Hi. I'm Hippie Mike!
Hippie Mike is a man of many talents, many skills and many creations. A master of construction, Mike loves to build and create unique and custom projects, but he also takes the same mind frame to everything else he does.
Contests Extreme Sports Hippie Mike's Tour De Surrey Skateboarding

Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey #10 – 2013 Fleetwood

Stop #4 is complete and it was a stellar one. I rolled up to Fleetwood Skate Park just after 11am and it was already packed. The young kids were raring to go and the older dudes were showing their skills. It was gonna be a long day, but worth it.


Fleetwood skate park is one of the best parks for a contest. It was built in that bump to rail, bump to ledge, 3 block and hip to hip era that New Line Skate Parks went through in the early 2000’s. It’s not a big park but you can hit some serious lines there, and a lot of people have localized it over it’s time meaning there’s gonna be a ton of tricks that get stomped in this comp.

With almost 40 kids in the Beginner & Mini divisions we were in for a time consuming battle, but I knew that 90% of these kids were serious skaters that can rip. The 3 block got ollied by Liam Hansen to start off the Mini category  (these are kids that are 10 years old or less) so we all knew it was on. Parker Sherwin was tossing 3 flips, Aiden Eastman was laying down primo stall varial flips, Django and Theo Caseley terrorized the whole park, and Liam Hansen ollied every gap in site. The finals for these young bucks was crazy and it wowed the crowd. My favourite part was Aiden Eastman popping an ollie over the 3 block for the first time ever. He was so stoked, and it choked me up to see how much it meant to him, and his whole family, to land. That is why I work so hard to make these events successful each year, to watch kids progress and grow and make goals for themselves to accomplish at the next year’s contests. That ollie made my whole year worth it.

When the beginners started it was already tight. Justin Fiorante started dominating the park hitting every obstacle and tossing in switch and nollie heelflips on flat in between tricks. I’m thinking, “This is beginner?” and it was only the first run. There was a ton of kids and they all skated really awesome. The top 6 made it into the finals – Justin Fiorante, JR Barron, Mark Melyukov, Tyler McKnight, Adam Lewis & Nick Bachmeier. Adam really knows how to skate a contest run and just worked the park with smooth and clean tricks and be consistent. Unfortunately on this day the guys that went for the hardcore tricks were landing them so he didn’t quite make top 3. Justin annihilated it the whole run but missed a trick, and JR Barron took advantage. JR laid down a flawless run with some tough grinds, flip tricks and a solid backside 180 over the 2 block. But no one could compete with Mark Melyukov that day. He kickflipped up the step up, over the 2 block and then over the 3 block all perfectly in a row to finish off his run. These kids are tiny, but amazing. What a comp!


The Intermediates were no worse, and they were ready to risk their lives for gold. Weston Hutchinson, Kai Searle, Dyson Mathews, Riley Allen & Luke Thodus made the finals. This was the first contest little Lukey made it out to all year and I was stoked to see that he was now 11 years old which meant no more Mini category. And I was even more stoked to see that he skipped over beginner and went straight to Intermediate. This kid is a machine and he is fearless. Front Board down the red rail over the 3 block, and front lip down the white rail over the bank. Both these rails are chest high on Luke, he’s a maniac. Dyson and Weston showed off their technical sides all day, and killed it but had issues in the finals. Riley Allen threw down what he could in finals with a bunch of boneless tricks and airs, but then dropped a perfect 3 flip out of nowhere which was sick. But all were no match for Kai at this one. He was on point all day long and deserved that win. This kid has skills.


The girls went out there and tried there hardest, Nana Kunugi and Kristen Landry were landing flip tricks, while Carrie Williams and Tienna Rivard utilized the whole park. Not much went down in the ladies division, but they all did well, and it was nice to see 4 girls skating.

Then there was Advanced. Fighter was in the mood to fly and blasted the hugest benny off the bank over the 3 block in his first run. Oh did I mention that he grabbed that with his broken arm? Brad was on a mission all day and hit a lot of sick tricks. Cisco Gooding made it out and threw his usual routine style runs filled with a mixture of grinds, flips tricks and tough quarterpipe maneouvers. Weston Ganger nosegrinded everything he could and did a few super funky tricks that blew my mind, while Graham Bonn reminded everyone how smooth he was at Fleetwood Park. But it really came down to Andy Anderson and Dustin Locke. Dustin has skated this park to death over the years and has a zillion ledge and rail tricks locked down, tough ones too, but Andy is Andy and he skates every obstacle he sees along with 500 filler tricks thrown in there as well. It was super tight at the end but Dustin Locke took 1st place. Backside tailslide and frontside noseblunt on the out rail, plus he finished it off with a nollie heelflip frontside noseslide on the out ledge. Sick runs from everyone, great contest.


