Hi. I'm Hippie Mike!
Hippie Mike is a man of many talents, many skills and many creations. A master of construction, Mike loves to build and create unique and custom projects, but he also takes the same mind frame to everything else he does.
Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Coastal Riders gettin’ Crazy on the Campgrounds

[youtube id=”r9sEuLisxRk” width=”620″ height=”360″]

Just checked out the the video released from the Coastal Riders Camping Trip in early September up in Squamish. Scotty Tyson, Adam Field, Mike Schulze, Dustin Locke, John Hanlon, Jordan Zazula, Aaron Fermill, and many others. Looks like they had a lot of fun times, and drank way too much. Classic Skateboarder Campers.

Sorry I missed it.

There is some sick skating in there too if you’re patient.

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Contest Results Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Chaos at Chuck B.

Left with an abundance of prizes after this summer’s fiasco of competitions I decided to have a BBQ and Best Trick Jam at Chuck Bailey last night. There must have been over 200 people present when you counted all the kids in the Youth Lounge and half of them kept coming outside to bug me for free stuff. It was chaotic and a couple times throughout the night I almost couldn’t handle it and was ready to pack up and run. I had a ton of pants, shoes, helmets and shirts to give away along with some bike gear and skateboards. The park was packed, with all kinds of people, young to old, black to white, skaters to bikers and of course the one and only hardcore scooter kid Damon Morgan. Damon’s been bugging me forever to run some sort of event for scooters so I told him I would add them in to this one. Of course, he was the only one there, so I told him that I would hook him up with some prizes if he could stick the hardest trick he knew how to do over the hip. He said it was a double whip and he started going for it. All the locals actually stopped to watch him so he was in full spotlight. Unfortunately on the second try he crashed super hard going full stomach off the bars and full body slam on the ground. Classic! He was done…I hooked him up anyway, poor kid.

The rest of the time we just rocked out to tunes on my CD Player and everyone just rode the park as I handed out prizes. I held a couple Best Tricks for the bikes in the Bowl, and a few different Best Tricks  for the skaters for some decks. Calvin Dignard, Ryan Barron, Dominic Devries and Mathew McCauley were taking lots of prizes along with Adam Lewis and some of the other shorty’s.

It was a good event and pretty much every person that was there riding got a prize, and left with a full stomach too.

All in all, a successful event.

Next one at Chuck – October 29th

Hippie Mike’s Halloween Jam

wear your costumes, rip the park, win candy!!

See ya there

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Hippie Mike's Messed Up Mind Life and Death - And all the Emotions that come in between

Life is What you Make it

Every person you meet is different, some are happy, some are angry, some are complete idiots, but everyone has one thing in common – we’re alive. We all have a life that we’re living and no one can predict exactly where they will end up at the end. But you can try in some ways to pave the pathways for your future and then go for the ride. Sometimes those pathways are a steep climb, and sometimes they are an uncontrollable down hill that leaves you wishing you had some brakes. And the rest of the time, you’re just strollin’ along.

When you wake up in the morning, what are the first things you think about. Those are usually the important features of your life. Do you worry about debt? Do you reach for the liquor? Do you think about the people you love?Do you have a plan for the day, or a goal you want to accomplish? Every day it’s different. Your life is always changing.

If you’re a positive thinker, or an Optimist they call it, then you’re usually a pretty happy person and it takes a lot to get you down. But these are the people that get really down when shit happens. It’s like you’re always believing that everything is gonna be okay, and life will get better, and everybody loves you. Then when it all crashes at once, you can’t understand why. “Why me?” you say… It’s not just you.

Then there’s the Pessimist that is always unhappy and complaining about every little thing. If you believe that everything is going to go wrong, then why are you surprised when it does? That makes no sense. To me, the negative thinker is just someone who’s afraid of life. They’re scared to believe in the good things in case they don’t come true. And they live their lives in hope that one day they will be happy, but don’t allow it to happen. These people are gonna miss out on the best things in life and die depressed.

Now we have the people in the middle that have no plans at all and just take whatever life serves them on their plate. This can be relaxing and dangerous at the same time. These are the people that get taken advantage of and used all the time because they trust. They trust the people around them , they trust the governments of the world, they believe whatever they are told, and always think that everything is gonna work out.

