Hi. I'm Hippie Mike!
Hippie Mike is a man of many talents, many skills and many creations. A master of construction, Mike loves to build and create unique and custom projects, but he also takes the same mind frame to everything else he does.
Contest Results Hippie Mike's Tour De Surrey

Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey #10 – 2013 Fraser Heights

Another gorgeous sunny day in British Columbia and a perfect day for Stop #2 of this year’s Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey. Fraser Heights skate park is super street style and has lots of big obstacles so it makes for a solid competition every time. Surprisingly their weren’t that many young kids at the event this year, I think a lot of people are travelling and taking advantage of this amazing weather. Lea Bolton from JoyTV10 showed up at the beginning of the day to do some filming and interview Hippie Mike and some of the participants about the event. Once edited the short clip will be aired between shows on Channel 10 for the remainder of the summer. Other media members that were present were The Now photographer Gord Goble, Dennis Regan filming for RollingBonesPodCast, and then Justin James took over filming for the Moonrider Productions documentary since Mark Halliday was away filming another project. All got tons of sick footage!

So as the contest got started the kids were ready to do their thing and try their hardest to win some prizes. Mini’s were pretty slim in numbers but still had to work hard for the gold. Aiden Eastman and Parker Sherwin battled it out for 1st place and this time Parker was successful. That’s 1 for each of them so far this year, rubber match in 3 weeks.

The Beginners were nuts like usual. The Top 5 went hardcore the whole time and deserved to be in the Finals as they were flying down the 9 stair, hittin’ switch tricks and lipsliding rails. Welcome to Beginner Category at Fraser Heights! JR Barron had the crowd cheering hard the whole day and ended up in 3rd place, Adam Dizon laid it down all over the park and took 4th, David Martin annihilated in the qualifiers but had a choke run in the finals and ended in 5th place, Adam Lewis kept it calm and cool with lots of basics and consistent tricks but really utilized the 45 second in his final run and finished in 2nd, which left 1st place wide open for Justin Fiorante who was definitely going for it with everything he had the entire day – 180’s down the sets, slides on the rails and blasted the 9 stair in every run. He had a solid day, and he deserved 1st place. Great job buddy.

HMTDS#10 - Beginner Winners

In Intermediate the competition was kind of slack. First runs everyone did good, but then most people choked in the second runs, there was even a run where neither person landed a trick. A rarity in Intermediate, but I guess it happens. Noah Eastwood skated good but just missed the Finals, and Kai Searle pulled a David Martin by being on top all day and then having a tough run in the finals. He did manage to kickflip the 9 stair which helped bump him up for a 4th place tie with Dyson Mathews. Dyson was having a good day too, and landed a lot of sick tricks on all the obstacles, can’t wait to see him at some more contests. Riley Allen was the funny one because he is more of a bowl and transition rider and doesn’t have too many ledge and rail tricks but he owned the park with a style of his own and threw down all day. My favourite part was after he airwalk tailslapped up the step up he was skating by me and I heard him mumble “Wow, I’m impressing myself…” Bonelesses and funky tricks all over the park – ol’ purple pants came through in 3rd place.  Dillan Kane showed up and registered just as the last competitors were about to have their first runs and he just jumped right on his board and into a full Freestyle routine. He was killing it. Pogos, truck stands, primo flips and impossibles, and even stomped a handstand kickflip. It reminded me of the first time Ryan Brynelson showed up to a Tour de Surrey contest. Dillan had a flawless tech run in the finals but was kept in 2nd place behind Weston Hutchinson who was sacrificing his body on all the huge gaps and rails. He even tossed a double fingerflip caveman boardslide… Whatever, Weston is crazy – 1st Place buddy!!

HMTDS#10 - Intermediates & ladies

The Girls did their thing for about 4 minutes but they didn’t do too much. Tienna and Steph are both learning so they can just ride around and they did good. Carrie usually rips up Fraser Heights poppin’ tricks on the big banks and over the sets but her knee is all messed up and she couldn’t do much, but she still did her best. Hopefully she’s all healed up for South Surrey in 3 weeks.

