Hi. I'm Hippie Mike!
Hippie Mike is a man of many talents, many skills and many creations. A master of construction, Mike loves to build and create unique and custom projects, but he also takes the same mind frame to everything else he does.
Allen Handley Carrie Williams Cisco Gooding Eve Feaver Hippie Mike Jay Mykyte Kaelen Faux Political Movements Protest Skateboards Skateboarding

Protest Skateboards Reissue Decks – Fight the System Series Part 1

Bob and Malcolm decks

Protest Skateboards have remade a limited number of Bob Marley and Malcolm X decks from our 2015 Protest “Fight the System” Series. With what is happening in the world today we thought these graphics had real meaning that needed to be shared once again. They’re selling fast so jump on it if you want one, Click the link below to purchase

Part 2 of the series will are being remade as we speak and will be available in September

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Hippie Mike Hippie Mike's Messed Up Mind Life and Death - And all the Emotions that come in between Motivational and Inspirational Blogs Motivational Mondays

Don’t Mess with the Bull

Don't Mess with the Bull

Determination is everything; Set your goals high but low enough to guarantee reaching them; Take your time and don’t rush beyond your own capabilities; Know what you want and focus all energy towards getting it…

When you wake up in the morning what is your brain thinking about? I know mine starts running through a list of things I Need to get done that day in order to survive the year, but also likes to wander into thinking of what things I Want to get done in the near future to make my life even better. A lot of the time these two mind frames collide and get in each other’s way, but it’s important to always have dreams and aspirations and not let the everyday necessities take over your life. Obviously top priorities include making sure you and your kids are fed, dressed, and semi-clean, but beyond that there are certain things that can just wait. Family time is always important so make sure you make time for that every day, and include your family in your dreams of the future so that they get to grow with you. Travel and learn about new things together, and make memories that each of you will remember forever. Surround yourself with positive people and push the negativities out of your life. Take time every day to just breathe the fresh air and enjoy the scenery. Remember where you came from and know why you are who you are.
And just be yourself – Always

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Andy Anderson Hippie Mike Kaelen Faux Protest Skateboards Skateboarding SkatePark Styles

SkatePark Styles Episode 4 – White Rock with Andy Anderson

A quick reunion at the old Local White Rock Skate Park, Andy Anderson shows you how to properly rip the Bowl he grew up skating, and then airs the fence gap out of the park in tribute to the OG legend Major Dave Bowers. Don’t it Feel All Right?

Song: Don’t it Feel All Right
Artist: Hagen Mitchell (with Craig Williams and George Faulkner)
Album: Craig Williams – In Good Company
Released: 2017

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Create It and Skate It with Hippie Mike Grip Tape Art Hippie Mike Kaelen Faux Protest Skateboards

Grip Tape Art 3 – The King’s Diamond

Grip Tape Art #3 with Hippie Mike, “The King’s Diamond”. This one was designed by 10 year old Kaelen Faux, aka Big Rip Kaelen, and was put onto my last collab Protest Movement/Coastal Riders Join the Movement deck for him to ride. Go Rip it Up Kaelen!!

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Hippie Mike Life and Death - And all the Emotions that come in between Motivational and Inspirational Blogs Motivational Mondays

Never Give Up


When Life throws you curveballs, just throw one right back. If you grow up thinking everything will always work out the way you plan it to, you are either living in a dreamworld or have too much wealth to ever experience Real Life. One thing I have experienced the most in the past 5-10 years is constant change and adjustment, I’ve had to change my relationships with some friends due to unfortunate circumstances that occurred, and I had to wipe 2 years worth of work off my plate completely in order to save a couple friendships that meant so much to me. When you wake up in the morning you usually have a plan of how the day will start and how it will end, but what happens in the middle can always be unpredictable, try to never be surprised when things go wrong, and then just figure out the best way to make them right again…

The Motivation for today is not only to Never Give Up, but also to look at the positive aspects of every negative situation and feed off that instead of just dwelling on the negative. It’s like when you’re car breaks down on you, the first thing I look at in that situation is where I was at the time, what time of day it is, and whether or not myself and everyone with me are safe. If nobody got hurt and you were able to deal with the situation fairly simply then what’s so bad about it, it’s not the end of the world, Repair the issues and move onward…

There’s never a better time than Now to make something positive happen. Utilize every day to work towards Your goals, no matter what they are. Don’t let others influence your decisions when their opinions don’t match yours. Never Give Up on your dreams, and always spread the Joy around by fulfilling them.

