Hi. I'm Hippie Mike!
Hippie Mike is a man of many talents, many skills and many creations. A master of construction, Mike loves to build and create unique and custom projects, but he also takes the same mind frame to everything else he does.
Extreme Sports Hippie Mike's Messed Up Mind Skateboarding The Bob Marley Quote of the Month

What? Why? When? Who? Where? How?


I’m feeling pretty good right now, the weather has been amazing, our lives are about to change again for the better, and lots of positive things are in motion with Protest. But you know I’m always expecting negativity and am always preparing for the worst.

A lot of people suffer from depression and don’t know how to handle it, this comes from always expecting the best and never getting it. I learned a long time ago that getting excited about something before it happens is just a set up to be let down so instead I always consider what the best result will be and what the worst result could be when I’m expecting something new and then prepare for either.

This was a tough month that just passed, and finished off a solid year of depression, frustration and anger inside of me. I vowed that I would be happier after that year was over and so far it seems like I am. So now it is time to stop hanging my head and get back to being the old me, the Hippie Mike that everyone grew to love over these so many years, the happy, smiling, joking around all the time, partying fun guy that I am inside. I didn’t make it this far in life without friends, and I am blessed to have sooooooo many people that I call friends. We have been through a lot of amazing times together.

I take this month’s quote from Bob Marley’s song Why Should I?

“The old world is ended, the new world has just begun, and all the people that live therein shall live on and on…”

This song is a great positive influence for anyone who needs a new positive uplook on life. You gotta just put everything behind you at a point sometimes and say, today we start over. It’s like when you’re skating and you’re trying a trick you know you could do but you’re having a mental block and just can’t commit to it. You gotta take a step back and say, okay forget all those tries and just pretend this is first try again, and do it. In the song, Bob speaks about getting what you want, and working to get what you want, and what you need. These are the things that will make you happy. Set goals for certain time periods that you aim to accomplish them by and go for it. Make a list of all the things you would really want that would make you happy and then cut that list down to the 3 most important ones and go get them, whatever it takes. Anyone who knows me knows I work hard at everything I do, and they also know that I know what I need to do throughout the entire year in order to get everything done properly and easy. But in the middle of all that there has to be something that I desire, something I need to happen that will keep me smiling, and out of everything awesome that happens through that entire year, that might be the only thing that really matters.

So ask yourself –

Why am I happy? 

Why am I not happy? 

Should I cry about it? 

Or should I get up and change it?

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Contest Results Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Poco gets demo’d by the Youth – especially Andy Anderson


Wow! What a contest; what a weekend….

All 3 events were Youth and Child based and really displayed the intensity and insanity of the skater kids that are 18 or under in the Lower Mainland. Andy Anderson only went to Plaza and Railside which is a shame since he could’ve probably beat Dominic Devries at Chuck Bailey too and taken first place at all 3 events. But either way between Brad Muscat and Andy Anderson, Protest Skateboards was well represented at each one. There are many reasons these kids are on Team Protest, one being that Hippie Mike has mentored both of them for many years and taught them each a lot of what they know about skateboarding, but also because they are both fearless and amazing skateboarders. Today’s contest was a great display of how many kids around here are so good at skating. Even in the super-mini categories, it blows your mind even just what you see the kids try. We gotta thank New Line Skate Parks right now for playing such a huge role in changing the face of skateboarding, making skate parks a part of the demand of every city, and helping skateboarders and skateboarding become more accepted by society. And while all this progression is going on behind the scenes, the kids that skate these “Training Facilities” end up being the next Ryan Shecklers.

I don’t have too much to say about this Poco contest except it was really well done. Giver, or as he likes to be called – Michael James – put it all together with the City of Port Coquitlam and did a great job organizing it and running it. All the kids had fun, they all felt good even if they didn’t win, and there were no negative vibes. Rippers of the day were Lukasz Brodowicz, Parker Sherwin, Aiden Eastman and little Presley from Squamish who all destroyed it in the 9 & unders; Kyler, Jonathen and Mathew McCauley took the prizes in 10-13’s and the 14-18 category was untouchable. Fighter was killin’ it for Protest on his last day as an 18 year old, but also almost killed himself a couple times slamming straight to his side on flat from the top of the big handrail, but he still Benihana’d the 9 stair and the Double Set, Gap to Front Tail up the step up rail, and crooked the nasty rail down the big bank. But he didn’t place Top 3.