Then came Advanced, wow… 15 dudes, all shredders, and every one of them laid it down in their qualifier runs. Mathew McCauley got bumped to Advanced for getting his first sponsor with Protest Wheels and he did pretty good against the big guys. Started his first run by kickflipping the 9 stair, threw some solid rail tricks and even dropped a perfect frontside shovit on that 9. Fighter, Jordan Strong, Ryan Barron, Peter Nicholson, Jay Mykyte, Cisco Gooding all killed it but did not make finals. When it came time to decide the Top 5, 3 of them were obvious – Tony Casano, Weston Ganger and Dominic Devries, who had 2 insanely flawless runs. The others that squeezed their way in there were Calvin Dignard and Jordan Repin. I hadn’t seen Repin at one of my events in a while so I was stoked he made finals because I know how he skates under pressure. Tony had 2 amazing qualifier runs and then just couldn’t pull it together in the finals. It happens man, and he still killed it, but you read the list of who made it, and really, if you miss a trick you’re screwed, just like Street League. The top 4 were all really close but Weston got knocked down to 4th place. Weston Ganger is a maniac with so much skill I can’t believe this guy doesn’t have any sponsors, he grinded the 9 stair rail and then ollies right up the 4 stair to set up for a grind down the hubba on the other side of the park, nosegrinded the hubba down the double set, smith grinded the flatbar into the steep bank and even dropped an airwalk to hardflip up the step up. Somebody hook this guy up! 3rd place was Calvin who can lay it down at any time anywhere street style. Calvin’s got so many ledge and rail tricks on lock and can hit the big gaps at any moment. He finished it off with a sick feeble grind bigspin on the bump to rail. So it came down to Jordan Repin and The Dominator, both had super perfect runs in the finals but Repin went a little more tech than Dominic and even though  he gave the judges a backside 5-0 down the 9 stair rail to finish his run, for a change Dom got 2nd place. Jordan Repin did some solid tricks, front blunts and mean tailslides on the ledges, nollie boardlides and backside 360’s and just beautiful flow through the whole park. At the end of his run he stood their stunned not knowing what he was going to do for his last trick and then he just stepped onto his board slowly and busted out a perfect frontside bigspin boardslide on the bump to rail. Congratulations Jordan, that was not an easy win…

HMTDS#10 Fraser Heights - Advanced Winners

We did have a Best Trick down the 9 stair at the end but only a few guys competed. Brad Muscat hit some tricks down the rail and got a hat for a frontside tailslide to fakie, Allen Handley got a Nyjah DC Shirt with a sit down hurricane grind down the hubba and Weston Ganger took the Coastal Deck for his frontside nosegrind down the hubba – tough trick. You’ll be able to see all the footage once the documentary is finished.

See you in 3 weeks at South Surrey/White Rock Park

August 10th


Mini: 1st Parker Sherwin; 2nd Aiden Eastman; 3rd Rhys Eastman; 4th Marcus Perepolkin

Beginner: 1st Justin Fiorante; 2nd Adam Lewis; 3rd JR Barron; 4th Adam Dizon; 5th David Martin; 6th Carter Nickel; 7th Daniel Herd; 8th Josh Lewis; 9th Jacob Bakker & Austin Boem; 11th Blonson Vowles; 12th Austin Bounyasouk

Intermediate: 1st Weston Hutchinson; 2nd Dillan Kane; 3rd Riley Allen; 4th Dyson Mathews & Kai Searle; 6th Noah Eastwood; 7th Jayden Ristich & Lucas Grygorczuk; 9th Joseph Madayag; 10th Mike Willms & Robert Wylie

Girls: 1st Carrie Williams; 2nd Tienna Rivard; 3rd Stephanie Martin

Advanced: 1st Jordan Repin; 2nd Dominc Devries; 3rd Calvin Dignard; 4th Weston Ganger; 5th Tony Casano; 6th Jordan Strong; 7th Cisco Gooding; 8th Peter Nicholson & Allen Handley; 10th Jay Mykyte; 11th Mathew McCauley; 12th Brad “Fighter” Muscat; 13th Ryan Barron & Jacob Drescher; 14th Darryl James

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Extreme Sports Hippie Mike Skateboarding Team Riders

Hot Times in Onterrible

Toronto birds eye

It was a trip back to the homeland of Barrie, Ontario for myself, Carrie and Kaelen, and we normally avoid going there in the Summer months because of how hot it gets, but there was a Milestone Celebration Party happening that we needed to attend. A 60th birthday, an 80th birthday, a few 30th birthdays and a bunch of key anniversaries, including ours were all occurring in the June, July, August time period, so off we went. It wasn’t meant to be a skateboard trip but you know it’s always on my mind, so we tried to get as much skating in as possible, but with temperatures being in the mid 30’s every day that it wasn’t raining, that can be a tough thing to do. Either way, even if we don’t skate, we still meet up and hang out with the old crew that I grew up skating with.

