Hi. I'm Hippie Mike!
Hippie Mike is a man of many talents, many skills and many creations. A master of construction, Mike loves to build and create unique and custom projects, but he also takes the same mind frame to everything else he does.
Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Go Skateboard Day Vancouver 2013

Go Skate Day 2013 Vancouver

Less than a week away from one of the most anticipated days of the year if you’re a skateboarder. Go Skateboard Day is celebrated around the world now and every skater knows about it. Different shops and skate companies all over the place will be hosting events at local skate parks for kids and adults of all ages to come out and enjoy. Living where we do, there’s always lots going on but the main one is always the Vans Waffle breakfast at the Skate Plaza downtown, followed by some street barging and then a trip to Strathcona Park. All the kids usually tag along on this portion of the day and it’s worth coming out just to see the young bucks goin’ wild. But if you’re stuck at work all day, or that whole scene just doesn’t appeal to you, then you might be hittin’ up the Hastings Bowl for a little BBQ action and shredding. This is where the hardcores hang and the kids don’t always fit in. After that there’s an afterparty at The Princeton Pub 1901 Powell Street where bands The Tubuloids, Futur Tits and SELFIST will be blowing ear drums. I’m sure it will be a drunken display of democratic rebellion. Sound like fun.

But if you don’t wanna go there, there’s the afterparty and Sk8 Mafia video premiere at the Fortune Sound Club as well.

It all begins at 9:30am – June 21st, 2013

Go Sk8!

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Skaters on Edge


There’s a lot of stuff in the media about skateboarding right now, and a lot of it is negative. There’s positive features like the memorial session for Jamie Kehoe and stories about upcoming positive events happening over the summer, but these topics are only making the smaller local papers.  Unfortunately the ridiculous controversy at Mt. Pleasant park and stories about longboarders getting hurt and losing lives are what the people are going to see and read because it stands out more, and gets publicized way more. The way the news works is the most popular stories are usually the ones that people suffer to have written about them. Skaters have always had issues with the eye of the public and it’s really difficult when we are all looked down upon over stuff that only a small group of us are involved in. But with all this in mind, recognize that when you carry a skateboard in your hand you are categorized as a skateboarder, and everything you do represents all of us. So even if you are not a “longboarder”, understand that what is happening in the news right now with them affects you as well. There have been 11 serious incidents in the past 2 weeks involving Longboarders in the streets and it is the golden topic in the media right now. Things happen in spurts, and unfortunately these accidents are all making headlines making it look really bad. One of my Police Officer friends said, “When you get something big that happens and creates a lot of attention, the public expects action. But sometimes it is the only time that it ever happens and then all that action is for nothing…” Enforcing more rules against the longboard nation and skateboarders as a whole is not the solution. Of course there should be consequences for anyone mistreating the laws of the roads no matter what type of vehicle they are utilizing – car, motorcycle, bike, skateboard, walking/running – you gotta be safe, and make sure you’re not creating a dangerous situation for anyone else. When there’s an incident between a car driver and a skateboarder or a bicyclist it is usually the driver of the car that suffers the most mentally. As the one riding down the street on your board or bike, you are always aware of the chance of being hit by a car, but the person in the car is definitely not expecting that to happen on there drive that day, so we gotta respect that. The solution is not more laws, bans, restrictions and tickets, the solution is more education. In today’s world, skateboarding in all forms is taking over as the most popular pastime. And because of that, we are getting a lot of kids that are buying longboards and cruiser boards just to ride from place to place. They’re not really “Skateboarders” but they are considered that by the public eye. And if they’re just buying one of these boards that gets them going super fast and they don’t know what they are doing then that is going to get them hurt, and that adds to negative statistics against skateboarding as a whole.

How do we get the information out there? 

Who is responsible for providing and sharing this information?

And what is our target audience?