Travis put on a showcase of tech and creative trickery on the sets, the hips and the rails while Gabe Dinorscio showed why he is one of the next big up and comers from Vancouver area with kickflip grinds down the kinked ledge, solid tricks on all the ledges and hips, and a big 360 flip down the step up and over the bank, but no one could keep up with the AA Battery Andy Anderson. Andy reps for Protest and does it well. We are about doing what you want, being different and creative, and showing pure style on the course, and Andy easily takes care of that everywhere he goes. Airwalks down the 9 stair, feeble down the double kink rail, front foot impossible up the step up and a whole lotta ledge and rail tricks. I love how Andy effortlessly and undoubtedly won this competition and didn’t even touch the bowl.

Solid contest, solid weekend, Thanks to all who supported Youth Week

Now here are some photos

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Contest Results Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Vancouver Youth Week Jam


Organized by Jeff Cole in cooperation with the Vancouver Skateboard Coalition, Michelle Pezel at Anti Social, Thunderbird Community Centre and some others, the Vancouver Youth Week Jam was a hit yesterday. It was sunny, very warm, and lots of kids showed up. Old School Langley’s Thom Prior showed up to MC and run the events, with classic comedy of course. Thom actually used to co-MC events in Surrey back in the day with Hippie Mike. There were tons of “Trick Comps” on many different obstacles throughout the afternoon and most of the kids there took home a prize or two. Protest riders Andy Anderson and Brad Muscat cleaned up pretty good but gave some of what they won away to the younger kids that need it more.

Nothing too standout at this one, just another fun event for all the spoiled skater kids of Vancouver and it’s surrounding areas.

Here are a few photos

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Contest Results Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Surrey Youth Week Jam 2013

The Winners

It was definitely a day to shine, the sun sure was…

Hippie Mike hosted Surrey’s 9th annual Youth Week Skate Jam, this one was at Chuck Bailey Skate Park, and it incorporated a BMX contest into it as well. The Surrey Fire Fighters donated some funds for food towards a free BBQ and members even showed up and cooked and served the hot dogs for  over 2 hours. There was a ton of people who came out to participate in the event and also just to watch.

The BMX Contest ran as a Jam for about 40 minutes in between the qualifying runs and Finals for the skateboarding and most people were patient enough during that time, but the real deal was the skate comp. 4 Categories – 9 & under, 10-13, 14-18 and 19 & over, and all 4 of them were stacked. The 9 & unders all ripped as hard as they could, with Emmanuel N. Busting an ollie down the 3 block at 8 years old, and 7 year old Django Caseley putting on a knee boarding demo. The 10-13 yr old category was intense. JR Barron, Mathew McCauley and Adam Lewis all destroyed it – ledges, rails and tech tricks over every gap there. The 14-18’s was dominated by Fighter (Brad Muscat) and The Dominator himself – Dominic Devries. Gabe Dinorscio was there but had to leave before the finals, it would’ve been nice to see how he would have fit into the winner’s circle if he had been able to stick around. And then there was the 19 & over category. Francois LeBlanc was on his ledge game for sure, but so were Yuya Ishikawa and Calvin Dignard. Allen Handley and Eve Feaver also made finals for killin the tranny, but Nothing was stopping Calvin form winning that one.