We flew in on the Sunday evening and you could see the humidity, but we were blessed that we weren’t stuck at all in that insane flood of rain that hit Toronto the next day and shut the whole city down. They got over a year’s worth of rain in 1 hour – how the hell do you see that coming? Up in Barrie it was all good and we met up with some friends and family to get the vacation started. Doug Williams‘ house seems to always be a central hang out and you get to play darts against Kevin Creelove and Mike Van Noortwyk (Noorty) while you’re there. They are tough to beat. So we spent a few evenings there seeing lots of people. We met up with Jay Coulson the second day we were there and we skated his little mini-ramp.

Hippie Mike & Jay Coulson

Jay is now the manager of Tropical North Surf Shop which is the longest lasting skateboard shop in the area and we swung in there the last day to show off some fresh Protest product. With our distributor Unit120 Distribution ready to sell our gear across Canada, hopefully you will see it in Trops pretty soon. The ramp was fun, pretty small, but really quick. Good for mellow sessions, and it was great to skate with Coulson again – it’s only been about 10-15 years. Anyone from the local area will remember the old days when there was a ramp in Jay Coulson’s barn. A lot of insanity went down in that spot before it collapsed.

Wednesday seemed like a great day for Golf so Doug, myself and Carrie’s Dad Dave hit up this course called Pine View, which we had played last year as well. A lot of hills, and a lot of bushes. We got ‘er done and survived the heat, and found more balls than we lost. Somehow Dave won, and I think he mentioned that in his speech at the Milestone Party. Thursday had been set out as the Canada’s Wonderland trip with all our nieces and nephews, and Kaelen was stoked to see all his cousins and go to this huge park. Being the crazy guy that he is we made sure he got a blue wristband so he could hit certain rides, even though he came up about a 1/2 inch short for it. The first thing we did was take him on the Thunder Run a roller coaster that shoots through the mountain in the dark. 1st roller coaster – successful, so then later on in the day we had to get him on the Ghoster Coaster, one of the oldest wooden roller coasters around.


That thing was crazy, and by the look on Kaelen’s face in the photo, he didn’t expect it. But afterwards, he was stoked on it. A great day for fun times with the family.

The next day was back in the mode of skateboard world – I had a meeting set up with Sean Bittle from a new company called Top Grom.

Hippie Mike & Sean Bittle - Top Grom

This company is focused on promoting skaters that are teens and children only. They are hosting competitions for kids 13 and under in 5 different countries this summer, and have created a magazine that will be hitting the shelves in the matter of weeks. Sean drove up from Toronto to meet me for the first time as we had been talking over the phone and by email for a while. We discussed a bunch of opportunities for us to collaborate, and it sounds like I will be writing for their magazine, along with some other amazing things. It was a great lunch meeting a Moose Winooski’s, and I had my oldest nephew Riley Robinson with me to be a part of this new venture. I look forward to being a huge part of this new Top Grom era. After the meeting, there was really only one place to go – the Barrie Skate Park. I remember it took years of meetings and petitioning and a bunch of work to get that skate park built back in the 1990’s, and they ironically finally put it in the year after I moved away to BC. So I’ve only ever skated it a few times, but I know which obstacles I like there. I’m still recovering a strange injury I had in the middle of June when I jammed my ankle at Seylynn, so this was the first time I had skated anything but tranny in a while. You could tell – my pop wasn’t poppin’ and my flips weren’t flippin’, so I tried to stick mostly to this weird rising quarterpipe they have there. The design of the Barrie Skate Park isn’t that bad, but the concrete job is terrible filled with lumps and bumps all over that shouldn’t be there. I really don’t like flat banks that are steeper at the bottom than at the top… I only filmed this 1 trick there, body varial noseblunt near the top of the quarter, and it wasn’t easy. Plus pushing as hard as I could across the entire park in 35 degree sun doesn’t help, but I did skate Bear Creek and Confederation Park for many years, so I know how to handle it. Thanks to the local kid Dylan for filming it.