We are all living our lives, and our lives are filled with ups and downs. Everyone goes through good times and bad times. We all have dreams of what we want to be and where we want to end up. So take those visions and strive to make them reality. Meet lots of people along the way, and learn your lessons the first time. Be who you are, not who your told to be. And choose your paths carefully.

Then know – your life is what you make it, smile and be happy…

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Extreme Sports Hippie Mike Jaden Easton-Ellett Protest Skateboards Skateboarding Team Riders

Jaden & Mike test out the new Cam

As some of you might have heard, my Canon Rebel T3i went MIA at the South Surrey Contest last Saturday, not really the way I had hoped to finish off the year of Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey. I’m a little pissed about it, since I work so hard to do so much for so many people and this is what I get in return. Luckily it was just the camera with the standard lens, none of my accessories. If anyone learns any info as to who’s hands it ended up in, please let me know.

Since my business revolves around photos and filming I had to replace the camera pretty quick, so I worked out a solid deal with an old friend and upgraded to the Canon Rebel T4i. Then my partner in crime Jaden Easton-Ellett and I had to give it a test drive, so we hit the ramp for an hour last night and busted out some “Protest Style” tricks for ya.

Check it

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Vans Canada DIY Collab Projet45

[vimeo id=”49759619″ width=”620″ height=”360″]

In my opinion Vans Shoes are the most supportive Shoe Company for all Canadian Skateboard Events right now. They’ve been pouring funds into all of the smaller skateboard events and collaborating with other people and companies left, right and centre. Vans have been around for a long time and you’re guaranteed that their shoes aren’t shit. I’m proud to rep them every time I put my shoes on in the morning, and I thank them proudly for everything they do for me.

DIY means Do it Yourself for those slow people. It’s funny that the more the community tries to shut skateboarding down, the more that the skaters just start building their own features. It’s been a trend for quite a few years now to throw some necessary concrete down where needed to make barricades, banks and other obstacles skateable, but then there’s other projects that are a little bit bigger. Ironically, with all the new Skate Parks popping up, there are still “Burnside Type Parks” being constructing.

By Skaters – For Skaters…

Mike Strato just shared this video recently

“Here’s some footy from the handing over of the cheque to the Project 45 guys from the proceeds of the Collab shoe. The Leeside event will happen on Sept 29th and it’d be great to see all the guys (and gals) who have contributed time out for the ceremony.”

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Extreme Sports

Razors are for Shaving – Not riding…

Man, what the hell is going on in the world when the “Skate Parks” are polluted with Razors. I just can’t get it through my brain why people are into this, it’s like a combination of a BMX and a Skateboard built for people who are scared to try either one of those. I can’t hate on the kids that are out there riding these mini scooters, they’re just kids, but what about these guys that are grown men?? What are you guys doing? I mean, if you gotta bend over 90 degrees or more to stand on this thing, does it not occur to you that you’re to big for it??

The Scooter Kids are taking over in the skate parks, especially in Northern BC. They get in the way constantly, and the more of them that are there, the more risk we are all at for getting injured when we’re trying to get a line in through the pack. All we can do is hope it’s a fad that disappears. Sadly though, some of these dudes are getting really good at it which is going to make it stick around longer. You guys gotta recognize that skateboarders are the only reason that we have all these parks, and along with the parks, the progression of extreme sports has been happening constantly, hence why we have tons of bikers in our skate parks. X games, Dew Tour and so on has been collaborating the 2 for years. Even rollerblading and longboarding were involved at the beginning until they realized that they both sucked and nobody wanted to watch it.