We finished it off with a Best Trick Comp down the 3 block and red rail. Andy anti-flipped the 3 block but I wasn’t giving him any more prizes. Little McCauley got a t-shirt for a backside 50-50 down the rail, Graham Bonn got one too for a perfect hardflip 2nd try on the 3 block, Andrew Classon nollie crooked the rail and took a set of trucks for it, but Colin Gallagher got the Coastal Riders Deck with a ridiculous feeble to 50-50 down the rail. That rail is not long enough for that trick but he managed to make it work. Way to go dude.

Don’t forget to show up to Bear Creek Park on September 7th for the Grand Finale of Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey. Even if you’re not competing, come out and celebrate 10 years of success and fun times with the people I call family. We have all grown a lot together through these events each year and they’ve been full of great memories, but it’s time to end it, and change it up to something else for next year.

So please come join us for the last ever Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey contest. Find out who was the Most Improved skater from last year, and see who the last ever King of Surrey will be.

See you there

Results – 

Mini – 1st Theo Caseley; 2nd Liam Hansen; 3rd Aiden Eastman; 4th Parker Sherwin; 5th Django Caseley; 6th Isaiah Stroud; 7th Austin MacBeth; 8th Braeden Nerpio & Presley Huska; 10th Kaelen Faux; 11th Joey Stone; 12th Dimias Abdul-Guani & Kyler Hoogland

Beginner – 1st Mark Melyukov; 2nd JR Barron; 3rd Justin Fiorante; 4th Adam Lewis; 5th Nick Bachmeier; 6th Tyler McKnight; 7th Damon Morgan & Josh Lewis; 9th Travis Howie; 10th Bachouch Michael & Kaelan Ruiz; 12th Braeden  Ingram; 13th Donte Gullickson, Yoshe Durston & Joseph Madayag; 16th Terry Cho; 17th Bishop Rosie; 18th Bradley Dodd & Damion Wadsworth

Intermediate – 1st Kai Searle; 2nd Riley Allen; 3rd Weston Hutchinson; 4th Dyson Mathews; 5th Luke Thodus; 6th Keith Miller; 7th Jonathan Rewich; 8th Chadd Sinclair; 9th Yubo Wang; 10th Robert Wylie

Girls – 1st Carrie Williams; 2nd Kristen Landry; 3rd Nana Kunugi; 4th Tienna Rivard

Advanced – 1st Dustin Locke; 2nd Andy Anderson; 3rd Cisco Gooding; 4th Weston Ganger; 5th Brad Muscat; 6th Graham Bonn; 7th Mathew McCauley; 8th Jay Mykyte; 9th Colin Gallagher; 10th Graeme Schoenberger  11th Yuya Ishikawa; 12th Ryan Barron 13th Alex Savage

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Pitstop on The Fraser

Saturday August 24th is the 4th stop of Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey #10 and it happens at Fleetwood Skate Park. Fleetwood has had it’s share of crazy competitions over the years and they never let you down. There was one year when it rained so hard you could’ve taken your trucks off and surfed the flat but the contest went on anyway and the kids shredded. I remember so many times when I had to jump out my seat because of something that a Beginner did down the 3 block or some wild imagination trick that would go down out of the quarter pipe launch; times when the Langley crew like Jordan Repin, Jordan Zazula, Matt Ruzik and Dustin Locke would just annihilate the ledges and flatbars, or how about Mitchie with his patented hardflip he stomps every year, and you know the Mayer of Surrey will probably come out to display a frontside flip or two. So many awesome memories of contests at this park. Last year was stellar when little 12 year old Mathew McCauley showed up just as Intermediate 1st runs were finishing and I told him he had to compete right away with no warm up. He just walked up the 3 block, turned around and popped a perfect kickflip down it and then went on to have a flawless run hitting the ledges, rails and hip to hip and then finishing it off over the big 3 again with a solid frontside popshovit.

You never know what’s gonna go down at Fleetwood Park, but you can be guaranteed it will be amazing. Head out this Saturday and be ready for action.

16555 Fraser Hwy – Surrey

Hippie Mike's Tour de Surrey #10

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Contest Results Contests Eve Feaver Extreme Sports Merrick Orr Skateboarding Team Riders

Our Youngest King

The day has come when we have a new King of the Bowls and this one was definitely a first.

