It’s the middle of Summer and there’s definitely still a confused mentality in the air, some people still think everyone around should be in quarantined lockdown inside their houses while others are doing anything possible they can do to be out and about and not stuck in their condos. The main thing is that the kids are active and learning whether inside or out.
It’s been a different year for everyone, not fully understanding what’s happening in the world right now or even why it’s happening, and not knowing what the future will hold. But kids are just kids that need to out there having fun and learning through experience. We can still participate in group activities and hang out in public parks as long as it’s done properly. I love to teach kids things for the main reason of how awesome it is to watch people learn and expand their minds. And with young kids you know every reaction is real. When they’re scared or nervous you can see it all over their face, and when they’re super excited it’s obvious as they jump up and down and run around in circles while screaming at the top of their lungs. It always makes me wonder what it would take to actually get me that excited at this age haha.
This year is about finding yourself and learning more about who You are and how You react to different situations. Are you responsible, are you rebellious, are you ignorant, are you respectful? Where do your priorities lie, and what are they?
Mine are raising happy, healthy children that respect themselves and the others around them wherever they go, and to help them learn all kinds of new things and find their true passions in life.
I coach physically and mentally, and adapt to each child differently.
I focus on the positives and help utilize those moments to make the next ones even better.
I talk about the negatives and suggest ways to prevent them from reoccurring.
And I take the time to listen to each child when they have something to share and then build on those conversations.
We need to remember that we were once in their shoes, and we were influenced by many different people as we grew up. Certain experiences that happen when you’re young can direct you on which paths you choose later in life to end up who you become. I still have tons of people come up to me in random places to let me know I taught them how to skateboard 15-20 years ago, or they participated in my skateboard contests every year, or I coached them in baseball or did a presentation at their elementary school, and that it’s one of their best memories that they still think about. It’s not just who you are to yourself, it’s who you are to others that matters, who will remember you if you disappeared tomorrow, and what will they remember you for.
I want to be remembered as someone who created opportunities for the next generation to learn positivity from, someone who fought for everyone’s freedom to just be themselves, someone who shared their knowledge to help others grow up safer and stronger, and someone who had a lots of friends that he could call family…
Now go have some fun.