Kids do me a favour while you’re still young and try to skateboard, or bike if you really feel the need for handle bars. Fold your scooters up permanently and put them in the closet for good. Don’t end up in your 30’s riding a razor, please…

Here’s a video that’ll make you ill

[youtube id=”tINiGo9sb_g” width=”620″ height=”360″]

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Andy Anderson Extreme Sports Hippie Mike Ryan Brynelson Skateboarding Team Riders Upcoming Events

Surrey YouthFest 2012



Every year the City of Surrey celebrates the next generation of young adults with Youth Fest at the Guildford Recreation Centre. Lots of exiting stuff will be happening from 4-10pm this Saturday, September 22nd, including Band performances, indoor and outdoor games, the Teen Dance, Breakdance Competitions, Ryan Brynelson Freestyle Demos, and of course the Skateboard vs. BMX Demo in the Bowl – hosted by myself Hippie Mike and featuring Andy Anderson and James Van de Kamp. This will be the final event at Guildford Bowl as it will be shut down and demolished in October due to the beginning of the construction for the new Lap Pool being built on to the Rec Centre. The street section will remain open and untouched but the bowl has to be removed and eventually will be replaced with some new features in the future…

Join us for the Demo at 5pm.

And go to the Surrey Website for all the details


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Extreme Sports Skateboarding Upcoming Events

Ledge ‘N’ Dairy at Chuck Bailey

This Saturday, September 22, 2012 Olio, Color Magazine, Cons and Coastal Riders bring you the Ledge ‘N’ Dairy competition at Chuck Bailey Skate Park in Surrey. Starting at 1pm with $1000 in prizes to win, you don’t want to miss it


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Hippie Mike's Messed Up Mind Life and Death - And all the Emotions that come in between

Old Man – How I loved You

Today, September 18, 2012, would have been my Dad’s 65th birthday but we lost him suddenly back in April. Still none of us can get over the fact that he’s gone and of course that we didn’t get to say goodbye. He was the strongest person I knew and at the age of 34 was told that he had 4 years left to live. Proving everyone wrong he battled through for another 30 which made a huge difference in all of our lives, especially his children. We saw someone who lived every day in pain not let it bother him. He accepted his disabilities and diseases for what they were and continued to live his life in happiness, never complaining to anyone unless they forced it out of him. He taught me that nothing is able to stop you if you don’t let it, you just gotta fight on. And now I am the age that his life was changed forever and I think of my family and how much they would be affected if wasn’t around for them.

Thanks for never giving up Dad and giving me the childhood I deserved.

Here’s a couple songs that always makes me think of him and how much of an influence he was on me becoming the person I am today.

I love you, man. And I’ll be just an amazing father to my children as you were.

Old Man – By: Neil Young

[youtube id=”dVC2cszdTao ” width=”620″ height=”360″]

Father and Son – Cat Stevens

[youtube id=”Q29YR5-t3gg” width=”620″ height=”360″]

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Andy Anderson Carrie Williams Contest Results Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding Team Riders

Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey 2012 comes to a close

ell it was another successful year for Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey and it’s finally over. 9 years strong for this Series and sometimes it wears me out a bit, but I enjoy every minute while I’m there.

We mixed things up a bit and ended the year off at South Surrey Park which basically meant we would be ending the year off with an Andy Anderson Demo, since he was born and raised there and hasn’t placed less than 1st place at that park in one of my contests in years. We started off with the Mini’s and they were all giving it there all. Jon Schrack was on a mission to win, but so were Parker Sherwin and Marc Melyukov. All 3 of these kids were stretching the limits of what could be done by kids 10 years old and younger, and they went even crazier in the Finals.

There were 17 Beginners waiting patiently to go for gold and 6 of them made it into the Finals. Top names of the day would be Kai Searle, Adam Lewis, Rob Schrack, Riley Allen, Cody Laing & Connor, followed closely by Zacc Lester and Justin Fiorante. All 8 of these guys dominated the Beginner Category with flip tricks, huge airs and big gaps, but only 1 could be King.

The Intermediates were kind of disappointing this time around. There were only 6 guys and not much got landed except by Mike Groves and little Luke Thodus. Mike tore up the quarter pipes and flat banks with some serious White Rock Loc styles and Lukey threw down some wicked ledge grinds and rail slides. Luke is only 10 and about 4 feet tall, so when he grinds the big hubba ledges no problem , it looks amazing. He also gapped out to 50-50 to the flat section of the triple kink ledge in his run and stuck it. He won.