So many tricks were stomped so solid in every category it was mind-blowing. If you missed it, you really missed out. But here are the results and some photos so you can at least pretend you were there…


9 & under – 1. Django Caseley; 2. Emmanuel N.; 3. Aiden Eastman; 4. Emmanuel G.; 5. Tienna Rivard

10-13 – 1. Mathew McCauley; 2. JR Barron; 3. Adam Lewis; 4. Theo Caseley; 5. Mark Melyukov; 6. Ethan Clark; 7. Josh Lewis; 8. Austin Bolm & Jacob Gilbert; 9. Jean-Claude N.; 10. Fish & Bachouch Michael; 11. Jayden ; 12. Damon Morgan & Dylan Reinheimer; 13. Matt Kipp; 14. Matthew Lalim

14-18 – 1. Dominic Devries; 2. Brad Muscat; 3. Jacob Drescher; 4. Tanner Hawthorne; 5. Noah Eastwood; 6. Henry McQuaid; 7. Gabe Dinorscio; 8. Riley Allen-Clerihue; 9. Brendan Spinelli & Nicko Garrido; 10. AJ Muhammed & Giet Rolin; 11. Jackson Wakabayashi; 12. Fredi Perez; 13. Zacc Lester; 14. Derrell Laughcane

19 & over – 1. Calvin Dignard; 2. Yuya Ishikawa; 3. Francois LeBlanc; 4. Allen Handley; 5. Eve Feaver; 6. Ty Koeller; 7. Trevor Greig & Kazuma; 8. Ryan Barron

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding Upcoming Events

Railside for the Yoots!


It’s Youth Week and the weekend is always filled with skateboard competitions. Hippie Mike set up the Surrey Jam for today at Chuck Bailey (4-9pm) and Jeff Cole organized one at the Skate Plaza tomorrow (1-4pm).

And then there comes Sunday – Michael James, better known as Giver, has got this one ready to go. Starts at 11am on Sunday morning, so some of you might have to preach to the devil that day and miss church to go skateboarding, like it would be the first time….

The only difference for the Railside Contest is you actually have to be a Youth to compete, meaning no one over the age of 18 is permitted to compete but can still show up to watch and support the yoots in action. We have a strong feeling that The Dominator, Dominic Devries could take this one home if he decides to show up, but maybe we can convince our top Youth Riders Andy Anderson and Brad Muscat to show up and go for gold. It is Fighter’s last day being 18 years old that day.

Either way, get your skate on…

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Extreme Sports Hippie Mike Jaden Easton-Ellett Skateboarding Team Riders

Lip Bank Love

Growing up a street skater you spend your life searching for so many different types of spots, there are the ones that you are only ever going to go to once just for a trick or two for your video, and then there are the ones that you hunt out as spots you can chill out at for hours and just have a good time with your friends. Some of these spots are available all day and others might be businesses that you need to wait until they’re closed, but either way these are your spots.

We discovered this spot which I simply named “The Lip Bank” about 9 years ago now and we have had many many sessions there and perfected a lot of technical tranny tricks. It’s perfect for weekends and late nights when you just want to hang with your buddies and not be bothered. The Lip Bank isn’t the biggest, coolest obstacle in the world, but it is still dangerous and definitely challenging to skate. I personally consider this my favourite skate spot just for the fact that most people can’t figure it out. It looks easy but it’s so not.

Check out this quick session with Jaden Easton-Ellett, Justin James and me Hippie Mike –  and live the love…

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Cisco Gooding Extreme Sports Hippie Mike Skateboarding Team Riders Video Reviews

New UBC Skate Park – Love it or Hate it

UBC Park4

Hippie Mike and Cisco Gooding hit up the new UBC Park today to see what it’s actually like. There have been many comments leaning in both directions about whether this skate park was a waste of space, or is simply amazing. Some people love every inch of it, while others won’t even bother going there.

That’s skateboarding for ya… We had fun there.

The street obstacles are all funky and good for learning on. The stack of books obstacle is probably the main eye catcher of the park, and can be very intimidating, but we’re sure to expect some serious bangers to go down on these floating ledges. The bowl is small and mellow but that’s okay too, it works good for grinds, and people who aren’t as experienced gotta learn on it so at least this way they will. The barrier on the bank is totally sweet so I think that could be an attraction. It may not be the most amazing park ever built, but it’s something new in a secluded area that could benefit from it. I don’t think there any reason for negativity towards it, plus we have definitely seen some awesome videos come out of it already and it’s hardly been open for  2 weeks. In the world of the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, the skateboarders are overly spoiled to the point that all of us moan and wine about every park that pops up now a days – oh there’s too much tranny, oh the bowl isn’t deep enough, or oh these ledges aren’t high enough or have the wrong coping. We’re spoiled in the fact that we forget how hard it used to be to skateboard without being kicked out everywhere you go, we forget that there never used to be 8 skate parks in one city, there was hardly one per municipality, and we take for granted the fact that if we don’t like a particular park, we can choose not to go there and still go to another one right close by. Not every city has these luxuries, or gets to pick and choose what Skate Park they are going to skate that day, and what one tomorrow. And each community that is lucky enough to get a skateboard park has people that live there that are going to appreciate it for what it is no matter what, and make the best of it.