It was another crazy weather day and everyone that was driving betweenSquamish and Whistler was sure that the competition would be cancelled  since it was raining mist in the valley, but low and behold Whistler Bowl was dry, and luckily stayed that way right until the end of the contest. Things got rolling at a normal time but with Crank Works happening around the corner a lot of people missed the Beginner Category because they were trying to find parking. It was war out there in the parking lots and also in the bowl. The little dudes shredded the best they could mainly sticking to the bathtub at the top of the bowl. The crowd was behind them as usual and everyone had fun which is all that matters. The Intermediates stepped it up by busting tricks on that barricade in the bathtub and some of them tried to utilize the entire bowl as best they could. Little Rylee Wong showed his carving skills by hitting every tough line he could throughout the bowl carving both backside and frontside super smooth and he was the only kid that could make it all the way back up to the top from the bottom without pushing. He finished in 2nd place just beating out Jake from the island who had a lot of awesome tech trick all over the bowl, especially on the barrier. But neither could keep up with old purple pants Riley Allen who knows how to fly. Airwalks, Salflips and Bonelesses everywhere, Riley showed he knows how to work the old bowls. 1st Place representing Surrey, way to go buddy!

The ladies division was dominated by Carrie Williams & Krystal Clear. Carrie laid down a tons of tricks in the top section of the bowl as well as the deepend, but Krystal showed how to hit the gravitron frontside and took the win.

When we got to Advanced it was announced that there were a lot of “Heavy-Hitters” in this one and that was no lie. Tons of Local boys that you only see at their park were in the house, but it was the dudes that travelled there that would take the medals. A new kid to Bowl Series Merrick Orr out of Sooke on the island has been wowing people all summer in the contests and kept it going hard at Whistler. This long haired slayer shows his fearless side all day long as he pops ollies over every hip going down the bowl and throws down a ton of tricks everywhere he rides. At 13 years old he is making a name for himself, and took home 3rd place at this finale. Good job Buddy! When it came to the Top 2 it was 2 that have been running this series all summer. Both these guys were looking like they would be King this year for sure except for 2 conditions – 1. They both missed one event this year and 2. They have both been King already and you can’t win it twice. But Andy Anderson and Eve Feaver reminded the crowd why they were royalty at this one. Eve is killing it this year at 41 years of age and he works hard to keep up to these young bucks, he dominates the deepends of the bowls and carves lines that others fear, while Andy shows how he is only getting better with age at 17 and lands every single trick he tries whether it over a hip, on the barricades, out of the bowl or something freestyle incorporated into the bowl. The best tricks Andy tossed at this one that no one had ever seen before was a pop to pogo on the 3rd corner wall and pop back in, and then he finished the run off by casper stalling the deep end – that was insane… I’m very proud to have both of these shredders on the Protest Skateboards Team and they repped hard all summer placing in every bowl series ad sharing the wins. Andy Anderson took 1st place at this one.

When it came to announcing this year’s King of the Bowls not too many people had a clue who it would be since most of the rippers had already won it before and others didn’t make it to every comp this year so they didn’t qualify. Strato got on the mic and made a humble speech about the fact that this year’s King would be from the Intermediate category and would also be the youngest Kingso far at 9 years old.

Bowl shredder Rylee Wong is the 19th King of the Bowls!!

Rylee got woken up from a nap  the car to come and claim his trophy and join the historic list that many dream of being named on. He had no idea this would happen and was super stoked. Next year he will be forced to compete in Advanced and defend his title. Give it up for him, and be stoked on another successful year of the King of the Bowl Series.

  1. Andy Anderson
  2. Eve Feaver
  3. Merrick Orr

King of the Bowls – Rylee Wong

Rylee Wong is King

Special Thanks to Mark Halliday and Moonrider Productions for shooting photos and filming at each stop of the Series this year. There will be a video Documentary out soon of Bowl Series #19. Until then, enjoy the photos from the final stop…


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Contest Results Contests Eve Feaver Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Beef Under the Chief

The 19th annual Bowl Series and another stop ay Squamish Bowl which is hosted by Stuntwood Skate Shop which is located right around the corner from the park. This one doesn’t necessarily count as part of the series but it fills up with the same crowd. This time though you get to see how the competitors relate to coping and 9’ vert walls

So the weather was definitely hit and miss and it could have rained at any given moment when the contest was first starting. But as the day went on, the clouds separated and blue skies surrounded the park for Advanced, The beginners started things off with some wild lines, and some of them were seriously shredding. Theo and Django Caseley made the trek from East Van so they could try a win prizes and they did. Local boy Jacob showed off his skills on the coping too while some of the real young kids like Presley and Kaelen ripped back and forth. The Intermediates were pretty hardcore and they were displaying their fearless sides with backside disasters and grinds all over. Even the ladies ripped up the bowl and made the coping chime.