The Ladies Category consisted of Carrie Williams and 2 girls I requested to participate, Sasha Clerihue and Deena Z. They both know how to skate around, just not really trick masters. Either way, we had a Ladies Category and no one got hurt. Better than nothing.

Then we got to Advanced. It was Dominic Devries‘s mission to beat Andy Anderson at his home park, but it’s always Andy’s mission to never lose, so it was definitely gonna be a battle. They both destroyed everything that no one else skates, the big rail, the kinked rail, the channel gap, spine and barricades. Both were unstoppable, but it was Andy’s game the whole time. Weston Granger also killed it and ended in 3rd after the Finals. This guy blows me away every time I see him skate, so unique. He nosegrinded down the long hubba, did some airwalk late hand hardflip, and finished the Finals with an ollie up to gap tailslide ledge to ledge in the flat section. 4th and 5th were Giver and Jigga Jay, both skated awesome, both couldn’t keep up with the Top 3 during the Finals Jam.

Marilyn Herrmann showed up from the Surrey Food Bank to accept the donations and give a little appreciation speech. It was a slower year than most, but with all the kids going away on vacations and having to decide between 3 competitions to go to every Saturday we still did pretty good. In total for this year, we raised $280 and 300lbs of food. Great job guys!!

I announced all the winners and gave out plaques to the Top 3 in each Category. I announced the Most Improved Skater of the Year which was Aiden Eastman from the Mini’s, and handed over the King of Surrey Trophy to the Dominator himself Dominic Devries. He won 3 out of 5, placing 2nd in both the others. Dominic is one of my favourite kids to skate with and to watch progress. He kills it wherever he goes and can skate everything, which is awesome for someone who’s only 15 years old, plus he’s super humble and appreciative. Can’t wait to see you in X Games some day buddy….


Mini: 1. Jon Schrack; 2. Parker Sherwin; 3. Mark Melyukov; 4. Aiden Eastman; 5. Lukas; 6. Bryce

Beginner: 1. Kai Searle; 2. Adam Lewis; 3. Connor; 4. Cody Laing; 5. Rob Schrack; 6. Riley Allen; 7. Zacc Lester; 8. Justin Fiorante; 9. JR Barron; 10. Khalid; 11. Josh Lewis; 12. Desmond Fisher; 13. Chandler; 14. Jake; 15. Bachouch Michael; 16. Alex & Matthew Lalim

Intermediate: 1. Luke Thodus; 2. Mike Groves; 3. David; 4. Mathew McCauley; 5. Yubo; 6. Jackson Hawthorne

Girls: 1. Carrie Williams; 2. Sasha Clerihue; 3. Deena Z

Advanced: 1. Andy Anderson; 2. Dominic Devries; 3. Weston Granger; 4. Michael James (Giver); 5. Jay Mykyte; 6. Allen Handley & Travis; 7. Brad (Fighter) Muscat & Cole Thodus

Most Improved – Aiden Eastman

King of Surrey – Dominc (The Dominator) Devries

So that’s it for the 9th Annual Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey. Thanks for everyone who showed up at any or all of the events, and thanks to all the sponsors that make these fun times possible:

Protest Skateboards

Coastal Riders 

Amix Recycling


Our beach Studio

Folk Skateboards

Royalty Shop

West 49

Have 2 Skate 

New Line Skate Parks

Surrey Food Bank


Anti Social


The Dry Spot

Ollie North

Ultimate Dist

Centre Dist

Time Bomb Trading



Supra Dist

Dc Shoes

One Love

Mosaic Skateboards

Chance Skateboards

Element Skateboards

Thunder Trucks

Independent Trucks




Sour Skateboards


Chocolate Skateboards


Hard Times

Hubba Wheels

Bones Wheels

Girl Skateboards

Spitfire Wheels





Almost Skateboards

Kutwax Klothing


Axs Gear

Kitsch Skateboards

ATM Skateboards




Meridian Golf Par 3


MCW Custom Woodworking

Woodsmith Custom Cabinets

Ear Goggles

and The City of Surrey

For those that notice there are no photos in this story, my camera went missing after the contest. If anyone has information please contact me through the site.


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