Hi. I'm Hippie Mike!
Hippie Mike is a man of many talents, many skills and many creations. A master of construction, Mike loves to build and create unique and custom projects, but he also takes the same mind frame to everything else he does.
Extreme Sports Hippie Mike Skateboarding Team Riders

North Delta Halloween Jam

Okay here’s the footage from the Halloween Jam that was held at North Delta Park on October 28th. Put on by Street Dreamz and Coastal Riders, it was bound for success and everyone had a good time skating obstacles for prizes. Lots of solid tricks go down in this video made by AdamLudwiczak including some rare rail tricks by myself.

Or is that the real Hippie Mike or not?

and where the heck was Fighter that day??

and who was that caveman riding that 2×4 skateboard???

Guess you’ll have to watch to find out…

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Hippie Mike's Messed Up Mind The Bob Marley Quote of the Month

Please Don’t You Rock My Boat

This whole year has been an emotional roller coaster ride with so many ups and downs. If it wasn’t for Kaelen in my life, there’d be a lot more downs. But I am one of those people that tries not to worry about things, and knows that life works itself out. It’s still tough though when every day it seems like something depressing happens. My birthday is coming up in about 10 days and I’m looking forward to that, I had a shitty year. We’ll be having the usual parties and taking some time to just relax for once. And maybe during that time, life will turn back around to being happy all the time again. Then I could get back in that boat that just sails along to freedom. And once I’m in that boat, don’t rock it, I just wanna chill for a while.

With Kaelen turning 3 years old next week I know this next year is going to be so much fun. He’s already a pretty grown up kid for a 3 year old, like we can already just straight hang out together all the time and stuff, but watching him grow up and learn new things just makes me so happy. I love kids anyway, most people know that. And one of my favourite things to do in life is to teach. But with Kaelen I just watch hm learn on his own, and give him the proper advise when he needs it. Those moments are what I live for right now, and no one can change that.

Bob Marley says in the song: Don’t Rock My Boat

“When we bend them new corners, we feel like Sweepstakes Winners”

A simple line that means so much. The most exciting times in life are new experiences. And with children, every day is a new experience – for both them and us. No one knows what that child is going to do that day until he does it. It could be a new song, a new funny joke, a new word, or just a special moment between the two of you that has never happened before. But it all makes you happy, it all makes you proud, and for a second you forget all your troubles and just sit on top of the world in your glory, and it feels good.

This is what I’m going to focus on for the next year – new experiences. And I’m going to continue to create more and more for the children of tomorrow to enjoy so that we all can feel like big time winners every day…

Are you with me?

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Glory Daze Hippie Mike Ryan Brynelson

GLORY DAZE – Episode 5 Ryan Brynelson – A Rare Fish in a Massive Sea

Welcome to Episode 5 of GLORY DAZE with Hippie Mike. Today we are hanging out in North Delta with a very unique skateboarder. He’s one of the only Freestylers in Canada, his pockets are overflowing with tricks, and he’s always ready to put on a Demo. Sponsored by Protest Skateboards, Kilian Clothing and West 49, he’s the Number 2 ranked Amateur Freestyle Skateboarder in the World – give it up for Ryan Brynelson!!

Hippie Mike: What’s up Ryan? How’s it feel to be on GLORY DAZE with Hippie Mike?

Ryan Brynelson: Oh, I was very surprised when you called me yesterday and asked me if I wanted to be on GLORY DAZE. I thought it was so great, I watch it on Youtube every now and then and I definitely enjoy it, so thank you so much for having me

HM: Cool. First off, can you tell us a little bit about the history of Freestyle Skateboarding and how many people actually still do it?

Ryan: Alright, so Freestyle Skateboarding is the essence of skateboarding. It came out first in the 1970’s and people would nail 2×4’s to roller skates with clay wheels and they would just kind of ride around on that. It was Freestyle Skateboarding but it was definitely not the same compared to what Freestylers do today. They were mostly just doing tic-tacs and handstands and it was very limited. Then of course the urethane wheel came out and that changed a lot. But it was still pretty much the same. People were still doing tic-tacs, maybe a little more fancy footwork you know if they did have the urethane wheel. And then of course came Rodney Mullen, the Number 1 Freestyle skateboarder in the world ever, the number 1 skateboarder in the world ever in my opinion on the planet. And so what Rodney did was, he sort of saw Steve Rocco doing like 50-50 tricks and then he started doing that, but he made a ton of variations that I’m sure you’ve all seen in videos like Almost Round 3 and stuff, so, pretty much like all truck variations, caspers, that all came from him and then Freestyle started to become more than just footwork and handstands and people were starting to like ride their boards you know on the truck, on the side, upside down and things like that

HM: So how many people in the world are Freestyle Skateboarders?

