Hi. I'm Hippie Mike!
Hippie Mike is a man of many talents, many skills and many creations. A master of construction, Mike loves to build and create unique and custom projects, but he also takes the same mind frame to everything else he does.
Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Flip-pin’ out in Surrey

Eve Hippie Mike & Lance Mountain

Since I hosted the Grand Opening of Chuck Bailey Skate Park in May of 2011, I have also been a huge part of bringing some bigtime names and companies to Surrey to do Demos at the parkKrew, Shake Junt, RDS, DC, Girl/Chocolate, Element, and now Flip. It’s pretty sick to even have Surrey on the radar when these guys are considering coming to Canada and it’s classic that more and more companies are leaning to come to Chuck Bailey over the Vancouver Skate Plaza or Railside now. The coolest part of all the demos has been the respectful crowds, and in return the guys that come out have always given back some serious love with skill. This Flip Demo may have been the best demo for consistency and sick tricks and ironically it was all the young bucks skating. Flip Skateboards was always a super talented team but now the up and comers are taking over. Original Bones Brigade member Lance Mountain came out with Arto Saari as the grandfathers of the team, hung out for photos and signed autographs in the sunshine, and the young bucks threw down hard for the crowd. Curren Caples, Matt Berger, Ben Nordberg and Louie Lopez reminded the crowd how good they were over and over for about an hour and a half. Some sick tricks went down on the out rail of the 3 block, over the fireplace channel and on the bump to rail. All 4 of these dudes were solid all day. Trick of the day was probably Louie Lopez stomping a back smith grind varial heelflip on the out rail – just insane.

For those that showed up, you experienced an amazing demo full of young talent, and hopefully got to meet the 2 legends. For those that missed it, you definitely missed out…

I wonder what the next demo at Chuck Bailey will be?

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

RIP – On to The next Generation

Tsawwassen skate park was a blessing when it was constructed, not just because of how amazing the New Line design was, or how perfect the concrete ended up, but because it was in a place where there was so much talent in the skateboard world and as an added bonus it was in a place where it’s sunny 90% of the year. So this gave an extra advantage to all the locals to get super good at skateboarding since they had more chance to ride. I personally became a local to Tsawwassen park and skated hard there every day for years, and in that time there was a solid group of guys that shredded there – Mike Hastie, Paul Machnau, Sean Hayes, Graeme Betts, Jason Delaney, Dan Pageau, Shadd Trepp, Johnny McMartin and a few more. And with all of us representing what solid skateboarding was it was obvious that the next generation of Tsawwassen was going to be insane.

Watching the kids grow up was amazing, seeing them expand their horizons and step up to the next levels of skating, some got hurt, some gave up, and some are now some of the most recognizable names in the Lower Mainland. Ryan Lepore and Michael Ray have definitely been setting a standard as to how to skate super tech and land everything perfectly. They are the faces of Tsawwassen right now and they both rip it hard everywhere they go. Andrew Classon happened to move out there a few years back which was perfect for his style and he fit right in with that clique. With Antosh Cimoszko rocking the camera action all the time these guys just expanded their realms and got so good. I’m proud to know this group of skaters that are so amazing and super glad to have been a part of the old generation of rippers at that park. It’s a great place to learn, to get to know friends, and to escape the rain.

Check out these boys and some others in this crazy film put together by Jason Bergen simply named RIP

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Contest Results Eve Feaver Extreme Sports Hippie Mike's Tour De Surrey Skateboarding

Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey #10 – Bear Creek Park

It breaks my heart to say it’s over but what a perfect day to finish it off.

We hit up Bear Creek Skate Park on Saturday for the Final Finale of Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey and it all went super smooth. It was a super long day of course but that’s okay, everyone had a great time and no one got hurt, so that’s really all that matters. I had a fun time MCing like usual and was stoked on how many kids and parents came out to support the event. It has been 10 years of building a family and it is a family that I will always cherish.


The day kicked off with a whole bunch of true Mini’s from age 3-10 years old. And it proved itself ridiculous right off the bat as little Emmanuel blasted over the bank gap in the first run. It’s like the size of an 8 stair. Django and Theo Caseley shredded every piece of tranny in the park while Emmanuel utilized the stairs, rail and mini quarterpipe. Kaelen, Austin and Presley showed off what being a true Mini is about along with Caden Smith and a couple others, but it was the 2 regulars stealing the show with Aiden Eastman and Parker Sherwin. They both got flip tricks and pretty much go for it the entire time they’re on their boards. This one was definitely decided by the finals. Django took it over Theo – awesome!

