Hi. I'm Hippie Mike!
Hippie Mike is a man of many talents, many skills and many creations. A master of construction, Mike loves to build and create unique and custom projects, but he also takes the same mind frame to everything else he does.
Hippie Mike's Messed Up Mind Life and Death - And all the Emotions that come in between

Get rid of the Guns

What is wrong with this world that we are still accepting the fact that it’s okay to have guns around. We are not warriors fighting for survival and  trying to take over each others land. We don’t need to hunt and kill animals for survival. So why are these weapons still so accessible?

I picked up the newspaper off my porch this morning and the cover said, “Border Guard shot in neck will recover…” Wow. We live in Canada and we have to worry about people trying to shoot there way across the border, what is wrong with people? Some poor dude goes to work on a Tuesday and gets shot in the neck for it. As far as I knew we actually have gun laws in this country that make it illegal for people to carry them around in streets, unlike the United States. So how come I know of 3 totally unrelated stories that involved guns that all happened around here on Monday and Tuesday of this week? And I don’t even watch the news. We need to discourage weapons. What the kids don’t understand is that carrying a weapon for protection is gonna get them killed. Or they’re gonna take someone else’s life and pay for it the rest of theirs.

I’ve had 3 friends die to the gun, none of who deserved it at all – Rachel Hunter, trying to stop an argument outside a bar; Chris Whitmee, taking a piss beside the wrong person who someone tried to assassinate; and Lee Matasi, chased down the street for voicing his opinion and being ignorantly shot straight up in the head.  And do you think any of these people who committed these murders were punished enough, or even at all for some cases? And what about the families of these innocent victims? What did these incidents do to them and to their lifestyles? Why do we still have these guns?

I just don’t think it’s fair to any of us civilized people to have to worry about dying to a bullet at any given moment wherever we are. This is not a knife or a club where the person has to come near you to hurt you, these are guns, that shoot death across the sky.

We don’t need them…

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Guildford Bowl’s Final Breaths

Well, there you have it – the existence of the Guildford Bowl has reached it’s final moments. I got an anonymous tip that the crane was there jack-hammering the bowl out this morning so I rushed over to get a couple photos. It was definitely true, and by noon today, the bowl will be completely destroyed.

This is not the first time part of a Skate Park has been taken out in this area. New Line has removed pieces of certain Parks for Revision and Facelifts, and that’s sort of what this is, except the putting it back together part is gonna be delayed until 2014 which sucks. But when the skateboarders get these parks handed to them without having to do any work for it, I don’t think they can complain to much. It’s a different world now and we are totally spoiled with skate parks and at least the City of Surrey acknowledged the fact that they didn’t want to get rid of this one, they just had to. That’s why half the park will remain, and the rest will eventually be replaced.

Thanks for all the good times Guildford Bowl, you will be missed.

For those who didn’t catch it the first tome around, here’s the footage from our Final Film Session there September 29th, 2012

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Finally a Skateboard Video that features Skateboarding

It difficult for me to watch a lot of the Skate Videos that come out now a days because there’s hardly ever any actual skateboarding in them. I mean some filmers are starting to get creative with their intros and outros but when it’s the persons part, it’s just bang, bang, bang, trick after trick. What ever happened to that part where people had to actually skate, and push.

Ethan Craig just released a solid video about a day of skating with Will Blakley downtown Vancouver. It’s awesome for a few reasons:

  1. Ethan pulled out one of the old style Hi-8 cameras to film with. The footage is grainy, and the audio sucks, just the way it used to be.
  2. It shows what a street skater goes through during their normal day of just skating through the city. Lots of interactions with random people, some positive and some very negative.
  3. It lets people see what skateboarding is really all about. Just cruisin’ through your neighbourhood, knowing all the bumps, cracks and funky obstacles like the back of your hand. And just having fun.

I wish the kids of today understood what it’s like to live on your skateboard and not get a ride to the skate park and back, but to just skate wherever you’re going that day and find the path that suits you best.

Thanks Ethan and Will for a great video sparking lots of memories for us older skaters, and hopefully showing the young guns what it’s all about. This video is so “Early 1990’s Style”, the only thing missing is Colin McKay and Rick Howard in Plan B shirts….

You gotta check it

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Coastal Riders – Store Wars

Here’s the entry Video for Store Wars from the Fraser Valley’s favourite Skate Shop – Coastal Riders. Edited by Tony Casano, filled with a ton of super skilled tricks like always. This video only features about half the team but it still kicks ass.

Dustin Locke, Stu Benoit, Dylan Clarke, Sam Hampton, Jordan Zazula, Andrew Classon, Tyler Holm, Magnus Hansen, Derek Mayer and more.