Ryan: Laughs… Ah ha, yeah so it’s funny, ’cause I get called like the  2nd Top Amateur in the world, but really there is seriously like about 120/150 Freestylers in the world. Very few of us, so…

HM: How old are you, and when did you start skateboarding?

Ryan: I’m 20, and I started skateboarding when I was 8. I got my first board you know like most kids, at some point in their life they get a skateboard for Christmas, and of course it’s a Walmart Skateboard, and uh, so I just started puttering around on that. I would just kind of ride around on that you know goofing around and stuff, and then when I was 14 I saw Lords of Dogtown and Dogtown and Z-Boys and something about those movies just made want to start doing tricks and stuff. It showed more of a community in skateboarding for me you know where normally I’d be skateboarding with the kids up the block, but then I was introduced to the Dogtown Movie and I kind of saw more of a community there and it was very attractive to me. I saw that and I thought it was really cool you know.

HM: And that’s why you leaned towards the Freestyle?

Ryan: Well part of it. I saw them doing like the Burt Slides and stuff like that, but of course everybody’s doing street skateboarding and not many people skate that 70’s style and whatever. So at that time I thought, Okay I have to learn how to Ollie, so I learned how to Ollie. So then it was like, now the pressure’s on, you know, you gotta learn kick flips and pop shovits, and then I kept kind of going but I didn’t really like that aspect myself. I was still just kind of doing Burt Slides and just playing around with that and then I saw Freestyle Skateboarding when I got invited to a barbeque at Kevin Harris’s house and it was kind of like a Jam Session for the 2007 World Freestyle Championships of Skateboarding and since then I’ve just been doing Freestyle Skateboarding and yeah, I enjoy it very much

HM: How much has Kevin Harris taught you over the years and what other influences has he had on your life?

Ryan: Ohhh, Huge, Huge. I mean, you know, Kevin has always been such a great mentor to me. He showed me Freestyle Skateboarding and because of him I am doing this. I would say my spins and any kind of my footwork, flow work, that all comes from Kevin, and then truck tricks and everything after that, you know, that’s just me wanting to be just a rounded skateboarder.


HM: You are very into Japanese Culture. You work at a Japanese Pub, you study Japanese at school, and usually have Japanese girlfriends. What sparked this interest and where is it leading you in life?

Ryan: Laughs… Oh that’s very interesting… Well, skateboarding you know, you’re always using your body and stuff and I was very into that using my body thing, and then at school my marks were always low and people started thinking I was like stupid or whatever, and um, then I went twice to Japan on Exchange Trips and I liked it very much, so I took a Japanese Course and I decided to make it as much of a passion as skateboarding is to me. So skateboarding, I’m using my body, and then Japanese I get to use my brain and stuff, so I thought it was cool to do both

HM: So therefore you’re always learning both

Ryan: Exactly,exactly. Yeah, yeah

HM: And the girls just came with it, right?

Ryan: Laughs… I don’t really think of it like that. I just study and stuff. Laughs…

HM: Say your favourite sentence in Japanese

Ryan: My favourite sentence, ohhh, I got a few. それはたわごとの価値がありません。 “It’s not worth shit” – Laughs…

HM: There are so many skateboarders in the world, but so few of them are into Freestyle. It’s a whole different way of life. Do other skaters treat you different because your strictly a Freestyler?

Ryan: Yes. They do actually. You know, a lot of it’s been very positive, and I go to a skate park and I kind of stand out and stuff. There is times where there is a little bit of a negative side of it and I think that it’s kind of weird because so many skateboarders got into skateboarding because society kind of pushed them out and then they started skateboarding. And then I’m doing Freestyle Skateboarding. I’m doing skateboarding, I’m just doing a different style, and then by that group I get pushed out by them because of it. Not all of them, but there is definitely a group for sure and I feel like it’s kind of hype-critical…

HM: Right. Do you think people don’t respect Freestyle Skateboarding, or is it just a sign of insecurity?

Ryan: You know, I feel like it is a sign of insecurity… I feel like a lot of people respect it, but at the same time, it’s not taken as seriously

HM: They don’t understand it

Ryan: They don’t understand it, that’s exactly it. Like when Longboarding came in at first that was very like separated from skateboarding, and this is very much the same

HM: Yeah, except Freestyle created what skateboarding is and Longboarding just….. I mean like, I’ve skated 26 years and I don’t even attempt Freestyle

Ryan: Laughs…

HM: Who’s better – Rodney Mullen or Kilian Martin? Right now?