Happy Monday!

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AJ Zabell Andy Anderson Hippie Mike Kaelen Faux Life and Death - And all the Emotions that come in between Motivational and Inspirational Blogs Motivational Mondays Skateboarding

True Friends are Forever Friends

KAM crew and Andy

You ever run into someone or get a phone call from someone that you haven’t talked to for years but automatically it feels like you were just hanging out the day before. These are your True Friends.
Sometimes in life you get separated from family and friends as you travel down different paths, but you always keep certain people in your heart and thoughts each day. You think, Hey I should call so and so and get caught up, but the days get busy quickly and you just never get to it. But when it does happen it’s always awesome.
I took a few years to be by myself recently, with my family of course, but just to mentally regenerate after going through some tough times. And certain friends would come visit or call, and others wouldn’t. Or maybe they did reach out and I just didn’t answer. But either way I always knew they were there for me, and I hope they knew the same about me.
Lately I’ve been getting back into skateboarding and filming again now that I’m not as injured anymore and it’s interesting to see how people react when they see me. I love the surprised look on someone’s face who didn’t expect me to be there that day, and it’s always an exciting moment as the good times flash through your brain. My goal was to get back to my own roots of what I’ve loved to do my whole life and remind myself of why I loved it, drop all my sponsors and just skate again. It was never about fame to me, it was always about having fun with my friends and sharing that joy with others, That’s why I was always so specific about the people that rode for Protest.
I have Friends all over, some of them I haven’t talked to for 20 years or more but know that we are Forever Friends just by the way we grew up together. And I think about all the True Friends who have passed away over the years and regret the ones I didn’t get one last visit with. Time only happens once and it’s important to spend as much time as possible sharing happiness with your Friends.
I think social media plays a bit of a part in confusing people as to who their True Friends are, and who are just people that want to say they’re your Friends, but do you recognize each other out in public? Or have each other’s phone numbers? Everyone gets wrapped up in this Web of Non-Reality where anyone can be a celebrity if they have the right audience, but have you ever shut all your social media off and see who actually calls you?
It’s a weird world we live in, I sure am glad we didn’t have cell phones, facebook, Instagram, etc. when I was growing up. Back then if you had Friends, you knew them personally, and those Friends last Forever.
I think it’s a great day for everyone to think back to who their True Friends are and recognize them for that. Give them a call, or a visit, and catch up on real life…

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Andy Anderson Archived Videos Hippie Mike Skateboarding Video Reviews

Andy Anderson 2015 Video – Previously Unreleased

Previously Unreleased video of Andy Anderson in Vancouver Canada showcasing his All-Around Skateboarding Talent – Street, Tranny, and Freestyle, accompanied by some awesome piano playing skills.
Back in 2015 we made this video as a send off for Andy leaving the Protest Skateboards team and starting off his sponsorship with Powell Peralta but we never actually released the video. Some of the clips were used in a “Skateboard Stories” video that Stacy Peralta made in 2018 but most of it has still never been seen, especially not the way it was originally created. I filmed the video over 5 consecutive Saturdays with Andy while I was transitioning from a full leg brace to walking again after a knee surgery.


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Hippie Mike Hippie Mike's Messed Up Mind Motivational and Inspirational Blogs Motivational Mondays The Man I Am