Check out this video that was just filmed in Barrie Ontario. This skate park was built in 1999 and is still the only one they have. It’s not laid out that good, the ground is weathered and rough, and the obstacles are all the old chunky style. But you don’t hear these boys complaining, you just hear them stomping every trick they try out of appreciation that they have a skate park at all….

Respect that.

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Glory Daze

Glory Daze – Episode 10 Hippie Mike – Roots and Culture

Hippie Mike - Hand shakes

This episode is dedicated to:

Raymond James Faux

September 18, 1947 – April 29, 2012

Love you Dad

[youtube id=”U6NZESPgVYI” width=”620″ height=”360″]

Eve Feaver dressed as Hippie Mike to interview the man himself for this special edition episode of Glory Daze:

Welcome to Episode 10 of Glory Daze with Hippie Mike. Today we’re hooking up where that name began at Confederation Park in Burnaby with the man himself – a legend of so many facets in today’s skateboard industry. Originally from Ontario, and now residing in Surrey, BC, he has definitely helped to change the world. He’s a creator on his board, on the mic, and behind the computer. Sponsored by Ollie North Skate Shop, AXS Gear, Vans, and owner of Protest Skateboards, the man who’s hair hangs longer than anyone I know – Hippie Mike!!

Hippie Mike: ‘Sup Buddy?!

Eve Feaver: Good, usually I only get to see you in the mirror so this is nice

Hippie: Laughs

EF: So, first question as always, How old are you and how long have you been skateboarding?

Hippie: I’m turning 35 this year and I’ve been skateboarding for 27 years

EF: Wow, that’s a long time. Doesn’t feel like it though eh?

Hippie: Yeah, No it feels like it (laughs)

Hippie Mike - Airwalk Confed hip

EF: Whereabouts in Ontario did you come from?

Hippie: I grew up in Barrie, Ontario, about an hour north of Toronto

EF: Okay, were there any skate parks near you, or was it like skating is for you now riding rocks, and fridges and logs?

Hippie: (Laughs) No, we skated a lot of schools back then, it was all street skating. We were lucky to have a school where every summer we could put ramps in the basketball court and have our own kind of wooden park, but we had absolutely no skate parks near us. Funny part was, we worked for about 5-7 years to get a skate park in Barrie and they built it the year after I left, but it wasn’t that good anyway

EF: The moral is you came West. What made you decide to do that?

Hippie: Growing up as a snowboarder… Just always knew the scene was out here for snowboarding and skateboarding and I just always thought I was gonna move here, I don’t know why

EF: Just kind of seemed to be the right spot?

Hippie: Yeah, “the west is the best” – that’s what they say

EF: And as you got here, you landed in Burnaby

Hippie Mike - Double Tailblocks

Hippie: Yup, well me and my wife Carrie Williams drove here from Ontario, had to replace the engine in Hope, but we drove here. We came to Hastings Street and found a place that helps you find an apartment and of course the first place we went and looked at was right down the street from where we were at Hastings and Ingleton, and that was the only one we looked at. It was a beautiful spot, nice run down apartment with fresh hardwood floors and an awesome view. You could see Metrotown, and you could see the Dome (BC Place). So it was perfect, and we could just skate down to Confed here which was just coincidence

EF: Coincidence that you just found it all of a sudden?