17 Beginners were next on the agenda, and they were all lookin’ like pros. The usual 5 superstars threw down and made it to finals – JR Barron, Adam Lewis, Mar Melyukov, Nick Bachmeier and Justin Fiorante, but all the other dudes were hot on their trails, especially Josh Lewis and Damon Morgan. All the beginners skated really good and landed a huge variety of tricks. The best was how many of them popped ollies over the big bank gap, twice as long as the other one and a bit higher with a super tough runway. Mark Melyukov was killing it early but had a tough run in his finals, Nick skated super consistent all day and ended in 4th place, but the Top 3 were untouchable. All 3 had almost flawless runs in the finals and they all got tech. JR landed everything he tried from flip tricks to grinds down the rails and even ollied the bank to finish it, Justin skated solid and utilized pretty much every obstacle along with throwing in a couple flatground flip tricks, and Adam played it cool by doing each trick frontside and backside on the ledges and down the stairs. He popped over the big bank gap no problem and then came back to frontside 180 down the other one. Solid runs, and his first ever 1st place victory. Way to go Adam!


The Intermediates were very interesting to watch, a true blend of talents. 2 freestylers joined in for this one – Austin Shelton and Dillanger Kane – and they both went full hardcore on it making it to finals. Both of these kids are super tech and creative which makes it fun to watch. Old time local Max Stephans came up from Seattle just to be a part of the final Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey and had some good runs. Max was always talented and it was great to see him there again. Jon Schrack and Doogie Lester also killed it the whole time, all the Intermediates were sick but the ones that stuck out the most were Kai Searle, Riley Allen, Weston Hutchinson & Dave Brown. Dave’s one of my fav’s to skate with at all the old bowls and he brought his emotions with him to this contest. It was the best that I had ever seen him skate and he went full speed at every obstacle with sick old school style. I was stoked that he made finals. Riley was all over the park too with some creative manoeuvres but couldn’t beat Dave in the finals. It really came down to Weston and Kai. Both of these kids are so consistent it isn’t funny and they do hard tricks, flip tricks and ledge tricks all over the place. Weston has the big gaps better but Kai was so solid in his final run that he took the gold. Tight contest boys!


The ladies had their usual jam time and all 4 of them did their thing. Nana Kunugi stuck the only kickflip for the ladies, while Tienna showed he confidence on all the obstacles. Steph rode around best she could and Carrie finally skated hard again like the old times busting shovits and 180’s on the banks and even popping ollies down both sets. Good job ladies and thanks for coming out.

Then came Advanced…

13 dudes ready to rip it and then somehow I got called out by my good buddy Shadd Trepp to compete as well. So here it was as Hippie Mike competed in the final Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey, I only did 1 run and threw down a bunch of noseblunt tricks on the quarters for the crowd but it was a good little demo that they all deserved after so many years of just seeing me behind the mic. If there’s one place I don’t mind showing off at it’s Bear Creek Park. The real competitors though were all insane and they all wanted to take home a Top 3 plaque at the last stop of the tour. Ryan Barron stepped up his game and landed his tricks again, he even made finals. Calvin Dignard played it safe by sticking to the basics and landing every trick he tried. Jacob Drescher showed off his ledge and rail skills, along with a couple flip tricks. Fighter skated like he always does, but missed a couple moves in there. Mathew McCauley did his best against the big guys and stuck some smooth moves too. Yuya Ishikawa hit up the ledges and flatbar, while Justin James hit the transitions. Allen Handley and Jay Mykyte both did some serious tricks with sick style as well, and Brendan Nielsen spent the whole day trying to fs360 boardslide the shotgun rail. Cisco Gooding skated consistent like always with long flowing runs filled with switch grinds, blunts and flip tricks. Eve Feaver showed up to his first Surrey comp in years and skated BCP the way it was built, huge airs over the nipple and hips, and even a couple handplants on the big pyramid, but no one could catch Weston Ganger. 50-50 180 down the rail, flip tricks, grinds and gaps all over. Then he finished it off with a super long boardslide on the handybar. The competition was tight but Weston came out on top.