You Can Get It if You Really Want

Mike's Wood pile

Don’t ever let anyone tell you what You are capable of, only You can determine what you Can and Can’t do in life. And one thing to also remember is that if your body was used to doing something before it got injured, then it will still be used to doing it afterwards, you just might have to adjust how you do it or do it at a different level.
I have heated my homes with nothing but Firewood for 15 years and it takes a lot of effort, all year long. As soon as winter ends it’s time to go out and start collecting new wood, bucking it down to size, and splitting it so it can dry over summer. The goal is always to have lots of extra wood, and to have it all split and piled by the end of June, but that hardly ever happens. Last year I was about 1/3 done by the end of June and then broke my ankle July 3rd. That didn’t stop me either. After resting for a few weeks I was out there standing on 1 foot chainsawing and splitting in order to get it all ready in time for winter. It’s not just what you want that creates motivation, but also what you don’t want, and I never want to pay to heat my house. Especially when you get used to wood fire heat, furnaces and electric heaters cannot produce that same type of heat and the heat they do produce doesn’t last as long. I built the house we live in so that the woodstove heats the entire house from the centre of the main floor and it works great. This year with school being closed during this Covid-19 issue I had a special helper available, my 10 year old son Kaelen. Kaelen is a very determined and self motivated person, he knew the goal and pushed hard to help me accomplish it. We’ve been out collecting firewood 2 days a week since the beginning of May and tomorrow will be our last day. The pile you are looking at behind me is only about 1/3 of the wood we got so far this year, and it’s more than enough for next winter, therefore we actually have enough wood for 3 years, that’s amazing.
I’ve been told by lots of people over my lifetime to quit doing a lot of things because of injuries I’ve been through, but what those people don’t get is that Not doing the physical things my body is used to is what actually hurts the most. Sitting in a chair not being physical is what hurts the most. I like to skateboard, snowboard, swim, play basketball and baseball, and go on walks and bike rides with my kids. No one is going to stop me from doing that stuff, and it’s what will keep me the healthiest even if it hurts. Get out there and do what makes You feel good inside, if it hurts a bit that’s life, you’ll get over it. But if you really want it, you Can get it.

Never Give Up

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Cisco Gooding Hippie Mike Kaelen Faux Protest Skateboards Skateboarding SkatePark Styles Video Reviews

SkatePark Styles – Episode 3 – Bonsor Skate Park with Travis Emerson and Ryan Prasad

In Memory of a good friend Ryan McKellar we spent a Saturday afternoon at Bonsor Skate Park in Metrotown (Burnaby BC) with a couple local legends Travis Emerson and Ryan Prasad. Watch as the remind the street section of Bonsor who’s boss… Also starring: Cisco Gooding, Big Rip Kaelen Faux, Allen Handley, Justin Parenteau, AJ Zabell, Oli Ward, and myself Hippie Mike

Music Credit:
Song: Bright Eyez’Em
Artist: L.S. (Featuring Bin Nyce)
Album: In This Life
Released: 2008

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Hippie Mike Kaelen Faux Motivational and Inspirational Blogs Motivational Mondays Skateboarding

Kids Make the World Go Round

Caileigh and Kaelen Skitchin

If you have Kids you will quickly relate to this, and even if you don’t have kids of your own but hang out with other people’s children you will also know what I’m talking about.
Kids can drive you crazy at times, they are needy and stubborn, but it’s not their fault. It is our job to feed them, bath them, clothe them, and love them, and in return they show you a love that no one else can. When a young child looks into your eyes or holds you by the hand and expresses themself they are giving you the full Truth of how they feel, they don’t know anything else. When they are really young everything they do is a new experience and is either fun, scary, or super cool. Then as they grow older a confidence builds inside them that allows them to become more independent and start to take care of themselves, and find their own true passions. It’s hard to remember that we were all once little babies, infants, toddlers, children, teenagers, young adults, etc… We all went through the same things to grow up, and each of us have different stories to tell.
The one thing that motivates me to always be a caring father is when I see my kids enjoying themselves with a smile that cannot be faked. The excitement that comes to life is so real at times that just being there with them pumps you up and makes you happy. I’m very lucky to have a child that loves to skateboard, and not just wanting to be good at it, but actually just enjoys skateboarding for what it is – a time to challenge your mind and body to learn and remember new things, a way to feel free from everything as you roll and flow across the concrete, and a connection to so many people you can call your friends for life. When we go out together it’s a special time between us, one that both of us will remember differently, but the same.
I try to do as much as possible with both my kids, and so does their Mom. Every minute of every day only happens once, we must make the most of it. One day you will look down at your kids and realize they are taller than you, they own their own cars and homes, and have kids of their own. Today is a day like any other day, hug your children and let them know that you love them, it’s important for both of you

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