Eve Feaver invert Squamish wall

But the real part of this event was all about Advanced. Brad Muscat was reminding everyone why his nickname was Fighter as he showed up with a broken wrist in a half cast but still used that hand many times to grab on to his infamous benihanas. Bushman and Eve Feaver were shredding every inch of the bowl and dominating the vert wall all day. Bushman tossed some sick frontside airs and 5-0’s over the loveseat while Eve played straight up and down on the vert wall with nosepicks, inverts and airs. Nate Lacoste was there throwing down noseblunts in the shallow and tons of sick half cab airs on the vert wall while Andy Anderson destroyed every inch of coping with a million ridiculous tricks nobody understood. But all eyes were on Frontside Kid this day. James Clarke came out for the first time and blasted through the bowl charging hard for 6’ airs over the hips, frontside disasters on the vert wall and huge indy transfers over the island. James skated like a machine all day and impressed everyone. We were all surprised when he ended up in 2nd place but that’s the way the judges judged it.

Sick contest with sweet people and beautiful mountain weather.

Until next year…

  1. Andy Anderson
  2. James Clarke
  3. Eve Feaver
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Contest Results Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Jamcouver 2013 recap


Over the long weekend to start off the month of August some of the top names of skateboarding came out to Vancouver to participate in the 2nd Jamcouver Contest. Zenga Bros. built and delivered a ton of wooden ramps to English Bay downtown Vancouver and the crowd started pouring in to watch this event that Sandro Grison worked very hard to put together. Tons of tricks went down and the local boys represented what we are all about. Top skaters of the day were Magnus Hanson, Lee Yankou & Sebo Walker with honourable mentions going out to Adam Hopkins, Mike “Hashbrown” Shulze, Cody Mcentire, Bryant Chabo, Jon Sciano and Matt Berger.

Check out the full recap from Color Magazine & www.Redbull.com along with a sick video put together by Jordan Mayfield


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Extreme Sports Skateboarding Upcoming Events

Who Shall be the 19th King?

Oh so many kings in this world, but 18 in particular that will hold their titles with great pride for the rest of their lives.

This weekend marks the end of the 19th year for The King of The Bowl Series as Strato and the crew head up to Squamish and Whistler to finish off the season. Beef Under the Chief at Squamish is always a solid event, and it’s also the only bowl on the series that has coping so it makes for a completely different feel, less bonelesses and more grinders. If you’ve never been to Squamish it’s a tough little bowl to figure out, and has a serious steep wall with a corner pocket and a loveseat to carve, grind and air over if you’re man enough. The Bushman is all man, and when he rolls in you better get out of the bowl because he ain’t stoppin’ for nothin’, and if you see him heading towards the corner pocket grab your camera because he’s gonna do something hardcore. Bushman might be the only person who can air over the loveseat.

All the crew’s gonna be there including a bunch of dudes that missed it last year.

On Sunday after a crazy night of camping, everyone will relocate to Whistler as the series continues for the grand finale. Whistler Bowl is one of the best of the old bowls competing with Seylynn for the title. It has a wicked speed line, tons of spots to catch humungous airs out of and a sweet barricade at the top of the bathtub section. Every year at Whistler is awesome and something new will be done for sure. This is how the summer sessions of the old bowls end every year and it’s always a great show. Last year it was obvious as Adam Hopkins was crowned the King of the Bowls since he won all 5 events, but there are no repeats so him and the other 18 people whose names are engraved on that amazing handcarved trophy will have to wait and see who will join them in the rankings of the irresistable title

King of the Bowls

August 17th & 18th 

Come out and join in the fun if you can

Bowl Series 19

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

The Ultimate in Ultimate


It’s the evolution of the revolution.

Canada’s first ever Skateboard Distributor is joining forces as Ultimate Distribution and Wick Winder Distribution plan to combine into one empire. It’s a pretty huge step but well thought out and with Kevin Harris and Brad Richmond working even more closely together than they do already this spells out nothing but pure success. Take some time and learn more by reading this article by Mike Prangnell featured in SBC Business, it’s pretty amazing.