Ryan: Ohhh, that’s a hard question… Uhhhhhhh. You know, rodney is just so tech tech tech, and as far as being the tech-master it’s Rodney, but Kilian with his creativity. I mean, damn. Honestly I gotta say hands down, my favourite skateboarder is Kilian Martin. I have much respect for Rodney Mullen but my absolute favourite – Kilian Martin.

HM: What do you love the most about life?

Ryan: Life… just so many great people, so many great people.

HM: Alright – Shout out to anyone?

Ryan: Shout out to anyone, oh my gosh, I just want to say Kilian Martin I’m seriously so stoked to be riding for you on Kilian Clothing, thank you so much, uhh, I appreciate all the advise you’ve given to me before, and um, Kevin Harris, absolutely one of my greatest mentors and it’s because of him I’m even doing this, so thanks

HM: Okay Ryan, I’d like to thank you for being a guest on GLORY DAZE and I’d just like to say I have always had respect for you as an individual. From the moment I met you many years ago you were a Freestyle Skateboarder, and no one was going to change that. You’re an artist, you’re a solid skater, you’re a leader and a role model. A rare fish that swims alone in a massive sea of followers

– Ryan Brynelson everybody…

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding Upcoming Events

Win a Kilian Martin Powell-Peralta Deck

[youtube id=”STH48RvMwT0″ width=”620″ height=”360″]

Kilian Martin – proclaimed to be the next “Best Skateboarder in the World” has recently introduced his new Pro-model Deck from Powell Peralta. Kilian is an extremely unique skateboarder who focuses mainly on Freestyle, but following the footsteps of Rodney Mullen, he blends his Freestyle Skateboarding into Street Skating and literally annihilates everything in sight. Here’s a video where Kilian discusses how he got into skateboarding, what his biggest influences are, and how he would be lost without the world he lives in right now. Check out the video, and then click the link below to enter a contest where you could win a signature model of his new deck.

Win a Kilian Martin Deck


You can enter up to November 13th, and the winner will be announced on November 19th

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Halloween War Zone

Another chaotic Leeside Halloween, every year seems to get crazier and crazier. This year was definitely the most hardcore indoor fireworks display of all time. We didn’t show up till after 9:00 and it was already full blown warfare. The costumes were solid, the skating was lean and mean, and the air was filled with smoke. There was so much smoke in the tunnel that you had to go outside for a cigarette.

It was tough to get a skate in because the obstacles were all getting dewey from all the moisture in the air, plus the ashes and soot from all the firecrackers and flares were covering the surfaces of the ramps. The ground was dirty and wet from everyone tracking mud through on their shoes, and the echo of explosions throughout the whole place was deafening to the ears. But people were still skating, and lots of footage was created by multiple videographers which I’m sure will be putting out there videos very soon. The big session was on the 8′ quarter straight off the tip of the dick. I 5-0 pick turned the coping on my 2×4 board, Fighter hit the Judo Blunt 180, and Adam Hopkins put on a long demo for the crowd.

It was definitely chaotic, but really just another Leeside Halloween.

Until next year…

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Escape the Rain

David Stevens has been filming skateboarding for quite some time now and he hangs with the majority of people who skate for Coastal Riders, and the ones that frequent North Delta Skate Park. Here’s a quick, but super solid video of the young bucks from the Coastal Team shredding some wicked benches that just magically appeared in this underground parking lot. With winter right around the corner, I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of these underground parking lot spots, at least I hope so.

Steven Burke, Dylan Clarke, Sam Hampton, Andy Classon and flat ledge destroyer Dave King – killin’ it

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Hippie Mike's Messed Up Mind Life and Death - And all the Emotions that come in between

The End of the World is Coming…

Is the end of the world on it’s way? Were the Mayans right when they predicted that December 21, 2012 will be the last day we all see? According to the Mayan Calendar, that’s the final day. And with all these chaotic Natural Disasters happening around us, people are really starting to believe it.

2 large earthquakes off the coast of British Columbia causing Tsunami Warnings on Vancouver Island, and then this nasty Hurricane Sandy happening in the Atlantic Ocean, destroying parts of New York City. The city that never sleeps, had to learn how to swim, and fast. It is very rare that both Oceans are being negatively active at the same time like this.