I think everyone needs to recognize this issue right now and help to fix it. It’s just like when you’re in the skate park and there’s a new kid that obviously doesn’t know what they’re doing and keeps cutting people off, standing in the wrong spots and constantly getting in the way. You make the choice to ignore them and live with it, or go over and educate them about park etiquette. Which one will go further? People need guidance in these situations, and this is where we’re at with longboarding in the streets. If you see someone riding dangerously, try and stop them and let them know that what they are doing is representing all of us and they need to be more respectful and cautious. And when you see these people on their penny boards and cruisers that are obviously not real skateboarders, ask them if they know what they are doing and if they need any advice. Let them know there is information online to guide them to what they need to know. They are setting our reputation. And if you are a really good skater or longboarder who is ripping through the streets, let’s try and follow the rules of the road for the next while and not be another statistic that affects our entire community. Remember that there is actually a bi-law against skateboarding on a city street, let’s not get that turned into a full law.

This issue will pass eventually but until then we are walking on broken glass. Skateboarding is actually way down on the list of sports related injuries but most people consider it way more dangerous than all the organized sports. Basketball is actually the most dangerous sport according to who visits the hospital the most, but the news is not displaying that, they are only talking about us right now.

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Dermer Squad is Headin’ Your Way!

Be ready in the valley, Geoff Dermer and crew are heading out for a Demo Tour starting right now. Kitsch Skateboards has paired up with Studio Skateboards and they are making stops at 5 different skate parks in 5 days. Starting off at the Abbotsford Skate Park on June 13th, onward to Kamloops Park on the 14th, over to Salmon Arm for the 15th, across to Ben Lee in Kelowna for the 16th and then finishing it off in Vernon at Coldstream Skate Park on the 17th. This is a hefty list to conquer if you’re over the age of 16, there’s gonna be a lot of cramped up bodies by the 3rd day I’m sure. But nothing a bunch of veteran rippers can’t handle. They do it for the love.

Jai Ball, Chris Melvin, Bryan Wherry, Seth Cardinal, Stacy Gabriel, Geoff Dermer and more. Keep watch for them and be ready.

All demos start at 6:30pm

kitsch_great_outdoors_poster (3)

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding


Jamie Kehoe RIP

On Saturday June 8th, Donny Chang, Coastal Riders and the real ND Skate Crew celebrated the late Jamie Kehoe’s birthday by throwing a big shindig at the skate park where they all hung out together. Friends, family and everyone else showed up and had a great time together and lived the day for someone who can’t anymore. Jamie’s life was stolen from him in 2010 at the young age of 18 when he and his friend tried to stop a fight on the bus and he was stabbed in the neck. A brutal scene and completely uncalled for situation, and once again, an innocent man robbed of life for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Remember Lee Matasi, Rachel Hunter and Chris Whitmee, same thing – shot dead in random acts by people they would have never associated with normally, but they happened to be in the wrong place that day. The days have come when it’s too dangerous to be a hero, and sadly when there is an act of violence happening it is almost better to run away and let that person suffer while you call the police to come and deal with it. We all grow up knowing right from wrong and when we see someone doing something wrong it is difficult to step up and try to stop them, it takes great courage and honour to not just sit there and let it happen. But in today’s society – is it worth it?

We’ve lost too many people in our skateboard family to these random acts, and I can name 5-10 more locally that have been in the same situations and barely survived. It’s scary.

I didn’t get to be at Jamie Kehoe’s 2nd annual celebration as we were away this weekend, but I know tons of people showed up and paid there respect in so many ways. And I’m sure he was looking down watching the whole thing from above.

Read this message below that Hermann Puschel wrote for Jamie to recap the way the event went down and feel the love, feel the pain, and recognize how many people an act like this affects.

