Hi. I'm Hippie Mike!
Hippie Mike is a man of many talents, many skills and many creations. A master of construction, Mike loves to build and create unique and custom projects, but he also takes the same mind frame to everything else he does.
Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding Upcoming Events

Protest Best Trick Reminder

Don’t forget about the Protest Online Best Trick Contest.

Win a huge Prize Pack from Protest Skateboards!!

So far we have lots of sick entries from all over. There’s the Smithgrind to Hardflip by Brendan Nielsen, The Frontside 360 Kickflip by Lanny Deboer, the Godzilla Flip by Mohd Firdaus Tora, the Miller Flip by Allen Handley or the Varialflip Mute by Jonathan Reichert… there are so many crazy ones already. Go to the Leaderboard and vote for your favourites.

Remember that you have until December 17th 11:59pm to have your videos submitted and voted upon. The Top Ten Voted Tricks will move on to the Finals where Team Protest will pick the winner.

Winner will be announced December 20th.

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Hippie Mike's Messed Up Mind Life and Death - And all the Emotions that come in between

A Proud, but Sad Moment

I was just informed by my Mom that my Dad, Raymond James Faux, will be recognized by the Heritage Exhibit at the Banting Farmhouse at Banting Homestead Heritage Park in Alliston, Ontario. The Banting Farmhouse is a public exhibit space which was just restored at the original Farmhouse where Sir Frederick Banting was born in 1891. As a “50 year user of Insulin” my Dad will join a list of others who have reached this historic milestone. Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 15 it seems amazing that this chemical balance assisted in his survival for so many years, and I can recall him talking about it just before he passed away, how amazed he was that he had been on insulin for 50 years. Insulin was discovered in 1921/1922 by the team of Frederick Banting and Charles Best at the University of Toronto in a lab space provided by physiologist Dr J. McLeod. Along with biochemist J.B. Collip, they discovered a way to produce commercial qualities of insulin, and so began the battle against Diabetes. McLeod and Banting were awarded the Nobel Prize for their accomplishments and were actually the first Canadians to ever have that honour. Ironically my Father’s Grandfather, Allan Brock, worked as a Lab Technician at the Toronto General Hospital during this time period and actually helped to create the equipment necessary for Banting and Best’s research in the discovery of insulin. A huge connection to my Father’s pride.

It’s a shame that my Dad did not get to experience this moment, but I am very happy that he will be recognized and his story of survival will be told. He was a huge influence on my frame of mind to always push through any battle, set lots of impossible goals, and to never give up on anything I believe in and I hope to go and see the exhibit someday soon.

Raymond James Faux – Hero, Warrior, True Man – Forever Loved


For more information of Frederick Banting and the Banting Farmhouse click the link


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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

“Corporate Skateboards” – Is that a new Company?

Lurper – a contributing writer to Jenkem Magazine has released this controversial article about the corporate changes in the skateboard world lately and how lots of skateboarders and their companies are being forgotten about. It’s a great article which makes some strong points and is definitely worth a read. Unfortunately though I can’t agree 100% to everything he talks about. I agree that we have to hate on Corporations and how they see our talents as their profits, and I definitely do not agree with any type of Corporate Takeovers of small companies. But being a long time skateboarder, almost 27 years of skateboarding now, I have to argue some points in this matter. When speaking about Steve Rocco, Mark Gonzales and Mike Vallely rebelling against corporate control in the late 80’s, early 90’s he might have forgotten to mention that Steve Rocco was the one who taught the entire skateboard world how to focus your board, and that it was cool to do so. That was a huge money ploy, but since it was a skateboarder, did that make it right? No. It’s a business and it’s always going to be about money. Just like how wheels changed hardness so that people had to buy them more often. Skateboarding also almost completely disappeared in this 80’s to 90’s era and only the true hard cores continued on with the lifestyle. So as much as it may hurt to know how much corporate support is funding these huge skate events like Maloof Money Cup, X Games, and Street League, isn’t there some positivity to seeing our sport and lifestyle promoted positively across the world. This will help it to survive and will give the true skaters more chances to start their own small companies and continue to be supported by the locals. It’s an unfortunate balance to our society as skateboarders. Yes it sucks that long time rippers are getting cut from the sponsors after how much they have given them over the years, but it’s the “1 guy” that sold out the company they should be mad at, not the corporation that bought it. And yes it sucks that they are trying to change the world away from street skating altogether by creating skate parks all over the world, but street skating was never accepted in the first place, so the people who do it are always going to do it. And with amazing skate videos like Pretty Sweet still coming out I believe that even the younger generation will always be encouraged to rebel against the system and skate street. But I also believe that this display of skateboarding on these huge TV Networks is actually helping street skateboarding be accepted in some cases. By having more people seeing it on television, the more people start to understand it and support you for your efforts.