The future is here, the revolution is coming, this lifestyle will not die…

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Extreme Sports Protest Skateboards Skateboarding

We like Weston – Welcome to the Team Budds

Weston Ganger - wheels team

I’ve always enjoyed watching Weston Ganger skateboard. He just comes up with some of the wildest tricks sometimes, but even is norm is awesome. 3 weeks ago at my Fraser Heights contest for Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey, Weston came out blazin’. The advanced category was insane that day and it was super tough to have only 5 guys in the finals, but 3 of them that qualified were unmistakable – Dominic Devries, Tony Casano and Weston Ganger. He came out even harder in the Finals destroying the ledges down the double set and the 9 stair, and with a few rail tricks and an airwalk hardflip up the step up he finished in 3rd place. Then he laid down about 12 tricks on the 9 stair during the Best Trick. I asked him later that night why he didn’t have any sponsors and he didn’t really know. I remember how hard he killed it on Go Sk8 Day this year too, and only got featured in 1 of the montages. I was like, man, people need to know about this guy, he’s creative, solid, fearless and consistent. And he goes for it. I asked him if he would want to be a part of the Protest Wheels Team and he said yes.

So a few days later we went back to Fraser Heights Skate Park and as the sun rapidly set, we filmed this quick video.

Welcome to the Team Weston! 

Now it’s time to really skate…

Check out the video, and be prepared for more Weston Ganger

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Contest Results Contests Extreme Sports Hippie Mike's Tour De Surrey Skateboarding

Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey #10 – 2013 South Surrey

Stop #3 of the 10th annual Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey took us down South to the South Surrey Skate Park, better known as White Rock Bowl. It was raining in the morning but cleared up nicely before we had to show up for the contest. There weren’t that many kids there due to other competitions happening in other places at the same time but the ones that did show up showed up with skills. The Mini Category was great with Theo and Django Caseley thrashing the bowl and quarter pipes and Aiden Eastman sticking right on their tails with tricks everywhere in the park. Little Kaelen actually skated in this contest and ripped it up, for a 3 1/2 year old. He really only hit 2 obstacles and kept repeating his tricks but it was how he was doing it that made it awesome. Great job to all 6 of the Minis.

The Beginners were all crazy kids, majority of them from Chuck Bailey. JR Barron had the crowd roaring as he tore up his first run, Adam Lewis and brother Josh both skated great as well hitting flip tricks, quarter pipes and big gaps, Nick Bachmeier represented hard for Cloverdale and Mark Melyukov owned it the whole time. This kid has some serious commitment when he goes for tricks.

HMTDS#10 - South Surrey -Minis and Beginners

After a little sticker toss I announced that this may possibly be the final year for Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey and provoke everyone to come out to the Grand Finale on September 7th at Bear Creek park. Take this announcement seriously as there are bigger and better plans for a different Hippie Mike Tour.

The Intermediate was lacking but the top 3 had a Finals Jam as a solid 5 minute long heat and all 3 threw down. Rob Schrack was stomping tricks all over, including a solid kickflip off the big ledge to flat, but he couldn’t quite compete with Kai Searle and Riley Allen this day. Riley was definitely leading after the qualifier runs but Kai stepped his game up in the finals and tossed a lot of flip tricks, all solid and fully controlled, while Riley shredded the bowl and the quarter pipes and landed a few airs out of the bowl launch that were about 7 feet high. Kai came through with the win.

Carrie, Steph and Tienna got a 4 minute song to jam out to for the ladies division and all 3 put down some tricks this time. Carrie finished the heat off with a couple tough fakie shovits in the ditch of the bowl.

There was a Bowl Best Trick in between Intermediates and Advanced for a Protest Cruiser Deck and 2 other prizes. Allen Handley stomped a clean Miller Flip in the half pipe and got a Krooked hat, and Odin blasted a huge ollie over the bottom tit landing straight into a frontside gravitron and eft with a set of Sector9 wheels, but the deck went home with Riley Allen for a massive triple airwalk.

