Hi. I'm Hippie Mike!
Hippie Mike is a man of many talents, many skills and many creations. A master of construction, Mike loves to build and create unique and custom projects, but he also takes the same mind frame to everything else he does.
Extreme Sports Skateboarding Video Reviews

Tyler the Creator

Ty Williamson is a mere 18 years old and is starting his venture into the world of videography. He spent the past year filming some of the best skaters around Poco, Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows and has released quite a few short films. Ty still has a long way to go before being one of the most well known skateboard filmers in BC but he is definitely on the right path. He got solid equipment and knows how to edit, plus he has a very reputable status with tons of sick riders and he’s ready to dedicate his life to it. Of course filming for One Love Skateboard Shop doesn’t hurt either…

Remember this is how Jordan Mayfield, David Wayne Stevens and  Benny Stoddard all began.

Check out some of Ty’s work below:

His Youtube Account as Tyler the Film Creator


His new Facebook Page for Ty Williamson Films


and this teaser for his first full length skate video to be released sometime in 2013 – Conspiracy – featuring Lanny DeBoer, Ryan Prasad, Dave Jonsson, Jesse Holland, Gilbert Turenne, Blair Higginson, Jackson Wakabayashi, Andre Tsougrianis, Michael James, Calum Wood, Gabe Di Norscio, River Tavis & Tom Korop

[youtube id=”qhK5YQB3lBo” width=”620″ height=”360″]



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Upcoming Events

One Love Kickoff at the Pitts

One Love Contest

One Love Skate Shop is kicking off Spring with a contest at that tight little pink park – Pitt Meadows on March 9th, 2013. If you haven’t been to Pitt Meadows before, it is definitely worth checking out, just try and go when the kids are in school so you don’t have to barge through 20 scooters. There’s tranny, manuals, ledges, and a couple funky obstacles. In other words, it should make for a fun time.

Get yourself registered by clicking the link below and choosing what category suits your skill level (remember if you’re sponsored than you go in Amateur), then you send a photo to One Love by email and they’ll post your profile on the site. $10 to enter, and guess what, Hippie Mike’s already registered…


After the contest One Love will be hosting “Battle Royale 2” at the Heritage Hall. It’s a musical battle, so come prepared to hang out all day and night.


 Battle Royale 2

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Hippie Mike's Messed Up Mind The Man I Am

Who Are You? Really?

Being into extreme sports you meet a lot of different people over your lifetime, but do you really know them? People judge each other on what they know and see, and maybe don’t realize that it could be the past of a person that is what really makes them who they are. You only know someone from the time you first meet them, your grandparents are wrinkled and grey, you mom or dad are already grown ups and it’s hard to picture them any other way, or believe that they used be crazy teenagers like yourself at one time. Even when you see pictures of people you know that existed before you knew them, you don’t fully believe it.

What do you know about me? Who am I anyway?

Maybe you were there when I was helping the sport of snowboarding progress to the point it’s at now. And maybe you’ve never seen me on a snowboard so you just figure I don’t ride….

Maybe you were there when I was flying off rooftops, inventing new tricks and destroying the streets on my skateboard. And maybe you just see me as some fat lazy tranny rider that just likes cruisin’ around…

Maybe you were there when I was pushed down by society for what I looked like and believed in and spent every day hating the government and fighting for change. And maybe you think I just work for the City in my cushy office job and have an easy life…

Maybe you were there when I moved across the country away from everyone we knew with everything we owned and completely started over at age 19 to get rid of my depression and try to find happiness. And maybe you just thought I grew up in Surrey, was always happy and have lots of friends here…

Maybe you were there when we lived on Hastings Street, partied every day and survived off all the used skateboards and shoes that people would give us. And maybe you just think we always owned the house we live in and I always had all brand new equipment and owned a skateboard company…

Maybe you were there, maybe you weren’t.

My point is you only know someone from the time you know them, and not everyone has a biography written about them that explains everything that they’ve done to help change the world, or tell you about all the struggles they’ve faced and battles they’ve fought. And sometimes you might want to take the time to learn about people and what made them who they are today, and how they helped make you who you are too.

Don’t just know people from today, know them from yesterday.

Think about it, what do you really know about your friends, about your neighbours, about your own family members and what they did in this world in the past to make a difference?

Maybe it’s time to learn

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Extreme Sports Glory Daze Hippie Mike Skateboarding

Glory Daze – Episode 7 Dan Pageau – “Just One Love”

One Love Logo

Hi, and welcome to Episode 7 of GLORY DAZE with Hippie Mike. Today we’re hanging out with a Canadian Legend in the skateboard community. He’s a Technical Wizard on his skateboard and has been blowing minds with his skills for many years. From “Nollie Lazerflip Bluntslides”to “Fakie Bigspin Tweezer Flips”, he’s the Rodney Mullen of Canada. The owner of One Love Skateboard Shop– give it up for Dan Pageau!!