Hippie: Coincidence that where we moved was right by a skate park

EF: And so this became your home park

Hippie: It sure did

EF: Tell me how you became “Hippie Mike”

Hippie: Well, I liked to drink a lot, and I mean, I would always just come down here and I guess it was the clothes I wore and the way I talked and the tricks I was doin’, I used to show a lot of Old School style and used to do a lot of Powerslides and Boneless tricks in the old bowl when the park was different. And I guess just from hanging out with the guys here – Scottie MacDonald, Josh, John and Ty, they were like the Top Dog Crew what I considered here, and I heard that they were calling me Hippie Mike. So I was like, Oh really? Then I’ll just be called Hippie Mike then. And that was it…

EF: And when was the last time you cut your hair?

Hippie Mike Airing Himself

Hippie: 1996

EF: So when did Surrey become home for you?

Hippie: Surrey – it was about 2001. Went into this Condo and basically just took the mortgage over, no down payment – 57,000 bucks. So that was how we got started. It was in Newton, Surrey, right close to Bear Creek Park. So lived there for a couple years, lived in another Town House for a couple years and then the market went up and we made a bunch of money on that place and bought the house we live in now. I love Surrey. Surrey is my favourite place to be

EF: Speaking of which… Besides living in Surrey, you also work for the City. What is it that you do for them?

Hippie: Well, I program for Youth and Children Activities and I work at a couple different Rec Centres. And I’m also the main person for everything that happens skateboarding and BMX wise

EF: Okay, skateboarding as a business – Your first Sponsor

Hippie Mike the 2nd

Hippie: My first real sponsor was Substance Skate Shop and I was about 23 or 24 years old. I never really thought about being sponsored until I lived out here

EF: What’s it like having your own skateboard company?

Hippie: Um, I started the company Protest Skateboards around 2002, it was 2001 or 2002. I had a good tax return that year so I figured I’ll make decks, sell ’em to the guys I know and you know, we’ll ride ’em and promote it and have a good time. So yeah, that was over 10 years ago and I never really thought about making money with it until about 2 years ago and then last year was when we started the website that was part of making Protest grow a little more. You know people know about it but they don’t really know what it’s about right. And Protest is about doing what you believe in, doin’ what makes you happy. So the word Protest is a very strong word and some people take it as you’re always in a riot or you’re always fighting or whatever but you can Protest in Peace, you can speak your beliefs and find the right ways to make them happen, which is basically my entire job with the City. But www.protestskateboards.com is just a place for people to connect, and I like my website in the sense that it’s not just feeding off what’s happening in the skateboard world and you know, most websites that are about skateboarding are just about, you know, Oh all the local skaters need to know what’s happening in California and what’s happening in Brazil, but mine is more letting all the people in Brazil and California know what’s happening here. And that’s the difference, I wanna promote the locals, I wanna promote the guys that helped make skateboarding what it is today, and the guys that are gonna make skateboarding what t will be in the next 15 years

EF: Alright Mike, you live with such an uplifted spirit, who has influenced you to be so positive?

Hippie: A lot of people, I mean it’s really hard to specify, but I’ll tell you one line that somebody said to me one time, and this was the person that actually hired me to the City of Surrey and it goes like this – “The best way to make a change is from the inside out”. Because even when I started working for the City I was like, Uhhh, do I really wanna work for this Government Corporation? That’s not my style. But she had the same mentality as me and what she said made so much sense and it always stuck in my brain. That’s true though right, because you can bitch and complain, and you can make amazing points that make perfect sense, but are they gonna listen? Usually not. So in the end, if you’re on the inside and you know all those people’s names and you’re telling them that this is what will make your business better, now it changes…

EF: Now, your favourite places to skate – nice and quick

Hippie: Uhhh, The Lip Bank, Bear Creek Skate Park, and…. Rocks (laughs) any rocks!

EF: Okay between skating and snowboarding, what are your worst injuries?

Hippie: Well I have a Herniated Disc and kind of broken back that happened, Um, my tailbone is kind of gone – like when I was somewhere between the age of 13 and 15 I landed so hard so many times that it just kinda kinked my spine and when you go to feel for it, it doesn’t stick out anymore. And I blew my MCL, basically don’t really have an MCL in my left knee

EF: So how do you do all the tricks you do?