At the end of the day I finally announced all the winners from each category and we got photos of all the Top 3 with their plaques. I gave out plaques for Most Improved Skaters to JR Barron and Aiden Eastman who just destroyed it at every contest this year, and announced the last ever King of Surrey. The trophy went to Weston Ganger who definitely skated hard, solid and consistent all summer and took home a bunch of prizes at each event. He won this one too which made it it all make even more sense.


As people were cleaning up there was a Best Trick contest on the 4 stair setup for a signed Rick Howard Girl Deck that he left for me at Supra Distribution. Ryan Barron came through huge with a kickflip up the set and took that baby home.

We raised a fair amount for the Surrey Food Bank once again with

$451.00 and about 350 lbs of food and Marilyn Herrmann showed up as Executive Director to make a speech of how appreciated our donations always are. Another solid year for Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey.


A great series, 10 years of amazement, and no better way to finish it off then a solid contest at my favourite Surrey Skate Park – Bear Creek.

Thanks to everyone who came out to all the events over the past 10 years, I will remember you all…


Mini: 1st Django Caseley; 2nd Theo Caseley; 3rd Parker Sherwin; 4th Aiden Eastman; 5th Emmanuel; 6th Caden Smith; 7th Presley Huska; 8th Kaelen Faux & Austin MacBeth; 10th Kaelen Ruiz; 11th Aidan Borthwick; 12th Rhys Eastman

Beginner: 1st Adam Lewis; 2nd Justin Fiorante; 3rd JR Barron; 4th Nick Bachmeier; 5th Mark Melyukov; 6th Josh Lewis & Carter Costic; 8th Damon Morgan; 9th Bachouch Michael; 10th Donte Gullickson; 11th  Jean-Claude; 12th Kevin Pamel; 13th Nic Hrvacanin; 14th Elesio Menta; 15th Braeden Ingram; 16th John Bastug

Intermediate: 1st Kai Searle; 2nd Weston Hutchinson; 3rd David Brown; 4th Riley Allen; 5th Dillanger Kane; 6th Austin Shelton; 7th Zacc Lester; 8th Jon Schrack; 9th Max Stephans; 10th Chadd Sinclair; 11th Eric Ream; 12th Robert Wylie

Girls: 1st Carrie Williams; 2nd Tienna Rivard; 3rd Nan Kunugi; 4th Steph Martin

Advanced: 1st Weston Ganger; 2nd Calvin Dignard; 3rd Eve Feaver; 4th Cisco Gooding; 5th Ryan Barron; 6th Jacob Drescher; 7th Allen Handley; 8th Jay Mykyte; 9th Brad Muscat; 10th Mathew McCauley; 11th Yuya Ishikawa; 12th Brendan Nielsen

Most Improved: JR Barron & Aiden Eastman

King of Surrey 2013: Weston Ganger

and a huge thanks to all the sponsors from 2013

Protest Skateboards

Coastal Riders

Amix Group

Concrete Skateboard Magazine

The Surrey Fire Fighters

The Surrey Food Bank


Ollie North

Our Beach Studio

Folk Skateboards

BLVD Skate Shop

Anti Social



New Line Skate Parks

Spectrum Skate Parks

Monke skateboards

The Dry Spot

Street Dreamz Board Shop

One Love Skate Shop

Ultimate Distribution

Centre Distribution



Supra Distribution




Mosaic skateboards

Chance skateboards


Thunder trucks


Happy Hour


Elephant skateboards



Sk8 Mafia



Bones Wheels




DC Shoes



AXS Gear








Meridian Golf Par3


Woodsmith Custom Cabinets

Ear Goggles

Youth Unlimited

Concrete Wave


Moonrider Productions

DJ Cuzo 

and The City of Surrey

See ya next year when we expand to other cities for the new series

Hippie Mike`s Super Tour

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Hippie Mike's Messed Up Mind The Bob Marley Quote of the Month

Sweet Rhythm

It has been a crazy last couple months, the summer has been super busy and is finishing off quickly, but more new ventures are waiting around the corner and getting me excited. As the weekend approaches fast, I think about how I am ending an era – 10 years of Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey is coming to a close – and every time I think about it I smile ear to ear. I’m not happy that the event is ending so much, but I just can’t help but think of every awesome experience I’ve had with so many different people over the years because of it. I think of all the young kids that have looked up to me as their mentor while they grew up and know that they will always remember me for the rest of their lives as a positive role model and a hero of sorts. I think of the parents who I have grown to have solid relationships with over the years and how much they put their trust in me. I think of people who don’t even skateboard anymore, but will always remember Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey as something they loved to be a part of. And I think of all the kids that I can pick out that will be skaters for life because of these events.