I don’t agree with the fact that these select few kids are making humungous amounts of cash and others don’t get the chance to even try, but I look at it as just another huge sport. I’ve always compared skateboarding with Golf, in the sense that you have to perform well to make it. You have to show up to events, qualify to make it to the finals where the money is, and then compete for it. Then once you’ve proven yourself enough times you might get some recognition and big sponsors offering you some deals. It’s not like Baseball or Hockey where you sign a deal for this amount per year for this many years and then you just go play. In that world a lot of the top contract signers start lacking skills after the first 2 years of signing. They feel as though they are taken care of and don’t need to prove themselves as much so they can sit back and take it easy. Skateboarding is definitely not like that, and never will be. Look at Ryan Sheckler, this kid has been amazing since before he was 13 and is still out there competing hard. And I think he gives it his all every time he goes out there. It’s a whole different mentality to be published on television every move you make. I just look at it as 2 completely different societies. There’s the faces of skateboarding that the whole world knows, and sees on TV and thinks they are amazing. Then there’s the real skateboarders that no matter what happens in the world, they go out and skate. They film and work hard for themselves, not for others, and  they keep skateboarding what it always was – a lifestyle.

But unfortunately in today’s crazy economy, it’s hard to know whether or not skateboarding would survive without all the world-wide publicity it has been receiving over the past decade and a half.

Always support your local brands and skater owned companies, let the posers buy the rest of the products, support the real skateboarders that are just out there to skate, but also thank the ones on the TV for helping to build skateboarding into how big it has become.

I’m not the type of person that would ever sell out, but I do understand the mentality these others have and why they take the offers that get put on the table. It is a corporate world and if they don’t join it, someone else will. There is no stopping what has become, so I guess the real question is how to handle it….

Read the story below by Lurper and let’s hear your feedback



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Extreme Sports Skateboarding Video Reviews


[vimeo id=”52252499″ width=”620″ height=”360″]

For some strange reason I just saw this video now. It premiered so long ago that I don’t even remember why I had to miss it and then I just kept forgetting to watch it. Well it was worth the wait. Some wicked tricks around the local streets portrayed by some awesome filming, David Ehrenreich shows off his skills behind the cam. In association with Quiksilver, Circa, Antisocial and Don’t Sleep Productions, Dave made sure the video was gonna be a hit by filling it with some of the most creative skaters around. Colin Nogue, Cory Wilson, Jamie Maley, Zander Mitchell, Rob Rickaby and many more fill the screen with talent and keep you stoked the entire time.

It’s a sick video, check it out if you haven’t already.

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Spoiled Rotten

“With all this Drama about UBC, it’s kinda hard being me H-I-P-P-I-E.” Is that Snoop Dogg?? Or just a worse version of it?