Hippie: Um….. Magic (laughs)

EF: What does Canada Day and the Bowl Series mean to you?

Hippie: Everything, that’s like the family reunion to me right? That’s the day I know that I get to see everybody and we get to hang out and we have a good time together and skate one of the best bowls around that happened to be built the same year I was born

EF: A couple of words about the Tour de Surrey

Hippie Mike - What

Hippie: Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey, this is the 10th year. It’s all for the kids, it’s sponsored by many, many, many different skateboard companies, and other corporations like the Surrey Fire Fighters, and we give away lots of helmets and shirts and stickers, and lots of other product to the people that actually win. It’s for all ages, it’s a great place to learn how to go in contests and it’s a great place to go to a contest where you just wanna have a good time and not worry about being the Champ. And I’m there – since it’s called Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey

EF: Okay, your best accomplishments?

Hippie: Best accomplishment is still being alive after living a crazy life. Other than that, just all things that I’ve created in the skateboard world, and the acceptance that I have worked hard to help create in the world for many people to look however they feel like looking and do what you like to do and not worry about being judged and not having people saying that you’re not allowed to be there…

EF: Well Mike, that is great. Thanks for being a guest on GLORY DAZE with Hippie Mike (laughs). You’re the creator of so many things, you’re a teacher of so many people, your smile always shines bright and your skating always kicks a little ass, you’re a true friend and an inspiration… Okay let’s skate.

Hippie Mike everybody…

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding Upcoming Events

Youth Week Jam at The Plaza

Youth Week Jam - Plaza

This Saturday, May 4th, Jeff Cole will be hosting a Youth Week Skate Event at the Plaza in Vancouver. Here’s the Press Release for it:

7th Annual Vancouver Youth Week Skateboard Event

The Vancouver Skateboard Coalition (VSBC), in co-operation with the City of Vancouver and the Thunderbird and Roundhouse Community Centres, would like to invite you to the seventh annual Vancouver Youth Week Skate Event, a free, non-competitive event which will take place, rain or shine, on Saturday, May 4th from 1:00 until 4:00pm at The Skateboard Plaza (under the Georgia Viaduct at the intersection of Union St. and Quebec St.).

As one of the most popular elements of Vancouver Youth Week since 2007, the Skate Event is a family-friendly celebration of skateboarding and skateboard culture that is geared towards the younger age demographic of Vancouver’s skateboard scene. Featuring prize giveaways, skate demos by Underworld Skateshop and Supra Shoes, music by DJs AC and Randal D, a Tacofino food cart, and information booths from a number of youth-oriented organizations, this year’s event will be another fun, exciting, and interactive day for everyone involved.

The Vancouver Skateboard Coalition is a volunteer organization whose mission is to act as an entity that is accessible to all skateboarders, promoting unity throughout our city’s diverse skateboard scene and taking a proactive role in creating and maintaining a safe, fun environment that all Vancouver skateboarders can enjoy for years to come. For contact information, news, and current projects, visit our website at www.vsbc.ca.

Since 1995, BC Youth Week has grown to include close to 35 BC municipalities and continues to offer a wide range of positive activities and programs for young people across the province. For more information and a full listing of events, visit www.bcyouthweek.com.

For more information please contact Jeff Cole “getupeight@hotmail.com”

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding Video Reviews

Ace Trucks – Get to the Chopper

Part 3 of the Canadian Tour is now released and Ace Trucks once again proves themselves to be the Hardcore Truck built for the Hardcore Skater. I personally have never tried a set and maybe never will because I’ve been stuck on Indy’s for so long, but more and more people are testing them out and some are switching over so they must be good.

The Team is filled with diversity and multiple generations, but one thing they all have in common is the ability to shred any nasty tranny. I love it.

Team consists of:

Joey Tershay, Ron Chatman, Tom Remillard, Oscar Navarro, Ronnie Sandoval, Marc Tison, Adam Hopkins, Riley Boland, and Leon Chapdelaine 

Be sure to grab the new King Shit Magazine to read the full 10 page article on Ace Trucks.

Here’s the final Video – Part 3

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