I feel blessed to have been a part of this event and it crushes me inside to take this event away from the existing culture and the next generation, but I am only expanding it to make it better and give even more people a chance to have the same feelings and emotions as this group of family that has created itself around this competition gets to live with.  I need to share the love. We need to share the love.

This month I quote the Bob Marley Song “Rhythm” from the album Selassie is the Chapel

[youtube id=”yKmLWjYsKlI” width=”620″ height=”360″]

The interesting part  about this quote is that the song is an Instrumental and has no written lyrics. But if you listen to it, it has so much to say, so many positive vibrations, and and just gives you that feeling of love and allows you to be free to think of what makes you happy. These guys are just jamming and letting the song make itself, which is basically the way we should live our lives – have control, but allow things to happen on their own. That is how we expand as humans.

As I listen to this song merely 2 days away from the Grand Finale of Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey, the End of and Era, what I am feeling inside is happiness, joy, amazing memories, positive vibes, excitement and the feeling of being blessed with freedom. 

This event will now live in the past, but will always be huge part of history. Now it is time to look ahead at what’s to come and how to make it just as good, if not better.

The future is what we make it, let’s build it together.

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Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding Upcoming Events

The End of an Era – Don’t Miss It

Marylin Mike and Kids 2008 (4)

10 years is a long time to dedicate to one venture but every year it just kept on growing and growing. Ironically, when Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey first began there was only 5 sponsors and close to 100 people showing up to compete all the time. I started the event because I saw a lot of skate talent in Surrey but not enough recognition from the industry, and now we are completely spoiled with so much action. The longer it ran, the more options kids started getting each weekend for contests across the lower mainland that they could go to instead. Our number of competitors decreased a bit, but the amount of sponsors went up and up and up. The cool part is that after 10 full seasons and over 50 contests I am stoked to see a huge chunk of that original crowd still showing up every time. It brings tears to eyes to think that this Saturday marks the final Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey contest of all time but these tears are what make me who I am, some are from sadness and some are from joy.

There have been so many amazing relationships that were created through this series of events and so many little kids that I watched grow into men and still love to skateboard, some of them are even professional skateboarders now. I don’t regret anything about starting this event and I am super stoked that I made it last 10 years. I couldn’t have done it without the help of all my sponsors and I wouldn’t have done it if it weren’t for all the kids that loved it. It really is all for you guys.

Next year I will begin a whole new series called Hippie Mike’s Super Tour and it will reach out to multiple cities instead of just Surrey so that even more kids can experience this revolution. But until then, this is the end.

Hippie Mike's Tour de Surrey #10

Please join me and the rest of the skaters in Surrey this Saturday as we end an era…

The final Grand Finale of Hippie Mike’s Tour de Surrey 

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

Bear Creek Park – King George Blvd & 84th Ave

Starts at noon – goes all day…

everyone welcome

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Contest Results Contests Extreme Sports Skateboarding

What A Battle!!


Another insane contest in the land of Vancouver, thanks Kevin Kelly for hosting Battle at Hastings IV as a World Cup event. This year changed the look of what this contest has been in the past. Having so many super amazing bowl rippers come up from the states made it a way more serious event with so much mixed talent. The local boys like Andy Anderson, Chris Macallum and Conlan Killeen ripped around like they usually do at Hastings, but Adam Hopkins and James Clarke were the only locs keepin’ up in this competition. Old time Locals Rick McCrank and Rob “Sluggo” Boyce reminded the fans that they still exist and both made finals. But the real dudes to watch were Cody Lockwood & Brad McClain. Both of these dudes were untouchable in the finals dropping tricks that just weren’t feasible all over the bowl and on the additional obstacles too. That’s right I said “additional obstacles”. Supra Distribution donated a huge clear Lakai Shoe Box full of shoes, Ultimate Distribution brought a crazy wooden barrel and Adam Hopkins went hardcore and built a tombstone channel that fit the 6 foot. Top 10 made the finals out of about 35 guys, and the judging was tough. I was a judge and it was hard to keep only 10 guys, they were scored over 4 heats but with their best and worst scores thrown away it was an average of the remaining 2, so if you didn’t have 3 killer runs you were at risk of elimination. A tough way to do it for sure.