Hippie Mike: So Dan, can you give a brief bit of history by telling us how old you are, why you started skateboarding and where you lived at that time

Dan Pageau: Yeah, I’m 32 years old, I started skateboarding in Montrealwhen I was about 5 years old, and since then I haven’t stopped

HM: And when did you go Pro?

Dan: I turned pro in 1995 is what I remember. I did the Ramp Rage in Montreal, that was my first pro contest. I guess there was a bunch of Pros there, first time they came into town – Kareem Campbelland I think Rob Dyrdekwas there, and anyways I ended up getting 1st Place and it was sweet

Dan Pageau - 3flip fakie

HM: Sick. Who was your first sponsor?

Dan: Well I had like Shop Sponsors. I rode for EQwhich I think is still around, and then I rode for Radical Skate Shopwhich was this skate shop by Peace Park in Montreal. And basically the owner of that shop is Edward Law, and he owned True Skateboards

HM: Were you born and raised in Montreal?

Dan: Yeah, like kinda on the outskirts, but yeah

HM: What was it like trying to make it as a recognized skateboarder from Canada?

Dan: What was it like trying to make it? Uhhh, I don’t know. Like at first I didn’t really try to make it, I would just kind of show up and skate the park. I remember when I was like 8 years old, we went to Jarry Parkwhich was the local park at the time and just put on a bunch of sweaters and skate this 6′ ramp with vert and just skate that and learned how to do a bunch of stuff and from that I guess people noticed me and started sponsoring me and stuff. So it was never really something I looked for, being sponsored…

HM: Was it hard to get into the scene, like with America?

Dan Pageau - Pivot Fakie

Dan: Well I guess from being sponsored with True Skateboards, we started travelling a little bit. I went to Tampa Pro, and I also went to Europe with Max Dufour and Pierre-Luc Gagnon. So I was kind of just staying in their hotel room and smooching off their Vans sponsorship(laughs), but yeah, like even in 1997they had the Vans Warped Tourwhich I did a bunch of the competitions, like I went into Boston… so we showed up their and I won 1st Place, PLG won Vertand we got free tickets to California. So that’s kind of where it started to become a little more serious for me with doing all the travelling and stuff. Yeah besides that it was just, um, for me just being really dedicated and just wanting to be everywhere and just going to all the Professional Events. I never really sent promos or tried to get sponsored, I just went to places and started shredding and then eventually uh, I think it was either Ronnie Creageror Rodney Mullennoticed me and yeah…

HM: Yeah, 2 crazy’s… (Laughs) Who’s your favourite Canadian Skateboarderright now?

Dan: My favourite Canadian Skateboarder, first thing that comes to mind would be Grant Patterson

Dan Pageau & Hippie Mike

HM: I remember seeing clips of you in videos like 411during the 90’s but I’d have to say the moment I realized how good you were was when I saw the video Underworld – Underratedin the early 2000’s. Your part in that video was mind-blowing and anyone who has never watched it needs to go watch it. What was it like to see Underworld Skate Shop expand across Canada?

Dan: well I thought it was pretty cool. I grew up with Alex skating, we used to go skate his school when I was like 9 years old. And basically, Alex is a real skateboarder. I don’t know if anybody knows this but when I didn’t even know what switch stance was, he was doing switch kick flips, and backside noseblunts on mini rampand stuff, and he’s always been really supportive and we’ve always been good buddies and just to see where he’s taken his business and how dedicated he is really impressive. Like that whole Under Attack Tour

HM: Was that part of your inspiration to open your own Skateboard Shop?

Dan Pageau Pro Model - Monke

Dan: Yeah it was actually, yeah for sure. Before the skate shop I did a wheel company called Traction Wheelsand that was really fun. For me having a Skateboard Companyis not really about making money, it’s about having the Team together and making something happen. And the one thing I didn’t particularly like was calling stores and being like, you know, you wanna get my stuff in? Most stores did support it and stuff but I just got really tired of like calling and calling and calling. So I figured you know, if I just do a shop then it’s like more people coming to you. It’s not really about the money and selling product, it’s more like about who’s involved in it right now, Like Andre Tsougrianisand Lanny DeBoerand Micky Papa, and right now we’ve got Dave Jonssonand Ryan Prasadriding for us. All those guys are just insane. And to work with them, and the attitude, and the fun that we have together, and we come up with ideas. ‘Cause at first when I had One Loveit was just me and I was just bouncing ideas off the wall and had nobody really helping me out with ideas and stuff and now with one Love how it’s set up we can work together. We got a new Filmer – Ty Williamson and it’s just really amazing and he’s helping us out a lot (Check out Ty’s videos at www.youtube.com/tylerthefilmcreator )

One Love Skateboard Shop - Poco

HM: Your Pro for Monke Skateboards right now. How long have you known Ben Chibberand how did you end up sponsored by Monke?