JK 2

RIP Jamie Kehoe…

“Hey Jamie Kehoe. Boy what a weekend this was LOL I know you are proud of us, we skated we partied but most important of all we remembered you. Donny Chang worked so hard to make your skate jam the great success that it was it shows how great a person he is and the love he has for you. The boys Tony Casano, Aaron Fermill, Majed Salem, Kurtis Day, Stefan Alvarez, Eric Pereira and all the rest of them were all at the park remembering you in their own special way, some skated some drank but it was all for you buddy and always with much love and heartache for you not being here. Tylor Joseph Faucher and Chris Faucher came by and it was great seeing them man, let me tell you those 2 have such a deep love for you and miss you more than I can describe. Your dad man you are so lucky to call him father and for him to call you son, he works so hard to never let anyone forget the amazing person you were and I respect him so much and the rest of your family as well, they were all there just for you telling stories and sharing memories of you. JK ALL DAY could be seen all over the park parents skaters girls homies everyone was there to show their love and it was strong. The girls Jacquie Stipec and Richelle Day came just for you man you still have a way with the ladies, and those 2 miss you SO MUCH they really loved you and you’ll always be their Jamie baby and you can’t forget about Marlee McAllister your always in her heart and on her mind. It was a great day but it wasn’t the same without you. I miss you man I tried my best to shred for you as hard as I could. You gave us so much in the short time we had together and when you were taken from us our hearts broke but you left us with one last gift. It was through your example of being a hero and the love we have for you that brought our crew back together and I just want to thank you Jamie, you brought the family back together and we will forever be grateful to you for that. Together we suffered cause of your lose, together we remember you everyday in our hearts and in our minds, and together when we meet again we will drink heavenly champagne and remember the good times as well as create new ones. I just thought you should know this weekend was yours and personally from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for bringing us back together everyone of them and you mean the world to me and I have a love for you guys that I just can’t put in words or possibly describe and I can’t wait till we are reunited with you. You will forever be our Hero and we will forever be indebted to you from the bottom of my heart and everyone elses thank you, we love you, and we miss you deeply”Hermann.

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Hippie Mike's Messed Up Mind The Bob Marley Quote of the Month

That Love

bob and Rita

I dedicate this month’s Bob Marley quote to my wife Carrie Williams. We have been together since we were teenagers and she was still in high school, and after 17 1/2 years of living as one we are still very happy. Life can be stressful at times and there will always be bumps in the road, but you just gotta take it slow and enjoy what you have. Spending half your life with someone can make you feel very special, and it also creates many everlasting memories that were brought to life by the two of us. We met in Barrie Ontario, we drove across the country and moved to BC with no real plan other than the fact that Carrie was going to SFU, and we have become a big part of a huge family of skateboarders in this province. Together we have changed each others lives, and the lives of many people around us. We have been a positive influence on other young couples and will always be in love no matter what. And as we grow older and raise our family, the love will only get stronger.

I quote Bob Marley from a very rare song that most of you have probably never heard named Send Me That Love from an album called 127 King Street

“As the sun shines above, there is someone for me to love…”

There is a match in this world for every person, and some of you may find that match and others may not, but I wish you the best of luck in your search as I was very lucky that mine found me.

Today is our 10 year Wedding Anniversary and we will celebrate in style.

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding World Round Up

World Round Up Recap 2013

Top 10 Pros

The anticipation was super huge for the majority of the participants that came to this years World Round Up Freestyle Championships. If they were there the first year then they were definitely trying to come back, and if they missed it, but knew all about it afterwards, then they were trying even harder to get there…

In the world of Freestyle there are only a few hundred people who are fully dedicated in the entire world and 40 of them showed up to The Cloverdale Rodeo to put on a demo for a crowd that really knows nothing about skateboarding. And that’s what made this event so special is that it really was more of a demo than a competition. Yes, people came to win, but mostly they were just stoked to be there, and even more stoked when the bleachers would fill up with an audience. The weather was nice all weekend which means more customers at the Rodeo, which in the end means more chance of people checking out the scene inside the Curling Rink where the best Freestyle Skateboarders in the World were showing their skills.

Hippie Mike and www.protestskateboards.com decided to cover the entire event and film lots of the skating and do interviews with as many of the competitors as possible. The skating was crazy and every single person had a different style and performed different tricks. When you have technical wizards determined to land everything they try, it’s easy to get too much footage.