Saturday was party day, that was the Milestones Celebration Party at Carrie Williams’ parents’ house. Beers, wine, food, a band, cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and some old time friends all came out to celebrate, and it was good times.

Me and Creelove dominated the game of ladder golf until the wee hours of the morning, and nobody got hurt. It was great to see everyone. The next day the same type of get together happened at my Mom’s house, but with about 100 less people. It’s hard sometimes to live so far away from all of our immediate family, and although we love the family we have created in BC, it’s always a nice treat to be bombarded with the originals. The night at my Mom’s ended with 3 1/2 year old Kaelen busting out his skateboard in the driveway and putting on a full demo. I grabbed the video camera and got this rare event on film, drop ins, fakie rides and he even landed a sweet primo stall. It was great to see him on his board showing off again, it’s been a while. On Tuesday before we headed back home we stopped by the old stomping grounds of St. Mary’s Elementary School and Kaelen continued to go for the gusto.

Kaelen Drop in at St Marys

It meant so much to me to skateboard at this spot again and even more to do it with my son. St. Mary’s was the spot where we hung out every day while growing up in Barrie from about the time I was 15-18 years old. If you were a skateboarder in Barrie Ontario in the 1990’s, you knew about St. Mary’s and you hoped you were accepted by our crew when you showed up. Each year we filled the basketball court with wooden ramps in the summer and had our own skate park until some idiot decided to come by one night and torch everything on us. The one flatbank had been pushed up tight to the wall of the portable that day as I remember Chris Foley doing huge wallrides on it, and unfortunately half the portable burnt to the ground. An era was ended that day as we were told that weren’t allowed to skateboard there anymore, even though it wasn’t our fault – The St. Mary’s Posse had to change their location. So many of us have our roots at that spot. I tossed a basic line through the whole parking lot for old time’s sake – 1 footer off the curb cut at the top, kickflip on flat, manual down the table in the island, ollie up the curb and down the 3 stair and 180 off the concrete into the basketball court. Just doing that line once brought back years worth of memories.

Hippie Mike & Kaelen at St Marys

I filmed Kaelen while we were there and then we headed out. A 15 minute session was more than enough in that heat, we were soaked.

Monday was probably the best day we had, next to the Canada’s Wonderland day, we hooked up with 2 of the true old schoolers – Shane L.S. Dennis & Eric Francom.

3 brothers united

When we moved away these guys were barely old enough to drive, and I had been a huge mentor to them in Snowboarding for many years. Both went on to become sponsored riders for Burton after I left and it had been since our wedding 10 years ago that all of us were in the same room together. Eric picked up me, Carrie and & Kaelen early morning and we grabbed Shane from his Unity Market and Studio downtown and started driving to Huntsville. Eric’s got a cottage and boat there and we needed a day on the lake.

Eric Frankom lipslide surfin'

These guys are sick Wake Surfers and we just cruised the lake for hours while they did their thing.

LS wake surfin'

 Carrie and I attempted it but neither of us could get up for the start. I just flipped off the boat a bunch of times during the day. It was old times at it’s best, and we all were glad that Eric made it happen.

The whole trip was a blast, and it was great to see all these old friends and re-live some amazing memories. We partied, we skated, we saw friends and family, we visited my Dad’s memorial, we hit the coasters at Wonderland, we flipped into the lake, we created new ventures, we sweated in the heat, but most of all we had fun. It’s always a great time to take Hippie Mike back home to Ontario and be Skully again…

Dad's memorial bench

Love to all my family – my Mom, my Dad, my sister and kids, the in-laws, and everyone else out there. See you again next May for Julie and Deon’s wedding.

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

The King of Walnut Grove 2 – Recap

We were not at the King of Walnut Grove Contest last weekend, but here is the recap from Coastal Riders:

“Last Sunday, Coastal Riders was fortunate enough to host the second annual King of Walnut Grove!

The annual contest strives to put a spotlight on the blomming Walnut Grove skate scene and Skateboarding in that area, as well as help to celebrate Geoff Howe’s birthday.


