimented you in front of your parents saying how nice you were, how talented you were, and how you were the one pushing the rest of the group to try harder. How did that make you feel?

Andy: I didn’t know Jim, but really like, how popular is a photographer?? But afterwards I looked at some of his photos and they’re just some of the most classic stuff, like Jay Adams, and like, oh my gosh… so that felt amazing. Jim’s a really nice guy

HM: You ended up placing 5th in the Amateur Category out of about 16 people from around the globe. Did that change your life in any way?

Andy: (Laughing) I didn’t realize that I was that good at Freestyle

HM: (Laughs) So you’ve always practised Freestyle? Are you some sort of “hide in your room” guy at night just doing primo tricks?

Andy: Well I was for like 1 winter. I just got super into like Truck Stands and Primos and stuff, but I always do Manuals and Shovits when I’m skating and that’s a big part of Freestyle, I didn’t realize that

HM: Are you stoked to have a legend like Kevin Harris invite you to perform Freestyle Demos with him?

 Andy: Yes, that is amazing. Kevin Harris is an amazing guy, and he’s got me doing some amazing stuff


HM: So far, you have mastered all types of transitional skating like old bowls, new bowls, mini-ramps, barricades and pools, you can lay down tons of ledge and rail tricks wherever and whenever you want to, and you made a name for yourself in the Freestyle World, what the hell can we expect next from Andy Anderson?

Andy: Hopefully some flip tricks

HM: (Laughs) Alright, I want to thank you for being on GLORY DAZE with Hippie Mike. I have known you and taught you skateboarding skills since you were 7 years old.

I saw your potential right away to be an amazing skateboarder and an amazing person, and I’m glad I got to be there to help encourage you all these years. You are one of the nicest kids out there on the skate scene, you keep it humble, not cocky, and you truly are living in your Glory Daze right now, and I think it’s still gonna get better though…

Andy: Glory Daze

HM:  You make me very proud buddy – Andy Anderson everybody…..

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Contest Results Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Nyjah Takes the Cake away from Canada

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West49 Take the Cake contest just went down at Toronto’s own Canada’s Wonderland. Lots of Canadian Skaters representing hard in the Finals including both Decenzos, Paulie Machnau, Matt Berger and Micky Papa. All these dudes kill it on a normal basis and showed up to this event in West Coast Fashion, shreddin’! I’m not gonna talk much about this event except to say that once again, the ruler of Street Skateboarding – Nyjah Huston – takes first place. But I love that the rest of the Top 5 were Vancouver Area Loc’s proving none the less that we live in the skateboard capital of Canada

1st Place – Nyjah Huston

2nd Place – Micky Papa

3rd Place – Matt Berger

4th Place – Ryan Decenzo

5th Place – Scott Decenzo

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Contest Results Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Battle at Hastings III – Recap

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What an insane contest. You couldn’t pick a better name for this event because it was absolutely nothing but a battle. Soldiers giving it their all and getting their asses kicked in return. Dave Priest went down with a dislocated knee, Adam Hopkins popped his shoulder out and smacked his face on a 540 in the finals, and many others slammed as hard as possible multiple times. It was more like the battle for survival at times. This was the most hardcore contest I’ve been at in years. Everyone wanted their share of the $10,000.

Thanks to Vans, Real, Bones, BLVD, Kevin Kelly and the rest of the guys that made today possible. It was sick.

A lot of head bangs, knee bongs and solid lands.

Here’s a little slideshow of some good times, we’ll get the video up soon.

And congrats to the top 5 

  1. Mason Merlino
  2. Mike from Seattle
  3. Chris Steggles
  4. Adam Hopkins
  5. Frontside Kid – James Clarke
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Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding Upcoming Events

It’s all up to the Voters Now!!

Who will be the winner of the $500? That’s up to the voters now.

You have until 11:59pm – September 11th to cast your votes.

Make it count…

Vote Herehttp://www.protestskateboards.com/leaderboard/

The winner will be announced September 15th, 2012 at the Grand Finale of Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey competition held at South Surrey/White Rock Skate Park, approximately 4:00pm.