Check it

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Video Reviews

Lanny DeBoer – Shreddin’ the Parks

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Here’s a quick Promo Video by Mosaic Skateboards featuring one of their Team Riders – Lanny DeBoer. Lanny is one sick dude when you skate with him. He’s got a lot of hard tricks and puts them down often. He likes to skate the weirder obstacles and has the knees to go big. This video’s pretty good, other than the music, but it just doesn’t show all the craziness that Lanny possesses – but it is all park footage so whatever.

A solid video, with appearances from Jeff Holland and Ryan McKellar. Worth a watch…

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Leeside – A Place of Change

Leeside Tunnel is kind of like a Child to the old Locals, and we’re the parents. We remember the day it was conceived, the day it was born, when it took his first baby steps, and have watched it grow soooooo much. There’s been good times and bad, and the years of puberty were very difficult, but now young Leeside has really transformed into a solid Teenager ready to graduate into the world of life and become a full blown grown up Man…

It was 1999 when Lee Matasi showed up at our apartment on Hastings Street with the biggest smile I had seen on a guy that was completely straight-edged in years. He told us how he had found this sick tunnel for doing graffiti underneath Hastings Street and he had approached the City of Vancouver about allowing us to build some wood ramps down there. They gave him approval, to paint and to skate. He said he wanted to call it Leeside. Within a week there was a pile of ramps that magically appeared, none of them that awesome. I remember going down there for the first time and there was a tiny manual box, a flat bank, some barricades and a nasty little launch ramp that we were blasting over a garbage can off. Soon afterwards a mini-ramp showed up, and then disappeared again. There was a sick wallride quarterpipe that arrived out of the blue and that was sweet. You could tell that the word was getting around about this place and something big was eventually gonna happen. Then the PM Team went on Tour of BC and Alberta and they had a sick setup of ramps that all fit nicely on top of this big trailer bed, which was used as the centre of their pyramid during the demos. Johnny B Dread, Josh Evin, Eugene Voykin and many others were on that tour and they all showed up one day out of the blue and somehow backed the truck right into the Tunnel donating the entire set of ramps. All of a sudden, we had the most amazing skate park, and just in time for Winter. This place was jumpin’ every day full of some of the best skaters out there at the time. Then this Film Crew was making some TV Show that I can’t remember the name of and they filmed scenes down there for a couple months in the daytime. But the lighting sucked, so they installed all these awesome Spotlights across the entire length of the Tunnel. So now, you could skate there all night long. The skaters took over….

But as time went on, the ramps got damaged, and I moved away to Surrey and stopped taking care of Leeside all the time, and our whole crew wasn’t skating their anymore, and it kind of fizzled out a bit. Unfortunately this opened the doors for the bikers to start making use of it and they demolished the ramps that made us who we were, and built everything higher and higher with holes in the wood just covered by chunks of plywood and it just looked undesirable. There was no style left at Leeside other than the paintings now, and people stopped skating it.

The City of Vancouver was not impressed anymore with the disaster under Hastings Street and they shut the Tunnel down and they cleared out the mess, covered the floor with gravel, and steamrolled it tight. This was right before the time when Tragedy struck – Lee Matasi shot dead. This place was founded by Lee and we did refer to it as Leeside, and when he was killed so abruptly, that was the place that we all went to pay our respects, and it created an uproar. We all loved Lee Matasi as the kind gentle switch hardflippin’ maniac he was, and it hurt us all so much that not only was he gone from our lives, but we couldn’t even celebrate the times we had with him with a skate in the Tunnel. There were hundreds and hundreds of people there that day, and it was all over the news, and the story was very real, and this created a spark in some people’s minds to bring back that place that Lee found that brought so many of us together as friends for life, and they started working.

It was secret for a long time, no one knew it was going on. A little section of gravel would get cleared out and some small concrete obstacles would appear. Then more people would get involved and more gravel would get cleared out, and some bigger concrete obstacles appeared. And at some point, all the gravel that was ignorantly placed across the ground was cleared and put right back into some massive concrete obstacles. Now there supposedly has been an agreement with the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Skateboard Coalition allowing us to build in the Tunnel. And with support, comes more support.

The entire Tunnel known respectably as “Leeside Memorial Tunnel” is now completely covered end to end with concrete ramps – big ones, little ones, nice ones and nasty ones, and you can expect that it is not even close to being over yet. Vans Canada just put down over $16,000 towards the building of the huge corners that are in the midst of construction right now through their DIY Collaboration Projects and a mass crew of people showed up on September 29th to start building the walls. Things are getting bigger in Leeside Tunnel and more and more people are helping our baby grow. And I think this is a perfect time for us to send praise to the man that started it all Lee Matasi. If only we knew at that time that he wouldn’t be here to see it, maybe things would have been different and not gone the way they did. But without the whole scenario, would we be standing in the same Leeside today? Who knows?