This year did not disappoint. Highlights from the day included Gabe DiNorscio’s crazy combo tricks during the best tricks, Dominic Devries killing the entire park, Sam Hampton ripping with style and Weston Hutchinson getting some redemption on his big ollie down El Gordo after hitting his head the first try. The biggest stand out of the day was Dylan Timmins, who came all the way from Victoria. His effortless tranny skills and unique lines put him ahead of the pack and made him King of Walnut Grove!!

Thank you to everyone who came out and ALL the sponsors:

DGK Skateboards, Gold Wheels, Krew, Supra, Skull Candy, the Township of Langley and Geoff Howe’s parents

Also a huge thank you to everyone who helped out judging and to Caroline Paskevich for shooting photos and Dallas Lang for filming and doing an edit” – Coastal Riders



1st Layne

2nd Caroline Paskevich

3rd Jake the Snake


1st Bryan Souder

2nd Weston Hutchinson

3rd Zacc “Doogie” Lester


1st Dylan Timmins

2nd Sam Hampton

3rd Dominic Devries

Click here for the photo gallery and video


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Extreme Sports Hippie Mike Skateboarding Team Riders

It Saved My Life

As I visit the old hometown of Barrie Ontario and run in to my friends from the past I have lots of amazing feelings and emotions running through my veins. I think back over my whole life and all the ups and downs I had, the crazy times I went though and the millions of relationships I made over my 35 years on the earth and how many of them still live on strong. All in all in everything I’ve done, it all seems to relate back to one thing – skateboarding. In the summer of 1986 I got my first skateboard and we would hang out all over our neighbourhood in a large group and just shred the parking lots and streets. It was a connection that was stronger than anything else at that time and built confidence in amongst us all. We learned together, grew together and created together. As time went on I continued to be active in all sports and for a couple years I didn’t skateboard that much, but one day I ran into an old friend Chris Connolly who had just got into skateboarding and told me to come out with him after school to a school called St. Mary’s. I came out, got right back into it and after that day spent many years localizing that spot with a huge crew of the best skaters in town.


I look back at the guys I considered role models like Malcolm Campbell, Chris David, Mike Van Noortwyk, Chris Macallum and Mike Sutton and we learned so much from these guys. And it makes me think of the generations of young skaters that have looked at me the same way and grew up under my wings like Cisco Gooding, Jaden Easton-Ellett and Andy Anderson. We are all role models when we are out in the public just doing our thing, and even if you go through rough times, there’s gonna be someone that looks up to you. You never know where you will end up in life but the most important thing to always consider is to have a passion that you love and live for it. That day Chris Connolly took me to St. Mary’s and got me back on my skateboard was the day that saved my life, and made me who I am today. You know me, and everything I’ve done for the skateboard world – now imagine if I didn’t skateboard and wasn’t here in your society… How would it be different for you?

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Contest Results Extreme Sports Hippie Mike's Tour De Surrey Skateboarding

Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey #10 – 2013 Cloverdale


Wow, what an awesome day. So many great people and amazing tricks at the old Cloverdale Skate Park on 64th Ave. This park has had it’s times and a lot of kids have grown up in that area through multiple eras of skateboarding so there is always sick skating at a contest there. With this being the 10th year for Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey I wanted to focus on all the old parks which were stepping stones for parks like Chuck Bailey being built, and since Cloverdale will be getting a new skate park built really soon, this may have been the final contest at the old park before it gets removed. The new park is going to be amazing, but it will be sad to see the old one finally go down, so many great memories I have of that place. I never really liked the park that much but I taught a ton of kids how to skateboard there, and over the years of my competitions and demos, I have so many memories of events – my favourite will still always be the 3rd Annual Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey when JR Barron showed up on his 5th birthday and him and his cousin Nick Logan ripped around the park all crazy for their first contest runs of their lives. And I look at JR today, 8 years later, still competing at Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey and pressin’ for 1st Place in his category and it just reminds me of why this is the 10th year for this series, and why I have so much trouble letting it end, because of all the kids that give me the feelings of thanks, and love. It was a great day and I was happy to be there…