Here’s our Video Recap of the entire Event filled with lots of 1 on 1 filming with all the riders during the warm up times

Starring: Kevin Harris, Russ Howell, Monty Little, Guenter Mokulys, Per Canguru, Ryan Brynelson, Andy Anderson, Mic Murayama, Takashi Suzuki, Kaue Araujo, Lucio Flavio Simas de Lima, Lynn Cooper, Masahiro Fujii, Toshiaki Fujii, Stefan Albert, Stefan “Lillis” Akesson, Felix “Fleppo” Jonsson, Darryl Grogan, Seya Nakano, Kilian Martin, Yuta Miyatake, Bert Mathieson, Daniel Trujillo, Jacob Whitt, Jesse Whalen, Sam McKinlay, Ricky Rodriguez, Tai Tai, Dan Garb, Adam Flood, Christian Heise, Tomo Koyano, Rene Shigueto, Thomas Nascimento, Alejandro Finy, Albert Kuncz and Mike Osterman

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Contest Results Contests Eve Feaver Extreme Sports Skateboarding

So many Flat Spotters

Flatspot Contest Winners - Hippie Mike, Kyle Wein & Dylan Dombroski

Hippie Mike and some of the crew rolled into the Flatspot Longboard Shop the other night for the Bowl Contest they were hosting. This bowl is tiny and tight, with home-made pool coping throughout it, a very skinny and mean extension, narrow decks and and weird capsule style wallride corner. It was a very unique bowl and would’ve been a great one to have had a few practice sessions before the contest when it wasn’t so packed, but we all made it work.

Brad “Fighter” Muscat, Eve Feaver, Jeff Cole, Andy Anderson and Hippie Mike represented Protest Skateboards in the bowl while Jordan Strong repped outside with Ryan Barron displaying their ability to shotgun way too many beers. Allen Handley, Dylan Dombroski and Dennis Reagan also came with the crew.


So many people were ripping the bowl and anyone who woke up the next day without sore toes and shins was definitely not standing on the deck. The deck  is not deep enough for anyone to stand while people are skating and there were times when 15-20 guys were in the bowl and shit was going down. Fighter was dropping his signature Judo Blunts on the 20” wide extension every try, Eve Nosepicked it and stomped a couple inverts on it too. Justin Readings showed his skills and experience there with the most flow of anyone, and Dave Helmer almost lost some teeth a couple times, but was definitely killin’ it. A lot of good talent all packed into a tiny area and there was like 75-100 more people just hanging out watching and drinking. The place was packed.

Kyle Wein gap lipslide Flatspot

The contest didn’t even start until after 10:30pm when the infamous BanjoMan was done playing. Thanks to Mischa Chandler and Justin Readings for setting it up and Andy Anderson for taking on the main judging role. There was about 12 people that entered putting $120 up for grabs along with some product. Everyone had a bunch of runs to prove themselves and try and make the finals. The top 5 made the finals and the  Protest/Surrey crew was dominating it – Hippie Mike, Jeff Cole, Allen Handley and Dylan Dombroski all made it in there along with another Dreadlock Shredder Kyle Wein. He threw down in the finals though and really killed it as time was running out by gapping over the doorway channel and sticking a sick lipslide around the whole corner. It was sick and he ended in 2nd Place. Dylan Dombroski was dominating the bowl the whole night with fearless ambition hitting tricks on top of the wallride and airing off the extension to the lower trannys and just always staying on his board no matter how squirrely he would get. Dylan won hands down. Jeff Cole was killing it with old school and new school tricks and sticking everything he tried all night and continued to reign in the finals, Allen Handley skated the same and there were so many tricks going down from both of these guys it was crazy, and lots of tricks that no one there was used to seeing. But somehow, Hippie Mike pulled through and beat them both taking 3rd Place. Then he shut down the session with a fastplant off the wall back into the corner of the bowl.

Hippie wall plant Flatspot

Blunts, Switch tricks, Wallbangs and Fastplants, Inverts, Nosepicks, Beer, and lots of hard crashes. For a 2 foot high bowl, this contest was pretty crazy…

Watch for video footage coming soon.

Congratulations again to Dylan Dombroski for winning $100 and some fancy product! 

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Does your City still need a Skate Park?

Oh how the times have changed….

When I was growing up we didn’t have skate parks where I lived, except for the occasional Indoor and maybe an outdoor wood park scattered around here and there. But all of those cost money to skate so really if you lived in Canada and weren’t around the Vancouver area, you were screwed.