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Contest Results Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding Stu Benoit Team Riders

Guess Who’s Back

It’s a long boring story, but it ends well. Years and years ago I was sponsored by Substance Skate Shop and I was the Team Manager. In ignorance I brought Jay Mykyte, Stu Benoit and Drew Boyle on to the Team from the other Surrey Sk8 ShopCoastal Riders. I say ignorance not because it was a bad move to bring them on, I love all those guys and am stoked for the relationships we built, but in hindsight it should have gone the other way and instead of taking 3 riders from Coastal’s Team, I should have moved on to theirs. Eventually the atmosphere at Substance was getting a little weird, and people were not as happy, and I ended up leaving the Team and going into Coastal Riders and asking if they’d hook me up. I didn’t need my name published, and I don’t really need any product because I already get everything I need for free or for cost. It was just for the sake of having a shop to promote. Then last year Jay Mykyte started his underground shop, Royalty Skate Shop in New West and so I started reppin’ for him to help promote his shop, but unfortunately things fell apart and the shop closed during the winter. Hopefully Jay will get it reopened one day, somewhere in Surrey.

So through all this battle of life, and a decade of chaos, I watched all these skate shops close in my part of town, West49 closed both their Surrey locations, Fluid disappeared of the planet, Board Kennel went under, Paul’s Boutique lives in the mall and doesn’t count in my eye as a Skate Shop, and Coastal Riders stood there alone, eventually moving out to Langley where majority of the clientele had been coming from for the past 10 years. I have always been strong friends with all the guys from Coastal and never had any bad blood, and I was looking at their team on the website one day and it just astonished me. I helped create that team in a sense. Most of the guys on the team grew up under my wings, learning through the contests and events I provided for them, and even just from being around me in their younger years. And I love all of them like my children. I remember little Magnus when he was like 12 years old and I called him “Mr. Varial Heelflip” because he demoed them everywhere. I knew way back then that we were gonna see his skills go off the chart someday. I remember watching John Hanlon learning back lips on the Bear Creek rail, and teaching Scotty Tyson Blunt Airwalks, and putting Andrew Classon on the Protest Team when he was barely 11 and filming him kickflipping huge sets of stairs and hittin’ rails. Almost every single one of these guys grew up competing in my contests and have fully impressed me at some point their young lives and I’m proud to be a part of their future. Dustin, Zaz, Hashbrown, Machnau, Stu, Derek Mayer and more. It’s a true team of real skateboarders who are out there to have fun while they skate, it’s a solid skate shop that is committed to promoting and supporting skateboarding to the fullest, and it’s where I belong.

Thanks to Billy McElhinney, Scott Fierbach and Adam Field for always supporting me without question.

Coastal Riders for life…

Now get ready for some nasty Hippie Mike footage again


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Contest Results Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Ollie North Skate Shop Photo Book – Cloverdale Contest

Here’s a little slide show by Laine Siebert showcasing some of the Ollie North Crew at the Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey Cloverdale Contest last Saturday. Nothing too crazy in these photos, just a bunch of skater dudes having a good time at a fun event. My favorite is the one of Mitch Salter and Jay White hugging and cheering. Makes you wonder what the hell was happening behind the camera.

Check it out now!!

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Andy Anderson Contest Results Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Whistler Video

Just saw the Whistler Bowl Series Video posted up on www.bcskateparks.com and had to put the link up.

My favorite place to be each August.

It’s a great video, really showcases how the day went, but it makes me jealous that I wasn’t able to skate in the contest this year, stupid pulled back… At least I got to be on the mic, another place I love.

Filmed and edited by Lenny Rubenovitch,

Check the vid


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Andy Anderson Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding Stu Benoit Team Riders Upcoming Events

Bowl Battles – Yes!!

Don’t forget that this Saturday is Battle at Hastings #3. Presented by Vans, Bones, Thunder, Thrasher Mag, Alien Workshop, 187, Real, Fourstar, Brixton, BLVD and Kevin Kelly, lots of cash to be won. It’ll be a sick event with some of the gnarliest Bowl Skaters Vancouver area has to offer. We’ll be entering Andy Anderson and Stu Benoit to represent for Protest Skateboards, they both know that bowl very well.

There’s gonna be a ton of rippers there. Pro or Am doesn’t matter, it’s a battle.

The big question is – who will beat Hopkins??

Saturday, September 1st, 2012

Hasting Park

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Cisco Gooding Extreme Sports Hippie Mike Jordan Strong Protest Skateboards Skateboarding Team Riders

Mackin Park Session in Coquitlam

A few of us Chuck Bailey Locs went to peep out the new Skate Park in Coquitlam, Mackin Park last Friday. Luckily there weren’t too many kids there because it’s tiny and you can see in the video how much they get in the way. I had my back brace on so I could skate, and everyone had a good time. I found a lot of the obstacles hard to get speed for, and others tough to go slow enough. I’m not the most excited about these small back and forth parks when they come out but I’m sure I will give it a shred every now and then. It was me, Cisco Gooding, Jordan Strong, Fighter and a few friends, Calvin killed it…

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