We started off with the Mini’s a little late because I forgot all the registration forms but that just meant they had more time to warm up. And the kids were hot. Little Presley Huska came down from Squamish for his first ever Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey and learned a lot of tricks at Cloverdale Park, but didn’t quite make top 3. Parker Sherwin also had sick tricks in his runs but finished in 4th place. It came down to The East Van Bros with the long hair – Theo Caseley and Django Caseley battling park local and veteran Tour de Surrey competitor Aiden Eastman for the prizes. Theo and Django represented hard in the bowl and half pipe and even hit the 3stair up, but Aiden was committed to win and he shot off the top of the half pipe twice to make sure he did. It reminded me of Andy Anderson when he was 7 years old at his first Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey and he did the same finisher and won. Aiden is just 8 now and getting better all the time. I loved seeing him jump up and down when I announced that he got 1st place. His first win ever.

The Beginner Category was tight and Beatbox Sean actually came out and skated. Everyone battled to get in the top 5 for the Finals and it came down to Justin Fiorante, Damon Morgan, Mark Melyukov, Nick Bachmeier & JR Barron. JR was owning it in the qualifier runs, and Mark Melyukov was sticking huge tricks too but they both had rough times in the Finals. Justin and Nick stepped up their game and took the top 2 positions away from JR – there was no messin’ around in Beginner.


Intermediate came and the pressure was on. Weston Hutchinson was on a mission sticking everything he tried and even kickflipped into the deepend of the bowl, but had some issues in the finals that knocked him down a few pegs. Kai Searle, Riley Allen and Morgan Skinner all moved up to Intermediate this year and made top 5. Zacc Lester killed it as well, but when it came to the Finals Morgan Skinner was untouchable. Emotions ran high in this category, it was hardcore.

The Girls had a good time for their jam, Carrie Williams landed lots of solid tricks including a frontside 180 over the cheese wedge to pump up the crowd. The other 2 are just learning how to skate so don’t have much tricks to display but they both did their best. 8 year old Tienna Rivard showed off a few tricks she just learned this week at South Surrey Skateboard Camp provided by the City of Surrey. All the girls did great.


Then it came to Advanced where the real contest occurred. 17 dudes, and all super good. There were about 12 guys that skated good enough to be in the Finals but only 5 made it so it was tough. The top 5 were Shawn Beaupre, Brett Gilchrist, Jay Mykyte, Brendan Nielsen & The Dominator – Dominic Devries. Dominic won the entire the whole day, undoubtedly. He showed why he was the King of Surrey last year. Of course Andy Anderson was not present today due to a Freestyle Demo he is out doing all weekend with Kevin Harris and Ryan Brynelson. But either way, Dominic brought his A+ game skating 3 runs and only missing 2 tricks the entire time. He finished it off with a gap to 50-50 on the pyramid hubba which is a huge ollie. It had been a long time since I seen someone do that one. Sick buddy! Brendan Nielsen was also on fire and stuck a hardflip backside 50-50 down the tall hubba at the end of his run in the finals. And Brett skated so smooth and stylish with flawless runs until his last tricks, he was in demo mode for sure. All the Advanced guys killed it, and that’s what I love to see.


We finished it off with a Best Trick Contest down the 3stair rail and ledge combo and 4 prizes were given away:

  • Mathew McCauley scored a pair of RDS Jeans for a Feeble Grind Shovit down the rail
  • Weston Ganger got a NYJAH DC Shirt for a FS Nosegrind Revert down the ledge
  • Shawn Beaupre scored a pair of Fallen Shoes for a FS Tailslide 270 on the down ledge
  • and Brendan Nielsen took a Coastal Riders Deck with the classic Jeremy Wray rail trick – Frontside 270 lipslide to fakie. Sick!!

It was a great day, thanks to everyone that came out to compete and to watch, and a special thanks goes out to Mark Halliday from Moonrider Production for filming and shooting photos all day in the desert sun for the Documentary we are making about the 10th year of Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey.