Dan: Well how I met Ben was, a longtime ago we did Slam City Jamand we had a booth which was Premium Skateboards, Monke Skateboardsand Traction Wheels, so we did business like that and we started selling stuff. Yeah prior to that I just always thought Monke Skateboards was awesome. I remember going to Slam City Jam and being like whoa, who’s that guy? And like who’s that guy? Every guy that was like incredible talent was on Monke Skateboards. I didn’t know who they were but they were awesome

HM: Trevor Houlihan

One Love - Board Wall

Dan: Yeah Houlihan, and Steve Strangand um…. Ted DeGros. So me just being from Montreal, and I was already Pro before that, and just seeing those guys I thought whoa man, these Monke Skateboardguys are awesome. And I just always had this thing in the back of my mind where I wanted to ride for them. So I don’t know how it really happened but just like hangin’ out with Ben and just being like, yeah okay, let’s do it…

HM: Well I know how much Ben Chibberthinks about you, and he definitely thinks you deserve more recognition so he’s gonna be there to help you at any given moment, I know that…

Dan: And that’s the thing, i just want to be loyal. Like if I get any other offers, I don’t really care if there’s more money, i’m just going to be loyal to Monke Skateboards

HM: Cool. Who else are you sponsored by right now?

Dan: I got Monke Skateboards, United Clothingthrough Bruce, and I’m getting some shoes through Globewhich is awesome. I’m not necessarily on the Team or anything but they’ve been kind enough to send me the shoes that I like, so

One Love Shop - With Dan Pageau

HM: What’s your favourite trick to do?

Dan: Favourite trick to do would be a 360 flip

HM: Name 3 people that influenced you to be who you are today

Dan: Okay, I guess my Dad, he would be one. Um, Jesus, just how he is and the way he dealt with situations, and um, maybe Danny Way

HM: Yeah, I hear that. What’s the best trick you ever landed?

Dan: (Laughs) Best Trick I ever landed… What comes to mind right now as the best thing I can think of is the Switch Noseblunt Cabellarial Kick Flipwhich I did in the Progression Video #5in the year 2000

HM: Nice. Well, thanks a lot Dan for being a guest on GLORY DAZE with Hippie Mike. You’re an amazing skater who helped open some big doors for the future Canadian Rippersand we thank you for that. Respect him as a skateboarder, a legend, and a true man. Type his name into Youtubeand support his shop One Love

Dan Pageaueverybody…


Check out some more crazy Pageau Montages:

Best of 2011 – Dan Pageau


Dan Pageau – Underrated


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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

35 Years of Skull

Sean Mortimer and SBC Business Magazine have just released a huge article about one of the biggest skateboard legends Vancouver has ever experienced. At 50 years old, Peter Ducommun, or PD as everyone knows him celebrates the 35th anniversary of one of the most recognized hard core brands in existence – Skull Skates.

This article is a must read if you want to know any history about skateboarding in Canada. PD has been around for a long time, as a skateboarder, a snowboarder, a BMX rider, a skimboarder, and a fearless and intelligent Businessman. Never backing down from his beliefs PD has made his point across the world through Vancouver’s own PD’s Hot Shop and Skull Skates. He is one of the few people in the world that didn’t give up on skateboarding when the “Fad” died out in 1990 and it’s those people we need to thank the most for what skateboarding has become today.

Show him the respect he deserves and read this article to learn some important history



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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Mini Mini Ramp with Django and Theo

Last week Hippie Mike and Jeff Cole headed down to East Van to hang out with 2 of the craziest little dudes around – Django and Theo. These guys are super young and love to skate. You might know them from Kensington Park, China Creek, or have seen them shredding in the Beginner Category at any of the Bowl Series Competitions. They both qualify as “Long-Hairs” so that gets big points from Hippie Mike right away, and Django is very unique as he only skates on his knees – Friggin’ Maniac!

Anyway, they told Jeff about their Mini Ramp when they were at PD’s one day and invited us to come play on it. It was tiny, tight and lots of fun. And under cover, which in Vancouver, is the probably biggest bonus of all. This ramp is going to produce 2 awesome skaters.

Thanks for the session boys!

[youtube id=”N6g56v7H63E” width=”620″ height=”360″]

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding Video Reviews

Blinded by Bravery

What is the definition of brave?




possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.