I love being stuck in the middle of this stuff. It’s hard for me because I have my negative opinions about things but I also have so much respect for certain people who have created the world we are living in. It’s awesome how this conversation began and then continued on and on. 1 Man made his opinion clear and along with others voiced it loudly. But I wonder how many emails were sent that said that the UBC Park Design was good and people were excited for it. I’m sure there was lots of positive feedback as well. At least I hope there was. It’s very difficult to create a new spot that everyone is going to enjoy, especially when you take in all the factors of Finances, existing pipes and other obstacles in the ground, and how many different suggestions come out of the meetings. After talking with Kyle Dion from New Line yesterday on the phone I am reminded of all of this. Sometimes what we want isn’t always possible in the location dedicated for it to be built, Guildford Bowl was the same way where we were told by the City that we had X amount of square footage, but then the blue prints showed all the gas lines, and that number changed dramatically. The other thing to remember is that just because we didn’t show up for the planning meetings, it doesn’t mean other people weren’t there. Over 300 people gave feedback about what they wanted to see built at the UBC location and the designers have to go from there. I’m sure it was a lot of work just figuring out how to try and please everyone at once, like usual. I think the biggest problem of all is that we, the skateboard community in the Lower Mainland, are completely spoiled with Skate Parks. We almost have too many to be able to respect them all anymore. For all us old guys, let’s reminisce back to the 1990’s and remember how hard and long you used to have to work and how many people would have to be involved with petitioning and finding sponsors for funding and getting the city’s approval to even consider having a skate park. It would literally take years just to get to a planning stage. Those days are over, and New Line Skate Parks are one of the main companies that brought us past those days. Without their positive influence on skateboarding across the world, where would we be right now? And I think we should all be grateful for them and what they have done for all of us.

This UBC Skate Park might not be a destination spot for all skateboarders, but that wasn’t the intent of it in the first place. The design meetings happened and the response was huge. And they worked through all that feedback to come up with something that would appeal to both the street skaters and the tranny skaters. They have been super busy reading through all the emails and replies to this design and have definitely taken people’s opinions into account. As I said before, whatever gets built there will be constructed properly and will be fun for many people.

Love it or not, it’s your choice whether or not to go there. And if you don’t want to, then pick and choose one of the other 60 local skate parks that have already been built for you….

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Extreme Sports Hippie Mike Skateboarding Team Riders

“Yet Another Reason not to have Dreadlocks”

So it finally happened, Hippie Mike was on AFV, and that’s what they had to say about me. Hilarious!!

Watch the clip here

or the whole episode below

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

UBC Skate Park – It’s all up to You now

After a couple of crazy days being in the middle of a major discussion Sean Campbell is stepping back from the lead role on this UBC Skate Park design issue. We thank him for being the leader and getting the ball rolling towards reconsideration of a new style design of the park. Both the reps from UBC and New Line Skate Parks were receptive to the opinions and comments Sean and others have made so far and I’m sure will leave their ears and minds open for more feedback about this subject. But it is now up to you, the public to continue this discussion with them. Sean does not want to be the Face of this battle, he just wanted to encourage people to join it. And really, it shouldn’t be a “battle” in the first place. One thing that we all know is that skate parks costs big money, and any design plans for any type of construction cost money too. I’m sure there is room to change but is it possible without more funding? I’m not sure. I wasn’t personally involved in any of the planning for this park.

Continue to send your feedback directly to New Line or to the UBC Planning Department just like Sean did initially and we’ll see what the outcome ends up being.

Either way there will be another skate park in Vancouver next year, and it will be built right.

Hopefully it’s one that makes sense…

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Cisco Gooding Extreme Sports Hippie Mike Jeff Cole Protest Skateboards Skateboarding Team Riders

The OG – 3

Here’s a quick little video of 3 of the Original Team Riders from Team ProtestJeff Cole, Cisco Gooding and myself Hippie Mike. Finally after revamping the Team and bringing on Jordan Strong as the filmer many months ago, we get a taste of the good old days. Protest Skateboards began in 2001 and these 2 were my top choice for representing my company along with Jon Irvine. Between the 4 of us we showed unique skills, technical talents, crazy obstacle choices and reckless abandon. With Jon back in Ontario now, he’s still a part of our Team and always will be, but it’s tough to do the long distance thing for filming and such. It’s been a great run over these past 10/11 years of Protest and it’s really only just beginning. Hopefully this little video will stoke these 2 awesome skaters to come out more when we’re filming and get some footage going again. Low and behold there will be a Protest Video released in 2013, so they’re gonna have to, pressure’s on now…

Jeff and Cisco skate the Ramp

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Extreme Sports Hippie Mike Skateboarding Team Riders

Hippie Mike on America’s Funniest Videos

This Sunday, November 25th, 2012, AFV will be airing a clip sent in by myself – Hippie Mike. It’s an old clip from about 2004 which I just submitted to the show this summer of me riding down a pathway doing tricks when a branch from a thorn bush grabs my hair and yanks me right off my skateboard. Some people may have had the privilege of seeing this clip in a past Protest Video called Never Give Up which I had to temporarily remove from the site for legal reasons. It’s a hilarious clip on it’s own and I’m anticipating it to be even funnier with the TV Voiceover of America’s Funniest Home Videos Host – Tom Bergeron.