See you at Fraser Heights on July 20th

Cloverdale Results:

Mini: 1st Aiden Eastman; 2nd Theo Caseley; 3rd Django Caseley; 4th Parker Sherwin; 5th Presley Huska; 6th Austin Macbeth; 7th Ry Forrester & Rhys Eastman

Beginner: 1st Nick Bachmeier; 2nd Justin Fiorante; 3rd JR Barron; 4th Mark Melyukov; 5th Damon Morgan; 6th Nick Kong; 7th Ethan Clark; 8th Devin Christie; 9th Damion Howard; 10th Kaelan Ruinz; 11th Sean Whetstone

Intermediate: 1st Morgan Skinner; 2nd Kai Searle; 3rd Weston Hutchinson & Riley Allen; 5th Zacc Lester; 6th Alex Savage; 7th Noah Eastwood; 8th David Brown; 9th AJ Muhammed; 10th Mathew McCauley; 11th Mike Willms; 12th Robert Wylie

Girls: 1st Carrie Williams; 2nd Tienna Rivard; 3rd Joshlyn Bustin

Advanced: 1st Dominic Devries; 2nd Brendan Nielsen; 3rd Brett Gilchrist; 4th Jay Mykyte; 5th Shawn Beaupre; 6th Calvin Dignard; 7th William LeTourneau; 8th Brad Muscat, Jacob Drescher & Matt Cook; 11th Yuya Ishikawa & Mitch Salter; 13th Andre Bissonnette & Weston Ganger; 15th Will Savage; 16th Daryl James; 17th Ryan Siemens

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Andy Anderson Extreme Sports Skateboarding Team Riders

Andy Anderson on Much Music

Screen Shot 2013-07-05 at 10.28.04 AM

Another classic Andy Anderson moment – it pays to be an amazing skateboarder. Andy showed up to the filming of the Mad Child Video at Hastings Park about a month ago and Rob “Sluggo” Boyce quickly convinced him to get in the bowl and start skating. Sluggo knows Andy rips it and Frontside Kid James Clarke had just gone down hard and was too shook up to continue. So in dropped Andy and now he is featured in the Mad Child music video – It Gets Better ft. Sophia Danai. Not only did Andy get in the video, but he gets to do a trick right in front of the star who begins his rap as Andy leaves the screen.

Battleaxe Warriors and RDS, with a little taste of Andy Anderson.

Pretty sick!



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Contest Results Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding

SD at ND for CD

Delta skate shop Street Dreamz hosted their 2nd annual Canada Day Jam at North Delta Skate Park, and it was a success. Lots of local rippers showed up and showed off including Dominic Devries, Calvin Dignard, Ryan Prasad, Jacob Drescher and Gabe Dinorscio. This Canada Day was gorgeous and hot so it was a perfect day for an event. The North Delta Skate Park was one of the most popular destinations back in the mid 2000’s and helped a lot of amazing skaters like Scott and Ryan Decenzo, John Hanlon, Magnus Hanson and more to excel into legends of today. It seemed like the next generation of up and comers was representing hard at this event, and these are the names you will be discussing in the future. Great job everyone.

Results – 

Beginner – 1st JR Barron; 2nd Liam O’Reilly; 3rd Travis Clogg

Intermediate – 1st Hugo Boss; 2nd Jacob Drescher; 3rd Trevor Greig

Advanced – 1st Dominic DeVries; 2nd Gabe Di Norscio; 3rd Ryan Prasad

If you want to check out the photos from the event hit the link to the Street Dreamz Facebook Page


and then watch the recap video from Adam Ludwiczak

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Andy Anderson Extreme Sports Skateboarding Team Riders

Protest Wheels

Hippie - New Wheels

Well, we have had such success with Protest Skateboards lately so I figured it was time to grow even more and we are now selling Protest Wheels. They are 99A hardness and come in sizes 50mm, 52mm, 54mm & 56mm. With sales on the rise, and Protest about to go Canada Wide through Unit120 Distribution, it was time to add wheels to the list of merchandise. So far everyone who has tried out a set has loved them.

Of course the biggest thing with skateboard companies is promotion and so I chose a few talented young bucks to represent the Protest Wheels, guys that deserve more recognition then they usually receive.

Check out our newest Wheel Team in action at Bonsor Skate Park last Sunday – Ryan Prasad, Jay Mykyte, Calvin Dignard, Brad “Fighter” Muscat & Andy Anderson.

All 5 of these guys are amazing skaters and all super solid. Calvin & Ryan are masters of ledges, bars and gaps, Fighter & Andy will rip any huge rails and big Tranny, and Jay Mykyte is the King of Style no matter where he goes. Be prepared to see lots of footage from these guys in the months to come.