Now a days almost every province has multiple skate parks in multiple cities, and some cities are even overloaded with skate parks, and they’re all free, outdoor, public facilities. But unfortunately, there are still plenty of cities and municipalities that have not jumped on to this boat yet, and it’s a shame for the skaters of their areas.

Where I live now we are spoiled in the sense that we don’t even have to fundraise anymore, most cities around here just tell us they are building another skate park. It took a long time to make it to this point, but if you’re not living here then you need to push on them to make it happen for you.

This is a great article from quite a few years ago in Transworld Magazine written by Miki Vuckovich from the Tony Hawk Foundation. Miki is a great person who cares a lot about skateboarding and helping it grow, and does a lot of promotional work behind the scenes to make thing happen. Read this article and learn step by step what you need to do to get started on the process of getting a skate park in your city, and then get to work…


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Cisco Gooding Extreme Sports Skateboarding Team Riders

Happy Birthday Cisco!

It was around the end of 1999 when this shrimpy little skinny 14 year old kid started trying to talk to me all the time at Confederation Skate Park in Burnaby. Maya Credico introduced us because she always hung out with me and Carrie and knew the kid from school and the park. She told me his name was Cisco, and I was like, “Hey, what’s up Siskel?” He tried to correct me but it was said on purpose so that wasn’t happening. Cisco was one of those kids that just went for it all the time and tried to learn whatever tricks he was seeing in the videos. I remember him bouncing switch kickflips and frontside flips over the elbow hip at the park and it would baffle me how he would commit to them, but I still wasn’t all that nice to the little guy. Then one day, Gene Siskel died and when I was at the park I looked over at Cisco and said, “Well, I guess I can’t call you Siskel anymore…” and he said, “I guess not…” and somehow, that started this awesome friendship that we still have today.

Cisco Gooding - King of Surrey

Cisco Gooding grew up mentoring me and Jeff Cole, Jon Irvine, Steve Burden and a few others that were in our clique. But the whole time he would be learning from us, he was teaching us too. Cisco was always good at skateboarding and as he grew, to become 6′ 4” out of nowhere one day, his style arrived and his tricks got even better. We skated together every day for the rest of the years I lived in North Burnaby, and the large gap in age meant nothing to either of us. When Carrie and I moved to Surrey, Cisco would continue to come skate with us almost every night at Bear Creek Park and would stay over most weekends. He was a great kid.

Cisco has definitely grown into a man of his own opinions since those days and we are still very close friends and Cisco will always be one of my favourite people to skateboard with, or to just hang out with. I am proud of how far he has taken his career in studying Physics, being a T/A, earning his PHD, and living for free on paid scholarships to many Universities such as Langara, Simon Fraser and UBC. I know that I had a big influence on Cisco as he grew through his teenage years, and he has also influenced me and the others of our group of friends to be who we are today.

Happy 28th Birthday to Cisco Gooding, we all love you budd!

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Flatspot? Not with these Mini Rats

Flatspot Contest Poster

Longboard Shops and Banjos? Yeah that could go together…
I don’t really know what to expect about this event but it’s coming up quickly and we’re going. It’s a Bowl Contest at Flatspot Longboard Shop on E. Pender in Vancouver and there’s money to be won.
This Friday, May 31st the doors open at 7:30pm, but you gotta be 19 or over to get in. $4 to enter the shop and $10 to enter the contest but winners will take the money back. The whole night is a mystery, we have no idea who BanjoMan is, and I’m not even sure if you have to skate a longboard in this thing, but it doesn’t matter, it’s a contest and the bowl looks fun! I know Andy Anderson has ridden it and said he had a blast. I also know he’s not old enough to enter so that means someone else could win.

Guest judges, no kids allowed, banjos – Sounds like a good time to me. Grab your skate, bring some cash and come find out what it’s all about

May 31st – 7:30pm
Flatspot Longboard Shop
112 E. Pender

Sponsored by Centre Distribution, Triple Eight, Rayne, Skate Slate, Vicious Griptape, Brooklyn Workshop and Gullwing Trucks
Be There…

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