Brad McLean - winner

Mason Merlino who won last year was on fire but somehow got left out of finals along with Charlie Blaire. They both skated so good but their scores didn’t average out enough. Shit went down on the Lakai box and the Tombstones for sure. Blunts, airs, grinds and slashers, both obstacles were demo’d by many. The Barrel didn’t see too much action but there wer a few solid air bonkers and nose picks on it. Sky Siljeg wallied into the bowl off of it to start one of his runs and that was pretty crazy.

The whole contest was insane, 200-300 people around trying to squeeze into Hastings Park without being in the way of the skaters, a ton of people filming and poaching photos, Rene Rene was on the mic, and the energy level was hot. I would tell you more about it, but you’re just gonna have to wait for all the videos to come out, but I will tell you the Top 10.

Battle At Hastings 2013 Results

  1. Brad McClain – $6,000
  2. Cody Lockwood
  3. Frontside Kid – James Clarke
  4. Adam Hopkins
  5. Steve Reeves
  6. Rob “Sluggo” Boyce
  7. Sky Siljeg
  8. Frank Shaw
  9. Riley Boland
  10. Rick McCrank

Here’s a couple photos that I snapped when I had a quick minute or two

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Girl – Chocolate in Surrey

Just over 2 weeks ago Scott Fierbach from Coastal Riders called me up to tell me a dilemma – The Girl and Chocolate Team wanted to do a Demo at Chuck Bailey on August 30th… At first I said no, not because I didn’t want them there but because we already had another event Top Grom set up for that day, and also to do a proper demo in Surrey you need to get approved by the city and obtain insurance and a permit; 2 weeks is really tight for that to happen. Scott spoke to Top Grom and worked it out that we could run the demo in the afternoon prior to their event. So the paperwork was filled out and I started working on my end to help get it approved asap. With Kevin McCoubrey at Supra Distribution getting started on the insurance portion right away, and the 3 of us working hard together, all of a sudden it looked like this was actually going to happen. So here we were now planning for a Girl Demo, little did I know at this time that I was going to end up being the MC.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Girl Skateboards so all the main guys were definitely coming – Rick Howard, Mike Carroll, Rick McCrank, Sean Malto, Raven Tershy, Cory Kennedy, Elijah Berle, and Mike Mo Capaldi. They showed up in pure skater style, over an hour late to a packed park full of skaters that all wanted to see these guys shred. Everybody sat down and chilled as soon as they arrived, everyone except Brad Muscat. But after busting a couple big bangers and getting props from the crowd, he too stopped skating and sat back for the show. It was a solid performance from all, Cory Kennedy utilized the entire park and put his feet on everything he tried, Malto showed off some tech tricks that probably no one else had done before on the flat ledges and skated solid the entire time, Elijah aired the volcano a couple times and shredded the bowl with Raven, and McCrank took over as he destroyed the whole place, street and tranny. This went on for over an hour and the whole crowd was super respectful by not skating and by cheering hard whenever something awesome went down. The riders stayed pumped and kept on landing stuff so the demo continued until finally everyone was tired enough to stop and do a little mingling with their fans. So Scotty lit up the Barbeque and fired off a couple hundred free hot dogs for the  crowd.

It was a super awesome day and the weather was perfect. The skating was solid, the crowd was awesome, the demo team was cool. It’s funny when I think about it, when I was a young teenager and Rick Howard and Mike Carroll were 2 of my favourite skateboarders when they rode for Plan B and were just about to start Girl, I never thought for a minute that 20 years later I would be a guy that lived in British Columbia that everyone referred to as Hippie Mike announcing a demo for them. You never know what life’s gonna bring you and when…

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Hippie Mike's Messed Up Mind The Man I Am

Life is a Wild Ride – Jump On

It’s funny how when you’re growing up as a kid and everyone always asks, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Most kids answer with the usual response of a Fireman, a Policeman, a Chef, a Teacher, or some other profession that they read about as toddlers. No one ever says “I wanna be a crazy skateboarder with a head overflowing with amazing memories from all the ridiculous things I’ve done in my life…” But that’s totally where we all end up!


When you choose the roads to travel you always try to plan ahead, but no matter what plan you make there will come times where many paths will be visible and you have to just choose one. These could be long paths that never end or short detours which come back to the original but either way, think hard before you make that choice. In my life I always try to choose 2 or 3 paths at once and try and get them to combine into one big wide one.