It was 7 sad years ago that Lee Matasi lost his life, over something so unbelievably ignorant, and I personally would like to say thank you to him right now. For this Tunnel that he brought us to because of his passion to paint brought the entire Lower Mainland Skateboard Community together in so many ways and is one of the biggest reasons we are so strong –

 So next time your in the Tunnel below Hastings Street, lift your beer and tip your hat – To Lee!!

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Next build – October 20th

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Ryan Decenzo – Ready for the Dew

Ryan Decenzo was always a good skater, and always solid. And it’s special to see him be known as one of the best Street Skaters in the world right now. The first real moment I remember of knowing Ryan was way back when him and Scott Decenzo were just young kids around 13 and 14 years old. They knew me and were stoked that I had shown up to their local skate spot Cougar Canyon School with Cisco Gooding and Jon Irvine and they followed us around that afternoon watching what we were trying. I still remember how stoked they were when Jon boardslid this super high hubba ledge behind the high school and that was what made me respect them, and I loved Ryan’s hardflips. Then I started seeing them around here and there and eventually when I started running Skateboard Competitions all the time, they would be there, and then of course North Delta Skate Park was built and that became not only home to these 2 brothers, but Training Grounds for where they have made it in the skateboard world today.

Ryan Decenzo has proven himself a master of the board many times in many ways, from being the first to do something, to the guy that did it the biggest, and definitely for being one of the most consistent at all times. He won the Dew Tour Street last year, and here’s what he has to say about this upcoming event. Make sure you tune in to NBC October 18-21 and see how he does.

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Bake and Destroy – and Riot??

Well it looks like Baker Skateboards came out with yet another Video, but I’m not quite sure if anyone got to see it in the Premiere since the Police were called in just because of how many people were standing in line out front of the Vine Theatre in L.A. And it somehow turned into a riot. Either way the real question is, why did people start throwing bottles at the Cops anyway, don’t they remember the Rodney King/LAPD incident from the 1990’s. Dude, stay away from that shit.

Way to go Baker – any publicity is good publicity though, right? And this is sure to get a ton of publicity.

Click below for photos and the story by L.A. Weekly


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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Winter is Upon Us

[vimeo id=”51363208″ width=”620″ height=”360″] I just watched Sheldon Barr’s Video of Adam Richter power sliding through the streets of Vancouver just loving those sunny summer days and recognize the fact that Winter is coming fast which means lots of rain in the forecasts. And with rain comes depression for a lot of people, but remember the good times we just had. We finally had a memorable Summer for the first year in quite a few where it was more than 25 degrees outside for multiple days in a row all the time, and even last weekend was incredible, there were people tanning and sunbathing on Thanksgiving Sunday in Southern British Columbia, when’s the last time that happened? But now the weather has finally started to shift the to the opposite, it’s extremely cold at night already and very foggy in the mornings, and the past few days have been fulfilled with pouring rain. But that’s life, that’s where we live, accept it. The funny part is that the past few winters have been filled with streaks of sunny weather with temperatures in the double digits in January and February. The only problem with that is the moisture in the air creates a lot of fog and frost and the ground stays wet all day, and worse – the more sunny days we have in a row in the winter, the colder each one gets. At least when it rains, it warms it up. Accept that Winter is upon us, and enjoy the days we have left before it finally arrives. Accept the rain when it comes and be thankful that it’s not snow. Accept that it’s Winter but know there are still plenty of places to skate in this area during the Winter – Tsawwassen, Ladner, The Dry Spot, Leeside, Chuck Bailey Bowls, the Secret Ramp, and my house. Accept the cold weather, but take advantage of the warm days we receive, and the next time we get a beautiful day, go out with your board and your buddies and just cruise the streets – for what it’s worth, before they’re wet for months…

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Cap'n Old Balls Extreme Sports Hippie Mike Protest Skateboards Skateboarding Team Riders

Cap’n Old Ballz – An Hour with Hippie Mike

I’ve been watching all of Hippie Mike’s video’s on YouTube seeing what he’s up to. I’ve been so stoked on how he get’s people pumped to skate by having different kinds of sessions and filming projects. One of the video’s that really caught my eye were of the latest ramp sessions, the ramp contest was insane. I realized that Hippie has had ramps for years and I’ve never skated any of them! So I shot him a quick text about how fun the newest version of his ramp looked, he got back to me right away inviting me to shred and even film the next episode of Cap’n Old Ballz….

My thoughts exactly – so we hooked up for an hour the other day – the rest is history.

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