HMTDS#10 - South Surrey - Intermediates and Girls

We finally made it to Advanced time and the competition was looking steep. A couple of park locals in the house and then a bunch of rippers that have been around the block a time or two, I knew it was gonna be hardcore. Fighter was skating with a broken arm and still ripping it up, but didn’t make finals. Neither did Dylan Dombroski and few others that killed it. Top 5 ended up being Jay Mykyte, Nate Frank, Matt Whatley, Jordan Strong and Weston Ganger. All 5 of these guys slayed it all day, and all in their own unique ways. When it came to finals they each got a 1 minute run to themselves and all 5 of them did the same thing – land a bunch of tricks at the beginning of the run the choke at the end. Jordan and Weston each only missed one trick but the 1st place prize went to Weston Ganger who hit a couple serious tricks on the big rails. He also came right back and won another Deck in the Best Trick on the centre section. Way to go dude, especially after competing in Abbotsford all day and then rushing to get there for this comp.

HMTDS#10 - South Surrey - Advanced

Great job to everyone, and for once there was a new winner at South Surrey other than Andy Anderson, not because he got beat, but because he wasn’t there.

See you at Fleetwood in 2 weeks – 

August 24th at noon


Mini – 1st Theo Caseley; 2nd Django Caseley; 3rd Aiden Eastman; 4th Kaelen Faux; 5th Braedan Nerpio; 6th Rhys Eastman

Beginner – 1st Mark Melyukov; 2nd Nick Bachmeier; 3rd Adam Lewis; 4th JR Barron & Josh Lewis; 6th Bradley Dodd; 7th Lukas Zhanel; 8th Terry Cho; 9th Khalid 

Intermediate – 1st Kai Searle; 2nd Riley Allen-Clerihue; 3rd Rob Schrack; 4th Chadd Sinclair; 5th Robert Wylie & Yubo Wang

Girls – 1st Carrie Williams; 2nd Tienna Rivard; 3rd Steph Martin

Advanced – 1st Weston Ganger; 2nd Jordan Strong; 3rd Nate Frank; 4th Matt Whatley; 5th Jay Mykyte; 6th Andrew Nathan, Yuya Ishikawa & Marcus McSherry; 9th Brad Muscat & Dylan Dombroski; 11th Gavin Goodall; 12th Ryan Barron; 13th Allen Handley; 14th Odin

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

35 Amazing Years


Wow! Can you believe that Canada’s first Skate Park is 35 years old? And along with that, Canada’s oldest Skateboard Company “Skull Skates” and PD’s Hot Shop turn the same age. 1978 was a solid year for legends to come to life, ironically I was born that year as well.

This Saturday Night, come out and celebrate the once in a lifetime anniversary of these 2 iconic pieces of Canadian Skateboard History. You gotta be 19 years old and you need to have your name on the guest list to get in. The 2nd show on Sunday afternoon might be all ages, not sure.

PD and Skull Skates have worked very hard to create this event and are basing it around the history of Seylynn Bowl with George Faulkner’s documentary video The Seylynn Story playing on a loop the whole night and a historic photo gallery of some of the amazing people and tricks that have been a part of Seylynn over the last 35 years.

This event is for real skateboarders so don’t come if you can’t represent

Here’s the original info from Skull Skates

 Skull Skates Seylynn Bowl 35th Anniversary Event

Established in 1978, Canada’s oldest skateboard company, Skull Skates celebrates Canada’s oldest skateboard park, Seylynn bowl in North Vancouver with an art and photography show Saturday August 10th 2013 from 7 pm til late at the Red Gate in downtown Vancouver. With live entertainment by DJ Kilocee w/special guest, plus live performances by Perchoron & Sorcerers. Additional show viewing Sunday August 11th noon til 6 pm.($5 admission)

In April of 1978 an experiment that would become Canada’s most enduring skateboard company started in Regina Saskatchewan. In October of that same year Canada’s most advanced and now longest standing public skateboard park opened in North Vancouver, British Columbia. It’s with a feeling of gratitude that Skull Skates has assembled a tribute to one of the world’s most important and durable skate spots, the Seylynn Bowl.

Seylynn bowl was the brainchild of the district of North Vancouver. It was designed by Calen Sinclaire, Monty Little, Niko Weis and Rob Leshgold with the initial process of a secured site and mandate to build a park beginning in the Spring of 1978; the park actually opening officially on October 7, 1978. Special mention goes to Terry Snider and Dirk Oostindie from the District of N.V. for their initiation and dedication to the project.

Seylynn thrives as a landmark in the international skateboard community, plus N.V. of course is home to some of the most dedicated locals to be found anywhere. But Seylynn is more than just Canada’s oldest skateboard park. It’s a public space that fosters creativity in people of all skating styles and abilities.

If there were anything close to sacred in skateboarding, Seylynn would have that distinction.


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