This was always one of my favourite TV Shows since it began. AFV was the original show of this nature where anyone could send in their own filmed videos of any style to be aired. There were other Blooper Shows prior to AFV but nothing compared to this one once it came out. I still remember watching the very first episode more than 20 years ago in my living room with my entire family and all of us laughing so hard. I’ve watched it ever since. I remember always imagining being on it one day and now I guess that day has come. If there was one person who would have loved to be able to see this episode, it’s my Dad, and I’m sad that he isn’t around for it. But that’s one of the reasons I finally sent in the clip, because I knew he would’ve loved it. So turn your TV’s to ABC this Sunday Night at 7pm and laugh it up.

Dedicated to the memory of my Dad, Ray Faux, and all the great times we had laughing together to episodes of this show, this one’s for you buddy…

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Sean Campbell Gets his Point Across

From the story we posted earlier about the upcoming UBC Skate Park written by Sean Campbell and from many people showing their true feelings though emails and comments on Facebook as well, the representatives at UBC and New Line Skate Parks are ready to sit down and review the design plans. Read Sean’s story below, and remember that your opinion does matter in the world, and your voice can be heard. So if something is happening out there that doesn’t make sense or that you have a hard time completely agreeing with, let people know. The word Protest is a very strong word, and people relate it negative behaviour. But protesting is just a way of stating your opinion to try to make a difference or a change in the world.

Positive Protests can go a long way…

Thanks Sean

My UPDATED UBC Skate Park Story!

by Sean Campbell 

 Thursday, November 22, 2012 ·

I would like to drop an update about my UBC skatepark story so that everyone can be in the know !

A few days ago I wrote a couple of emails and sent them off to NewLine and The University sharing my opinion of the skatepark design. I didn’t think it would do a whole bunch – but I’m an opinionated guy so I sent ’em off anyways. Then I posted my shpeel on facebook here sharing what I did and how it worked out pretty good. I had seen a lot of other people online still commenting negatively about the park design and thought it would be good to share my story and let people know.

Suddenly I wound up talking directly to representatives from both UBC and NewLine. Both of them have taken the time to call me personally – which I think is amazing – and after discussing the logistics of the park space and many many other related topics I would like to put this out there …

NewLine and UBC are on the team with the rapidly emerging opinion that the park design is a little less than stellar. Even though it is considerably late in the game for changing the whole park design I would like to let everyone know that NewLine IS sitting down to review the design – not to change it completely or maybe even at all – but they are concerned enough to take a look and see if there is any way make to improvements. That is AWESOME! So yeah – the emails and shit worked – to whoever did send one in – kudos!

After talking with the planners and designers I’ve got a MUCH better understanding in general of the whole project – and I think the fact that UBC and NewLine were genuinely concerned enough about the incoming opinions to take a second look is proof enough that the park is going to wind up being the best that it can be. Any concerns I had about the park design have been laid to rest now that I know more – and no matter what is built at UBC it’s still going to be new and fun.

I grew up in a time and place when skateparks were non-existant – and to me every new park is an epic chance to fulfill every skatepark dream ever and see it put it in concrete! The reality now however is that the city is already planning to build more new skateparks than you could shake a stick at in coming years .. and just because this ONE park doesn’t provide every kind of terrain isn’t the hugest crime ever. It is still a NEW SKATEPARK and it’s going to be fun.

I’m actually still blown away by the calls and other feedback I got from two emails. I’m obviously passionate about skating and I wasn’t expecting to suddenly be in the middle of a debate – and I’m grateful to everyone who shared my note or gave their opinion – and I’m extra grateful to UBC and NewLine for building a new park!

So yeah  – once more – the park plan IS being reviewed and that’s all we can ask for !

please spread the word – i’m not doing the tag 50 people thing again! 🙂

happy skating! – Sean Campbell

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