In my 28th year of skateboarding I have definitely made some history, and helped to change the world in many ways, positive and negative. Think about this – if you were a skateboarder in the 1980’s and 1990’s, then you helped to create skate stoppers just by street skating before there was an abundance of skate parks. And now because of us, architectural designers and engineers have to consider new formations of ledges, benches, designs of stairways and so on. It’s hilarious to drive down the street and see every building that has been built “Unskateable”. Why, because all of us kids that wanted to be Doctors and Lawyers grew up skateboarding and had fun. And then there are positive changes that we have made like creating acceptance for any person, not just the ones that are good enough to make “The Team”. Team sports are tough on kids, they are high demand, filled with lots of rules, and the coaches try and run your life sometimes. When a kid finds skateboarding, they find their Freedom, and learn that there are no limits. You can just be who you are and go skate. That’s a positive change in the world.

I look back at my childhood and I was always a really happy kid, even if I was getting bullied for being myself and dressing different than anyone else. I went through crazy times as a teenager, but that’s where most of my favourite memories exist, and as an adult it has just been one big whirlwind of meeting new people and creating new ventures.

So when they asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up and I was just a little kid, I answered a teacher. And I think that without going to University, and without following the system to a tee, and without bowing down to the man, I have been one of the best teachers this world has ever seen. And when I turn 35 years old this November, and someone asks me what I do for a living, I’m gonna tell them the truth –

I preach for Freedom

I teach Reality

I push for Unity

and I skateboard…

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding Upcoming Events

Battle at Hastings IV

Battle at Hastings IV

This Saturday marks the 4th Battle at Hastings, a solid hardcore bowl contest put on by Kevin Kelly and BLVD Skate Shop. All 3 of the first years were amazing and this year Kevin has World Cup Status which means a bunch more pros will be heading north to Vancouver for the event. $15,000 in prize money will be handed out amongst these shredders throughout the day. But the question is who will be the ones pocketing it?

Here’s the list of competitors:

  • Andy Anderson 
  • Adam Hopkins 
  • Adam Richter 
  • Alex Sorgente 
  • Anthony Hancock 
  • Aiden Dansey 
  • Brad McClain 
  • Bryce Stark 
  • Chris Klich
  • Chris Connolly 
  • Conlan Killeen 
  • Cody Lockwood
  • Charlie Blaire 
  • Danny Tumia 
  • Danny Hagge 
  • Elijah Burle
  • Frank Shaw 
  • Frank Faria
  • James Clarke 
  • John Morgan 
  • Johnny Turgesen 
  • Keegan Sauder
  • Mike O’Friel
  • Mason Merlino
  • Nick Peterson 
  • Riley Boland
  • Rick McCrank 
  • Raven Tershy
  • Stevie Denham 
  • Steve Reeves
  • Sky Siljeg 

Last year Mason Merlino took the gold, but this one is gonna be super hard to repeat that. If you’ve ever been to Hastings Bowl then you know exactly why I say that. This bowl can take you out at any moment, as it proved last year by breaking Dave Priest‘s knee and separating Adam Hopkins‘ shoulder. It’s gonna be interesting to see if the Ams can keep up with the Pros this year as well, but most of the Ams are local to Hastings so they definitely stand a chance. Our eyes will be on our team rider Andy Anderson along with some other locals like “Frontside Kid” James Clarke, Conlan Kileen and the 2 Adams, but at the same time it’s gonna be tough to beat the skills of Keegan Sauder and Rick McCrank.

Of course there’s also that guy named Raven Tershy showing up…

The only way to know how unreal this contest is gonna be will be to show up and watch it.

Battle at Hastings IV

Saturday August 31st @ 1pm

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Extreme Sports Skateboarding

Big-O Back in Action

History starts over as of August 18th, 2013.

After 2 years, the Big-O reopened in it’s new location 80 feet away from the original spot. It barely survived in the first place when it was stated that the stadium it is beside announced they were expanding, but being one of Canada’s most historic skate spots in Montreal some people got together and made it possible to see it relocated instead of demolished. Lots of legends showed up to check out the Rebirth like Louie Corbeil, John Cardiel, Norman Roy, Joey Tershy, Ron Chatman, Matt Rodriguez and of course Barry Walsh. It looked like it was a great event and well overdue.

Check out the full recap below from Expose Skateboard Magazine


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