5 guys, 4 wheels each, 1 mission…

Wheels and other merchandise available here


 or will be in Canadian stores soon

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Extreme Sports Hippie Mike Skateboarding Team Riders

Hippie Mike in The Now

Hippie Mike-Article in the Now 2013

Protest Skateboards creator “Hippie Mike” has been well known for many years in many different cities but he is most respected in the city of Surrey where he calls home. Mike came up with the idea for a series of skateboard competitions which most of you may know of called Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey where he hosts 5 consecutive competitions each summer at multiple skate parks in Surrey. With this summer marking his milestone 10th year for the tour, Hippie Mike shares his thoughts of reminiscence of the event he created with the local newspaper – The Now.

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Hippie Mike's Tour de Surrey #10


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Contest Results Contests Eve Feaver Extreme Sports Skateboarding

The Best Day of the Year

It’s awesome that I consider the kickoff to someone else’s series of skateboard competitions better than the kickoff to my own, but I just love Bowl Series. There is no better times. And after all, the Bowl Series is what gave me the idea to start a full series of contests in Surrey. Why do 1, when you can do 5 or more??

So today was one of the best Canada Day Seylynn Jams in a long time. The weather was amazing, the crowd was full and there was sick skating going on all day in every category. Ben Chibber brought out a group of kids that localize his indoor park – The Dry Spot – and they were shredding in Beginner. Presley was the only dude in the finals that wasn’t part of their crew, and the little 5 year old from Squamish let them know who`s boss, but still finished in 4th, out of 8 kids in total. The Intermediates were also laying it  all on the line with crazy tricks and awesome flow lines. I think the kids name that won it was Ross but I can`t remember, which is bad since I MC`d their runs. Either way they all skated good. The ladies were shredding the bowl, Protest Rider and my wife Carrie Williams finished in 2nd place behind crazy ol` Jess who hits the most difficult speedlines, and today did them all barefoot. Jess ended the ladies jam with a face smash in the deep end carving in frontside a little to fast. 5 girls in the comp, stellar.

The advanced was where it was at, like usual. 40-50 dudes going hardcore, ranging in age from 17-45+. You know it`s a crazy scene when the guy that gets 1st place is in his early 20’s, the guys that gets 2nd is in his early 40`s and the guy that get`s 3rd is the youngest dude there at 17. 9 people made the Finals in this one – Wow! We had a sick heat with Giver, myself Hippie Mike, Jaden Easton-Ellett, Brad `Fighter`Muscat & Andy Anderson and all 5 of us were ripping. Only 1 guy from each heat qualifies to finals though and Andy squeezed through. Good think he kept up with his game in the finals and ended up in 3rd place. Bushman and Eve Feaver were also all over the bowl today, Protest Skateboards was being highly represented, and Eve came through in 2nd place. It`s tough judging out there when there are over 40 guys in advanced and all of them are skating good. The MC role was definitely easier than the judging today. Adam Hopkins came through in the Finals and won his 6th straight Bowl Series contest leading him in the direction to go flawless again this year – Alex Chalmers style. Adam took the King of the Bowls Trophy last year with 5 wins out of 5 comps. He was killin`it today, definitely a crowd favourite.

Big thanks go out to Mike Strato and the Vans Crew, the Gullwing Crew and many other sponsors for getting the 19th year off to an awesome start. Strato works hard for these contests so thank him when you see him. And to Mark Halliday of Moonrider Productions who is working with me to create a documentary following this year`s Bowl Series start to finish. Him and his crew of filmers were sweating in the hot sun all day to capture the best of the best footage. And to Pete`s Meat Butcher Shop for running a fundraiser BBQ to raise funds and donate them to the late Carver Don Hartley`s family. Awesome guys.

Thanks to everyone else just for being there, nothin`but love.

Cold drinks, fast lines, hot sun and lots of fun!

Stop 2 – Griffin Bowl

July 14th

Seylynn Advanced Winners

  1. Adam Hopkins
  2. Eve Feaver
  3. Andy Anderson
  4. Rob Rickaby
  5. Steve Denham
  6. Clinton
  7. Merrick
  8. Leif Brooke
  9. George Faulkner
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