Making a fine appearance.

Archaic . Excellent; fine; admirable.


a brave person.

A warrior 

This kid is amazing, and may be the most hardcore person to ride a skateboard. We’ve seen many interesting cases of physically challenged people take up skateboarding over the past few decades and actually become famous from it – Pancho Moler, Jon Comer, Og de Souza. All of these guys changed the way we looked at skateboarding by competing with the best of the best at it. To me it’s an amazing feeling to think of what goes through the minds of someone who can’t walk, yet decides they want to skateboard, and hit 12 stair rails….

There’s a new young hero to add to this unique list of people who will blow your mind. His name is Tommy Carroll and he is a major inspiration to many. Blinded at the age of 2 by cancer in his retinas, Tommy has lived his life in the dark so to say, but has brought his ambitions to the light. This kid goes out there and skateboards by the powers inside him, with absolutely no vision. He can drop in, grind, air and carve with no fear, using only his other senses to know where he is. What I want to know is how did this even begin? Who decided to let Tommy learn to skateboard? And how did he get to the point of confidence he is at right now?

I’ve taught many people how to skateboard and I can definitely see the benefit of taking someone who cannot see and getting them on a board rolling around and just learning those balance skills and repetitive motions. But skateboarding has an addiction attached to it, the addiction of learning. Once you begin to experience new obstacles, and tricks, you want more. So Tommy learned how to shred a bowl, and I only see him getting even better as time goes on.

This video is inspirational in so many ways, it makes you think about trying to drop in with your eyes closed. I’ve done it, and it’s terrifying. It makes you wonder what drives his motivation. And it proves once again that anything is possible if you put your mind to it and commit.

Watch this video with respect, and try and put yourself in his shoes. Would you be this brave?

My favourite part is when the lights go out at the skate park – and it doesn’t matter. Go Tommy!!

[vimeo id=”56902953″ width=”620″ height=”360″]


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Extreme Sports Skateboarding Video Reviews

Dazed… but not confused

Sometimes people spend their entire life searching for answers about who they are and what they should be. And sometimes there are those rare cases where life just comes together and happens on it’s own. You have to find yourself eventually, but are there “Yellow Brick Roads” out there to hunt down, or do you just wait in one spot for a sign? Who knows how it happens but it does, and one day you realize who you are.

This young teenager has definitely found himself this past year. Pumping out video montage after montage, and focusing on local talents that others might not recognize, Ethan Craig has proven himself to be an amazing skateboard filmer and video maker. His filming is creative, and captures what matters, but his editing is just becoming phenomenal. At a mere 16 years old, Ethan has already made a name for himself in a community of thousands of skaters. And one thing I really like about him is that he can kill it on the board too. Sometimes you get guys that go out and purchase the best of the best for video equipment and just start hanging out at the skate parks. This can be their ticket to chillin’ with the Big Guns, but that doesn’t make them a filmer. Just because you film the best dude out there, doesn’t mean for a second that the video’s gonna be any good. You need to have talent when you film, you need to have visions prior to filming, and you need to be dedicated to making videos that people enjoy watching. And Ethan has all of these assets.

I remember Ethan from when he was younger and used to hang with Jeff Cole and he was always determined. He had talents, he had confidence, and he had visions. It’s awesome to see this young kid bring these visions to reality, and find himself. After a summer of releasing a bunch of unique Hi8 videos of multiple rippers, Ethan Craig has announced that he is now filming for his first Full Length Skate Video –“Daze” – which will be premiered near the end of 2013. Can’t wait to see it buddy.

Here’s the first trailer to get you hyped

[youtube id=”lnkSRiNtpiU” width=”620″ height=”360″]

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding Upcoming Events

Thrashin’ Thursdays Begins

The start of something awesome, and dangerous, happens tomorrow January 17th, 2013. Kevin Kelly and BLVD Skate Shop, along with Antihero, Thunder, Spitfire and Cariboo, present Thrashin’ Thursdays at the Whiskey Bar in Vancouver – 303 Columbia St.  at 9pm.

A mini ramp in a bar every Thursday, For how long? Who knows…

It starts tomorrow. $10 to get in and skate. You know it’s gonna be insane.

Read the flyer

 Thrashin' Thursdays Poster

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The Board of Arts

Recently, The Board of Arts put a spotlight on their page about Protest Skateboards and Hippie Mike. The page is managed by Don Pollock, an Old School Skater/Artist and is all about promoting the lost arts that live in the skateboard world. Promoting local and small companies, highlighting new and unique board graphics, and bringing back memories with lots of photos from the 80’s, The Board of Arts is a great place to hang out. Check out this recent compilation and support local businesses.


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