There is always talk of the world coming to an end, and hey, the end is on the way. That doesn’t mean that it will happen this year though. Remember the Great Millennium Scare? The world was gonna end then too. The entire North American atmosphere was upside down over that one, buying tons of supplies, and building Bomb Shelters, and preparing for all the airlines to crash, and so on. Why? Because the government and the news kept talking like it was going to happen, and people believed it. Was the whole world fooled back then? Is the whole world going to be fooled again? The news is the worst thing for us as people, you have to believe some of what you see and hear, but how much of it? Look at this photo of the Statue of Liberty getting swarmed by the clouds. Everyone knew that there was a Hurricane Warning down there and so when someone photoshopped this picture and put it out on the internet it was huge news, and everyone started worrying right away that it was really happening. I thought it was a scene from the original Ghostbusters Movie myself, but you never know what’s real and what’s not. I mean it is kind of coincidental that 2 months before the predicted end of existence there is mayhem, but mayhem happens all the time. The past decade especially has been packed with tons of Natural Disasters, or “Acts of God” as some would call them, all over the world. There was Hurricane Katrina in 2005 which completely demolished New Orleans and left the people struggling to survive without immediate help from the American Government. There was the Tsunami that followed the massive Earthquake in 2010 and washed out more than half of Haiti which is still trying to recover. And what about the Cyclone Nargis in 2008 where almost 150,000 people in Burma lost their lives. All of these Disasters have been happening all over the world, and that’s part of the Earth and the way it revolves. If anything, we the Human Race, are the ones promoting these Natural Disasters in the sense of our technical evolution, drilling the earth for resources, and placing satellites all around us in space generating waves of electrical energy.

So what is going to happen next?

Is the world going to explode? Or is it just the living creatures that will be abolished?

Will we have another Ice Age?

Or is the centre of the earth just going to open up and swallow us whole?

Nobody knows what or when, but they tell you to be ready for it everyday, and that part is true. Because the way things are going, you never know what Natural Disaster is hiding around the corner ready to pounce on you, your city, and even your Country that you live in, and all you can do is hope that it doesn’t happen. Don’t take your days for granted, and love as many people as you can, so when the day does come you can feel accomplished.

Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, floods and fires –  

Onward to 2013.


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Andy Anderson Extreme Sports Jay Mykyte Jordan Strong Skateboarding

Hype Juice 2012

Protest Skateboards Filmer Jordan Strong put out this little teaser video strictly named “2012” portraying the chaotic times he had over this past summer going out with all his friends and gettin’ clips. There’s a lot more of the chaos displayed than the skating, but that’s okay, that’s the life he chose. Featuring all the Surrey Loc’s like Calvin Dignard, Dale Kind, Mitch Salter, Ryan Barron, Jay Mykyte, Andy Anderson, Brad “Fighter” Muscat, Jordan Strong and more. Check it out

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Good Old Chucky

We had the Chuck Bailey Halloween Jam last night from 4-8pm. I watched the weather in hope all day and then all of a sudden the sky broke open and cleared up, and the sun was blazing nice and hot, and the whole park dried right up – it was beautiful. Then reality hit and literally right as we began setting up the tables and tents, it poured rain, and the wind came and the park got wet, and stayed wet. But not the bowl, totally dry!!

So the Jam went on and a bunch of the kids were totally in costume. Allen Handley was in a full alligator outfit with a Burger King Crown on his head and called himself “Lizard King”, Brad Muscat actually cut some pants into shorts to truly match the one and only Hippie Mike with his fake dreads and beard on, I was dressed as a Caveman of course, and little 3 year old Kaelen Faux won the Best Costume Prize with his Dragon Suit. Pretty Funny.

It was a good fun time, everyone ripped it up. DJ Cuzo played the tunes, I skated and threw candy at people. Tons of awesome tricks went down by all the skaters and bikers, and everyone went home with a sore stomach.

Always a good time at Chuck Bailey – thanks to everyone who came out.

Here’s a video from Myke Johnson of some of the skating


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Coastal Riders & Street Dreamz Halloween in Delta

The weather let up for a day yesterday and Scott Fierbach from Coastal Riders met up at North Delta Skate Park with Chris Somerville from Street Dreamz Boardshop to run a Halloween Skate Jam. Lots of people showed up, even though it was on super short notice, but the entire park was bone dry and they were all ready to rip it. Only a few people were in costume, Trevor Greig was the pregnant Pixie, Fighter was Hippie Mike, Tommy Gudmunson was Harry Potter, and I was a Caveman and brought out the old 2×4 board to shred caveman style.

It was a solid day, and there were a bunch of Best Trick Contests on different obstacles. Tons of tricks went down, and lots of prizes were won.

This was the first collaboration between these 2 shops, and I’m sure it won’t be the last…

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